Either I'm TOO old, or...

    • 9 posts
    September 24, 2012 4:57 PM PDT

    So, seriously, I'm sittin' here, sippin' on a couple Miller's, cause I did somethin' today that I WILL NEVER DO AGAIN!!!  What was that?  (you might ask...) 

    Well, I was doin' the ministry thing, at the usual place, and it was gettin' a little hot outside.  I was wearin' long pants (jeans) and a heavier than usual T, cause it was a bit nipply, earlier this morning.  So, I'm doin' my thing, and one of the residents, offers me a cold drink, which I gratefully accept...right?  


    He told me it was one of them there, "energy" drinks, but me, like a fool, thinks...how bad can this be???  And I was powerful thirsty, feel me?  I took a lil' sip, it tasted awesome.  So, I chugs the dang thing...

    Within about ten,- fifteen minutes, how "bad" it could be...
    became VERY APPARENT!!!   

    And that's the SCARY part.  I mean, damn, I've done drugs that would've KILT most people, K?  And I'm still here! 
    But this stuff is off the chain, man!!!  Good God, YA'LL, it's one o' clock in the freakin' mornin'...more than 12 freakin' hours since I drank that crap, and I finally broke down and grabbed a brew...just to calm the **** down! 

    ONE QUESTION?  Has this ever happened to you?  And what did YOU do?  Cause, IF, this beer don't work...UGH! lol  I'll be alright..eventually..I hope.  Course, then again, that's a matter of opinion, as well...Bwahahaaahaaaaahaaaaaaa

    Ride Free 

  • September 24, 2012 5:06 PM PDT
    Five hour energy drinks last 25 hrs in my system, I can drink a little monster with alcohol here and there but never alone. I clean when I'm all wired up, just a thought!
    • 9 posts
    September 24, 2012 5:16 PM PDT
    Oh HELL no, dude...I clean for a freakin' livin'!!! You tryin' to KEEL me??? lmao

    Ride Free
    • 5420 posts
    September 24, 2012 6:10 PM PDT
    I guessing you don't normally drink a lot of caffeine. I normally drink lots of caffeine (too much probably) so those energy drinks don't really have much of an effect. I normally drink one every couple of gas stops on a long trip and can still sleep when I get home. But then again I normally drink coffee after diner and sleep at night too.

    Try watching TV, that always puts me to sleep!
    • 9 posts
    September 24, 2012 6:57 PM PDT
    Tanks, Lucky...but it's NOW, 4 o freakin' clock, and I think the Miller's are doin' the job. SHEESH...
    Like I said...NEVER AGAIN!!!
    G'nite, YA'LL....

    Ride Free
    Tweek 0.0
    • 2685 posts
    September 25, 2012 12:34 AM PDT
    Glad you 'came down' from the jitters.

    Ok, so what kind was it????

    I drink a minimum of 30oz and some days as many as 45oz or more of Monster or Rockstar a day and still feel drowsy sitting here in my cubicle.......man I hate it.

    I also like 'SPIKE' but its hard to find here.

    Time to Share 8^)
    • 544 posts
    September 25, 2012 1:47 AM PDT
    I live off of sugar and caffeine so the energy drinks do not do a lot for me.
    • 580 posts
    September 25, 2012 1:52 AM PDT
    Glad you finally came down girl lol. I don't particularly like them but like Lucky, they just don't affect me.

    As for you Wheels - can I buy you two please cos my cleaning AND ironing need doing lol (o:
  • September 25, 2012 2:30 AM PDT
    Man, my one roommate had a kid with ADD, so she didn't medicate him in the summer cause of some of the side effects of the medication. She wondered why her child was out of control, my comment to her was "really?" "You let a 14 year old boy with ADD go unmedicated then you allow him to drink 12 energy drinks through out the day and wonder why he has no control ?!?!?" "Are you for ******* real? Ya can't be that stupid can ya"
    MY Personal thoughts with them are this, Get a better nights sleep, eat right, drink more water, do some exercise, and leave those Nasty Assed Energy Drinks on the Shelves of the stores. YUCK, they taste yuckie!!! "T"
    • 9 posts
    September 25, 2012 2:46 AM PDT
    This one tasted good to me. It was called "SHOCK WAVE"...man, they wasn't kiddin'!!! Felt like about a hundred, on the richter scale. Sheesh. Tasted like a drinkable "sweet-tart". Member that candy? My favorite, when I was a kid.
    I crave anything citrus-cy. Sweet and sour...like that. And this was.
    Live and learn, people. Live and learn. Who says you can't teach an old (ok, gettin' there...lol) dog
    new twicks...

