Here we go again! (another TV bike build off)

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    • 16869 posts
    November 20, 2012 5:37 PM PST
    According to a report posted yesterday on Entertainment, the Discovery Channel is planning a four-way biker build-off between Paul Teutul, Sr. of Orange County Choppers fame, his son Paul Teutul, Jr. of Paul Jr.

    Here we go again! The Discovery Channel reportedly will be holding another 'Biker Build-Off' featuring Paul Teutul Sr. and Jr. as well as Jesse James. The curve ball this year is the addition of the zany duo from Fast N' Loud, Richard Rawlings and Aaron Kaufman.
    Designs, former owner of West Coast Choppers and master metal craftsman Jesse James and the guys from Discovery’s Fast N’ Loud series, Richard Rawlings and Aaron Kaufman.

    If the formula sounds familiar, it’s because it is. Last December a 
    Biker Build-Off pitting father vs. son vs. James was broadcast live from the Las Vegas Strip with viewers giving the win to Paul Jr. Designs. The show was a ratings success for the Discovery Channel to the tune of a claimed 4.8 million viewers. This year’s competition will also take place in Las Vegas with a two-night special planned on Dec. 10th and 11th.

    The wild card this year is the inclusion of the guys from Gas Monkey Garage. Car guys at heart, Rawlings and Kaufman nonetheless are true gearheads whose skills translate to two or four wheels. When the Gas Monkey Garage guys were asked on Twitter when the biker build-off was, they replied to @Bigfan04 “Dec 11-12, working on the bike as we speak!”

    Both James and Gas Monkey Garage are currently operating in Texas, James living outside of Austin while Gas Monkey Garage is located in Dallas. The fire between the two shops is already being stoked by Rawlings who recently poked fun at the former West Coast Choppers owner in a TMZ interview saying “He’s in Texas trying to act like a Texan.” Rawlings also added “I’m checking out a little property down in Long Beach that used to be a motorcycle shop, I heard it’s a good buy right now, it’s kind of empty and nobody’s doing anything with it.” Sounds like it’s game on.

    Though none of the participants have any info about the event listed on their websites yet, the Discovery Channel retweeted a link to the Entertainment Weekly story lending validity to the impending build-off. Stay tuned for the official announcement coming soon.

    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    November 20, 2012 11:21 PM PST
     Wow, Sounds Cool. Let me clear my schedule.


    • 1855 posts
    November 21, 2012 1:14 AM PST
    I'm a Jesse James fan. Of course I don't understand why he did what he did to Sandra Bullock, but that's another story. Mechanically and fabrication wise he's a helluva lot more knowledgeable and talented than those mentioned above. They all have their niche but Jesse really CAN do it all. Will I watch? Yeah probably will. At 9 p.m. on Tuesday nights around these parts there's not much on the tube so a good laugh and few bottles of beer doesn't damage my reputation any. It's not like I'm watching "Days of Our Lives", ya know. LOL

    • 5420 posts
    November 21, 2012 2:48 AM PST
    I've always liked Jesse too. Not just for his bikes (which are great) but because I think out of all these "famous" bike builders he is one of the few that still builds from passion and love of machines. I have met the Tuttles and Jesse several times at events and Jesse a few times at the old West Coast Chopper shop. The difference is the Tuttles go into their makeup trailer even before hanging out at their booth in Sturgis to sign autographs. They have gone from the main focus of bike builders to TV celebs - which is great if that's what they want to be. Jesse is just Jesse, the bike and hot rod builder - All the time. Sure he makes lots of money from being on TV too, but if the TV and fame starts taking over and getting in the way, he's out of there.

    Just my opinion

    But I probably still won't watch any more of the show except to see the actual bikes. They can keep the scripted drama that will go along with it.
    • Moderator
    • 16869 posts
    November 21, 2012 4:20 AM PST
    Drama is low on my list of what I can tolerate.
    I'm the guy that yells "shut up and sing" at concerts. :-)

    Being a bike builder myself I enjoy watching a talented builder build.
    The drama factor is put in for the non-biker audience.

    I've also read that this is it for OCC after the "build-off", but we've heard that before.
  • November 22, 2012 12:45 AM PST
    Having met the OCC guys back in the day when they were just getting World Famous I went and saw the whole operation and was almost ready to sign up for opening a franchise in London, UK... To sell their bikes and merchandise on one side, and others machines etc on the other side, UNTIL, I saw that (back in the day) they were merely accesorisers and not total fabricators.....So instead I went on a search for Jesse James, Unfortunately, he had already quit doing bikes and was starting his truck stuff, so no joy there either...

