October 22, 2012 1:03 AM PDT
So I'm at church yesterday, listening to a Pastor that I think could get anyone to re-think the whole Jesus thing, and he's preaching away, makin' us all crack up, cause he's just THAT good, when all of a sudden he asks, "WTF"? And when the shocked audience started to react, he quickly added...
"Where's the Faith"???
Sometimes, things, just aren't what they seem, initially. Have you ever had an instance, where you reacted, before you knew the "whole story"?
I know I have. I learned from them, or so I thought. But it's hard. It's rapidly becoming a knee-jerk society, and being prepared, pays off.
UNLESS, you end up sacrificing your humanity, for the sake of precaution... Better to be "safe, than sorry"? Maybe not.
Somethin' to ponder anyways...
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