    Ride Free
    • 2685 posts
    September 25, 2012 3:58 AM PDT
    Found it.
    It is only sold in Speedway stores, whatever they are.
    Here is a portion of a review I found, Sorry Tweek you must be a lightweight. 8^)

    "Shockwave overcame my complaint on originality with a delicious, smooth taste, but fails to provide an adequate kick once again. It has the same pathetic and minimal rush provided by the Mango blend and does not satisfy at all. It'll leave you wanting a more adequate energy drink, unless you are just looking for an enjoyable drink and not a caffeine loaded mega supplement."

    Tumbles, I don't like the taste of traditional energy drinks either but have found a few that are different. All non-carbonated to start with, I don't like bubbles. If you are ever in the mood for something different give Rockstart Punch a try. I have a feeling if it was given to you unlabeled you wouldn't know it was an energy drink.
    And if you are wondering I do agree with what you said about a healthy lifestyle, unfortunately sometimes we just can't keep that up. 8^)
  • September 25, 2012 5:09 AM PDT
    I too was a slave to the Monsters and Rockstars... Got to the point to were I would drink 2-3 a day and still crashed afterwards. I have found a solution though that might work for others. Its Amino Energy by ON. You can buy it at any GNC and if you figure it out at 30 bucks for 30-2 scoop servings you are actually money ahead if your used to buying energy drinks. Amino Energy does contain caffeine but most important it contains Amino Acids as the name states. Amino acids is a natural energy source with "no" crash. Give it a shot! Better for you health wise in the long run. There are other products that promote amino energy so dont just go by my suggestion. I just like my drink because the orange taste like Tang and I drink it in the morning after my protein shake...
  • September 25, 2012 6:35 AM PDT
    Keymaster, from what I remember Amino Acids and Amino Acid Chains are the building blocks of Protein. Hum, Why I think that is it the Amino Acid or Chain are what canines and felines react to if they are allergic to a certian type of protein such as beef. Which means the owner would have to remove every thing beef out of the dog or cat's diet, be it food, can, dry, dental treats, bones, flavored chew toys, rawhides, bullysticks, Things that are by products, flavored, powered, scented, if ya read the lable and beef is in it then it is no. (Worked across the hall from Dermatology). Amino Acids and or Chains are also located in fruits and veggies, too. So my question is, are ya doing a double protein shot? Just curious, I guess I can go and do that research and try to figure it out myself. Why I ask is depending on where they get their Amino Acids from do we then think of food allergy for peoples.??? Its way highjacked here but sometimes the undercover dork gets the best of me. have a great one! "T"
  • September 25, 2012 9:07 AM PDT
    The reason for the amino and protein is because I (try) to stay on a diet were Im taking 1 gram of lean protein per 1 lean lbs. of my body weight. I used to run like a mad man in my younger years so I was always very lean. Now that my body doesnt respond so well with 20+ miles a week I have turned to resistance training to stay in shape and less cardio. I dont have all the answers as to why all the supplements just what I gathered from my own research. The amino for the building blocks of protein and natural energy and the extra protein for the enhanced recovery and tissue repair. Plus my wife has a killer protein/coffee recipie for a killer breakfast if anyone is interested...LOL

  • September 25, 2012 9:08 AM PDT
    Sorry Tweek didnt mean to get off topic.....
  • September 25, 2012 12:07 PM PDT
    Tweek got tweeked.....oh, no.This old speed freak doesn't play with those energy drinks .......no way.I drink my Cokes all day long without drinking it all in one can.Hope your feeling better by now.
    • 2 posts
    September 25, 2012 12:48 PM PDT
    Something a little bit similar.
    A lot of years ago we took on a secretary of a certain age who had spent the last generation being the wife/mother/homemaker for a MD - Previous to that she had worked for the Philadelphia City government.

