October 13, 2012 10:43 AM PDT
Do not like how chickens are raised so we get out eggs from a friend of my Wife’s who keeps them as a hobby.
Got a dozen eggs – Two have holes in the shell – Worry about salmonella so put them aside for the dog.
This AM was going to give them to the dog but was still worried about food poisoning. Decided to cook them.
Ask wife how to microwave eggs & she says “Look it up on the internet before you do anything!”. – Being an xpert in physics I know that steam cannot build up in an open vessel. The shells are already broken so pop the eggs into the microwave & set for 5 minutes.
2.5 minutes in
Shells crack & white starts to come out. – Good, will save me time peeling – and – so much for worrying about a pressure build up.
4.5 minutes in
Loud explosion,
Door of microwave blows out
The dog that runs to the sound of guns & begs to go out during thunderstorms runs & hides under table.
Tiny, little pieces of egg bounce off microwave door & fly 10’ into living room
The floor of kitchen covered in kind of an egg mist
Spent 1 hour cleaning microwave, kitchen floor, stove top, side of refrigerator, . . . . Go thru about a dozen Q-Tips
2 hours scrubbing rugs
+ will have to hear about it for however many days I have left.