Intercom systems

    • 40 posts
    October 22, 2012 5:07 AM PDT
    I'm interested in buying an intercom system , I can communicate with my passenger. Can anyone recommend a system to me that you have or had that will work for me. Thanks
    • 5420 posts
    October 22, 2012 5:33 AM PDT
    You may want to take a look at the UCLEAR System that I reviewed a few months back... style="font-size: larger;">

    I reviewed a number of systems and this was the best I found which is why it is the only one I endorsed here on the site.  I loved it because there is no boom mic hanging in front of your face and the technology they use for the hidden mic works EXCELLENT.

    In addition to Helmet to Helmet communication, you can also use this system with any Bluetooth device... phone, music player, GPS, etc.  So you and your passenger can be listening to your own personal music and the when you want to talk to each other the music is muted automatically.  You can even take hands free calls (I don't personally take calls when riding, but Laura does from the back seat)

    We still have them and we love them.
    • 1161 posts
    October 23, 2012 4:58 PM PDT
    Very cool but one question is the music muted or paused? Just one of the many crazy questions I had to ask.
    • 5420 posts
    October 24, 2012 2:15 AM PDT
    If yo allow the communication system to do the auto mode it mutes the music. You have to manually pause which can also be controlled from the headset.
    • 611 posts
    October 29, 2012 3:28 PM PDT
    No intercom, no music except the sweet sound of the pipes and the wind.
    Passenger needs to pee? Tap on the shoulder or a holler... that's all it takes.
    That's enuff for this ol man. To each their own I always say!
    • 40 posts
    October 30, 2012 1:58 AM PDT
    Edgeman, thanks for you input. So far this is how my wife and I have been traveling. Two sided jerks on my belt loop = stop. One jerk to the right= careful, and left jerk= slow down. But I still want to listen to some jams.
    • 80 posts
    October 30, 2012 2:15 AM PDT
    Edgewalker54 wrote...
    No intercom, no music except the sweet sound of the pipes and the wind.
    Passenger needs to pee? Tap on the shoulder or a holler... that's all it takes.
    That's enuff for this ol man. To each their own I always say!

    I have to agree with you Edgewalker.  I have no personal use for gadgets that may distract my attention from the road or the bike.  I suppose the old school experience is what drives me yet.  It seems the more the machine is kept simple the easier life is on the road.
  • October 30, 2012 3:02 AM PDT
    reminds me of an old joke... guy never owned a car in his life... son bought him helmets with built in intercom for Christmas and pised him off... said ..... If I wanted to talk to your mother, I'd of bought a dam car...
    • 40 posts
    October 30, 2012 4:59 AM PDT
    NWsmoke that's a good one, thanks I'm re-thinking this whole intercom business. Especially where safety is a concern Thanks guys for your input. I guess silence is golden!
    • 611 posts
    October 30, 2012 4:01 PM PDT
    rpalacios wrote...
    Edgeman, thanks for you input. So far this is how my wife and I have been traveling. Two sided jerks on my belt loop = stop. One jerk to the right= careful, and left jerk= slow down. But I still want to listen to some jams.

    Yeah, I hear you... get it? Hear you? Hahahahaa... sorry.

    I dunno about you but I have a 'Sound Track' going in my head all the time. I'll be listening to "Brown Sugar" and "Le Grange" and with the flip of a mental button, BAM... it's one of Bach's Concertos... or another classical gas... I sometimes break out singing to the head-tunes... Seems to keep the deer away but coyotes keep coming around. My Lady says that when I'm singing, she knows I'm happy but no karaoke in my future... unless I'm trying to clear the bar!

    I have several friends that have newer bikes and they all have a radio. They say that hearing traffic is no prob, they can hear the tunes great and they love it! I usually ride in front of them so I don't have to hear it... heheheh....

    Like I said before, to each their own. Your bike, your way! Good luck finding a jammin system!

    edge "Howling" walker

    • 9 posts
    October 30, 2012 11:38 PM PDT
    I'm of the "Edge" crowd. I'm old-school, as far as the distractions go. However, as I was a passenger for many years, behind my husband, I can tell you that for the longer trips, an intercom system, would've been awesome, at times.
    We had an ultra, and he'd always have that dang stereo blastin'! Made it real hard to get his attention, and I'd be voiceless after a long ride. I like the belt-loop signals, too. But that means the "rider" would have to know which was which and what for and husband, mostly blew me off, unless I smacked him in back of the head,
    then he knew, I needed the

    Ride Free
    • 40 posts
    October 31, 2012 2:33 AM PDT
    Tweek, thanks it took a while to perfect the signals. But once we had them it works wonders, now I know what's she's trying to tell me by pulling on my belt loops. I must agree that safety is still very important, as you need all your senses in the city, even if you are just passing through. Ride safe,tweek.
    • 40 posts
    October 31, 2012 2:36 AM PDT
    Edgewalker, I really appreciate your comments. It really got me thinking. I guess the belt loops communication is still on, and it's free!
    • 844 posts
    November 5, 2012 1:29 AM PST
    We ride a Dyna with 1/2 helmets so we can hear each other just fine. Never thought I would like using a communication system either until I rode my brother-in-laws Ultra to Florida for him when he moved. I was pretty cool to just talk in normal level voices all the way there, we had conversations and not just communicated when she had to pee or wanted me to see something. For safety, I could still hear everything around me just fine.

    I always said I was old school and don't need any of these new contraptions, but I say that about everything and I am now riding a bike with an electric starter and blinkers, I carry a cell phone and I'm talking to other bikers - who don't need all these new contraptions either - on a computer! I guess they are only new contraptions when some one else is using them, when I get them myself they are conveniences.

  • September 5, 2013 3:37 AM PDT
    GoFur wrote...
    We ride a Dyna with 1/2 helmets so we can hear each other just fine. Never thought I would like using a communication system either until I rode my brother-in-laws Ultra to Florida for him when he moved. I was pretty cool to just talk in normal level voices all the way there, we had conversations and not just communicated when she had to pee or wanted me to see something. For safety, I could still hear everything around me just fine.

    I always said I was old school and don't need any of these new contraptions, but I say that about everything and I am now riding a bike with an electric starter and blinkers, I carry a cell phone and I'm talking to other bikers - who don't need all these new contraptions either - on a computer! I guess they are only new contraptions when some one else is using them, when I get them myself they are conveniences.
    I like that GoFur ----- I guess they are only new contraptions when some one else is using them, when I get them myself they are conveniences.