    In the job description was that the secretary made the coffee & she had no problem with that.

    Poured out a honk'in big cup of her coffee, let it cool & took a big swig.
    One eyebrow raised up to meet my hairline, then the other one met the 1st in the middle of my forehead.

    Set the cup down & took a plant tour at a jog. - Then went to the locker room, pulled on my sneaks & ran, I mean RAN, about 3 miles.

    After lunch asked her how much coffee she used & she said "One scoop for each cup. That's right isn't it?"
    • 9 posts
    September 26, 2012 12:33 AM PDT
    No worries on the goin' down a bunny trail. I find all convo, interesting. I'm not a "health-nut" by any means, but I do "try" to stay in shape. As to my bein' a light-weight, well, I down half a pot of coffee, every morning, including that morning. And slammed that drink within a couple of hours of that. I also drink, plenty of diet coke. I know not to drink, more than two after 6 pm, if I want to sleep well. But even my son, (who is an avid Monster drinker), was shocked when I told him I chugged that drink. He had one the day before. And I don't know the person who "reviewed" the drink, and found it lacking, but he must have one helluva built up tolerance, to say it's effects were
    "minimal". The proof is in the individual's puddin', I guess. By one and try one...lol

    Now...if only they'd make a soda that tasted that good, with the "regular" amount of caffeine.

    Ride Free

    • 580 posts
    September 26, 2012 9:47 AM PDT
    99Savage wrote...
    Something a little bit similar.
    A lot of years ago we took on a secretary of a certain age who had spent the last generation being the wife/mother/homemaker for a MD - Previous to that she had worked for the Philadelphia City government.

    In the job description was that the secretary made the coffee & she had no problem with that.

    Poured out a honk'in big cup of her coffee, let it cool & took a big swig.
    One eyebrow raised up to meet my hairline, then the other one met the 1st in the middle of my forehead.

    Set the cup down & took a plant tour at a jog. - Then went to the locker room, pulled on my sneaks & ran, I mean RAN, about 3 miles.

    After lunch asked her how much coffee she used & she said "One scoop for each cup. That's right isn't it?"

    Now Savage -  that's my kinda coffee

    • 1855 posts
    September 26, 2012 10:32 AM PDT
    I've always had my suspicions regarding those energy drinks and was never once tempted to try any. However, I do drink a helluva lot of coffee during the day and into the evening. Nope. It doesn't keep me awake.

    • 611 posts
    September 26, 2012 5:19 PM PDT
    You are right Lady Tweek... everyone is different. Before I retired from the electrical trade, I would grab a Redbull and a breakfast burrito from the corner store when on the way to work. Then a Monster for lunch with a sandwich. Cuppa strong coffee when I got home and then off to the barn to feed and water and tend to the critters. Was always in bed by 9, asleep by 9:30 (except on THOSE nights
    Fast forward 10 years... I was down on my energy level & remembered these drinks. Picked up a Monster and drank it over an hour & was done. HOLY SHE-IT! My heart was doing a tap dance in my chest, I was in the middle of a full-blown panic attack (not anxiety, PANIC) and the only thing that saved me (and other innocent bystanders) was my long, checkered history with stimulants. The coping skills I learned from those episodes saved me. I was out in 'public'. Large, paranoid, leather clad and hostile bikers are not USUALLY seen sitting in the grass and leaning against a tree. I sat there for 4 hours & did my best to remember how to meditate... then I calmly walked to the McDonalds across the street, used their restroom and left on the bike.
    Lesson learned? I don't do Energy Drinks! Ever. Coffee? You bet, everyday prob 2 - 4 12 oz cups of strong black greasy bean coffee. However, I don't drink coffee after 2 or 3 so my brain will shut down at night.
    So I guess that your lesson was... leave 'em alone, right? heheheh...
    edge "Ohmmmm" walker
    • 2685 posts
    September 27, 2012 5:10 AM PDT
    Sorry Tweek, didn't mean to offend...

    You are right though, everyone is different, good thing too just think how boring it would be if we werent. 8^)