    Not sure but it was either 2001 or 2002 ..... needless to say I didn't open a
    • 1 posts
    November 22, 2012 1:44 AM PST
    The OCC guys have yet to build a ride I could be forced on with a hammer-lock - Whoo we made a tank with a thingy that looks like a cockpit, whoo. - Never mind that in a crash it might remove semi-important parts of a male anatomy, whoo.
    Whoo, we welded wrenches on the forks, whoo. - Hey looky the cross section of the pegs looks like the cross section of a fan blade, whoo.
    Yeh go for the franchise, sell the hats and caps and build what you want to - Clueless twits
  • November 22, 2012 1:59 AM PST
    Not into "real" tv.
    • 3006 posts
    November 22, 2012 7:48 AM PST
    We have a couple of local builders here which I am proud to say dont need any tv shows to enhance their building or fabrctn skils. Arlen Ness was real inspiration to a lot of fella's just gitting started years ago,the OC crowd dont seem to give out much in the manner of praise to the true old school custom motorcycles built by earlier masters of the trade.Not sure Arlen would even want the spotlight anymore,or Ron Simms for tht matter,yet I dont think enuff is said or mentioned when it comes the men who truly inspired a whole generation of custom motorcycle builders.
    I am sure others here know of local builders who dont git national attention & dont seek it,yet are truly craftsmen at the trade.
    I love watching the whole nine yards,even the cheesy drama parts LMAO its a kicker at times watchin so called adults act like little children ; )
    • Moderator
    • 16869 posts
    November 23, 2012 4:41 AM PST
    Arlen Ness is THE MAN!
    When I was a young guy I marveled at his creations, I still do.
    Ed Roth's stuff too.
    I had the privilege to meet them both, and they were both cool. :-)
    • 3006 posts
    November 27, 2012 5:36 AM PST
    Crap apparently the OC crowd is having some serious family issues,or at least the press is tryin to drum up some interest in their show.Its rather funny & yet sad to see grown men act like children. : ) cant we all just git along?? hehe
    • 1 posts
    November 27, 2012 6:13 AM PST
    I wouldn't bother with any of it...what a waste of space, infact I 'd rather watch re runs of lost in space...than any of these loud mouth posers.
    • Moderator
    • 16869 posts
    November 27, 2012 5:09 PM PST
    What species of men are these that build their bikes with CAD and CNCs?

    I was thinking about such things today while building parts by hand, I manage to hurt myself with the simple tools I have, if I had fancy automated machinery I'd probably risk death or at least dismemberment. :-)
  • November 30, 2012 4:49 AM PST
    All of this is staged crap. Sorry to be so negative, but I try to watch the shows and it always just seems like BS.

    These guys are the Paris Hilton and Snookie of the biker world. They make us look bad.
    • 846 posts
    November 30, 2012 7:42 AM PST
    I may watch some of it as American Choppers they're ending there run with the build off. I just would like to see the bikes at the end. Most likely DVR the whole thing and fast forward thru most of it. I'm more of a fan of Jesse James bike last year. I wish they would bring back to old format of building and riding them a few hundred miles. As far as builder go we have Dave Perewitz out here and he still building bikes. Now his shop is a lot bigger then when he was on Biker Build off but he's still building them and the shop is pretty open to everyone.
  • November 30, 2012 11:08 AM PST
    I myself like the bikes that people I know have built in their own garages. There are several guys on this site that have done some great looking bikes. The bike that Bull moose did a few years back comes to mind off hand. If you really want to impress me with your shop skills, do it the old fashioned way, with hard work, simple tools and lots of trial and error. Don't care about any bulder who has mugged his way onto my TV. Just my opinion on TV/bike celebrity builders.
    • Moderator
    • 16869 posts
    November 30, 2012 4:09 PM PST
    wheels wrote...
    I myself like the bikes that people I know have built in their own garages. There are several guys on this site that have done some great looking bikes. The bike that Bull moose did a few years back comes to mind off hand. If you really want to impress me with your shop skills, do it the old fashioned way, with hard work, simple tools and lots of trial and error. Don't care about any bulder who has mugged his way onto my TV. Just my opinion on TV/bike celebrity builders.

    Stay tuned I'm still pecking away on "The Project" in my photos, with a $0.00 budget and using scrap it's slow going, but I'll be posting new photos sooner than latter.

    • 844 posts
    December 11, 2012 5:25 AM PST
    Watched it last night and it was totally silly. I don't mind seeing the bikes, even the non-rideable ones coming out of OCC. I just like watching the machining and stuff like that. Even though some of the bikes are ridiculous, its pretty cool to see them make the pieces from a block of metal.

    But the rest of the crap has to go. Even Jessee is stooping to the scripted bs talk. I might just check in tonight to see the bikes with the sound off or maybe I'll just see them on the internet later.
    • 1855 posts
    December 11, 2012 8:13 AM PST
    So, Seniors bike has got to weigh a ton. Jesse's bike ain't what I expected. Like him or hate him, Jr's got his "creative" side. Gas Monkey guys? Hey, it's just a bike and I like that they hang out and drink about it.

    • Moderator
    • 16869 posts
    December 11, 2012 2:34 PM PST
    I believe the tension between Richard (fast & loud) and old Jesse James was not scripted.
    Being a Preacher and all I guess I shouldn't be thinking this way, but it would have been fun watching them go at it.
    • 834 posts
    December 14, 2012 9:23 AM PST
    I missed it. Who won?
    • 844 posts
    December 14, 2012 9:42 AM PST
    Paul Junior won it. It was a pretty cool looking bike. Wasn't impressed with Jesse's at all. You think with all the talking he did he was going to come out with something absolutely mind blowing.