There are buffalo in the road...!

  • September 6, 2012 10:55 AM PDT
    For those of you who have never been close to one of those beasts, let me tell you they are some big animals.

    We just got back a couple of weeks ago from a 2 week bike trip, hit 7 states and went over 4300 miles. First time for me, and I loved it. In fact when I got home and jumped in the Yukon, it felt weird driving it.

    The point of this post is to let you all know that I am a big chicken, thats right, my confession today is to inform you all of!

    Of course it is the bison/buffalo I am referring to!

    We stayed a couple of days in a little town called Cooke City, MT so we could have a little bit more time to enjoy Yellowstone. and my it is a beautiful place. But I am still kinda partial to Yosemite, but that is another topic.

    Our first drive into YS is cool, I am riding on the back of my bike taking pictures and waiting for the nerves in my arse to start yelling at me. We came across some buffalo and yes I was a little nervous, but being on the back of the bike I felt a little bit more secure. Cause I know husband is not going to let anything happen to me.

    Now it is the next day when I am back in the riders seat, that I start to lose it. I sweetly ask husband "Husband, will there be buffalo on the road, I sure hope not" he gruffly says back to me "Of course they are going to be in the road, just follow my lead". I say to myself, "Self WTH does he mean follow his lead, if there are beasts on the road then I am turning around" (YES, I AM A CHICKEN, it also did not help for me to watch on youtube some guy getting rammed by a buffalo while on his bike).

    Head up the road and hoping and praying that the road is clear. Of course no one is listening to me, cause there they are smack dab in the middle of the road, had to be about 20-30 WITH BABIES! I tell husband, no way I am passing thru them, there is a baby. No cars in front of us to shield us, so we turn around and wait for some cars to come. Yes, we were going to use the cars as shields, and split between them.

    I am doing the heavy breathing thing to get my nerve up, cause I know I have to do this no matter what. Husband is NOT going to let me turn around and go another direction. Next thing I know is that husband all of a sudden redlines his bike and the most beautiful sound of his pipes came out. Those creatures all of a sudden flew, some headed up the hill and some headed down, and we hit the throttles. As we where going by, there was one big bull that turned its head and looked right at me. Of course that made me twist the throttle a little more.

    Now I know that this little adventure of mine with the buffalo, is not a major story. But it is my story! And of course when I feel like a confession needs to be made, I am the first to confess, which has gotten me into alot of trouble...LOL.

    All and all it was a great trip, I fell in love with South Dakota and Wyoming.

    Ride Safe!

    • 9 posts
    September 6, 2012 11:27 AM PDT
    Like Lola always says...PIC'S or it didn't happen! LOL See my other post...

    Ride Free
  • September 6, 2012 12:34 PM PDT
    Nice trip! Good job on (sorta) conquering your fears. lol. Now your ready for anything.
    • 1 posts
    September 6, 2012 1:43 PM PDT
    They are good eating, I can tell you that. Long time ago In Yellowstone with the kids in tow ( Big truck not bikes) We was hiking some trails. Came right into the middle of a herd, I walked all the way around them... Wooly man and Dew went right through them. I am just glad they went softly and quitly. Then their was the flash of a camera episode. Just an FYI they do not like flash photgraphy. Glad you made it home safe and had a great trip.
  • September 6, 2012 2:31 PM PDT
    LOL, sorry Tweek no pic's of this incident, hands were kind busy/! But do have some really cool pic's of them!

    Yeap Bitchy, that's what I hear, never did get to eat some. Oh Well! I will remember the camera flash deal, and yes it was a great trip. Maybe next year we will get to meet you and Wooly. And then you can tell me about the flash episode, sounds like there is more to that

    Ride Safe!

    • 1 posts
    September 7, 2012 2:23 AM PDT
    Yep long story, involves kids cameras, a pissed of bull buffalo and a canyon... Wow I am surprised you have never eaten buffalo. When at the locker it is the only red meat I will eat. Have friends that raise it just for that porpose. If you ever try it, it cooks more like deer as no fat, slow and low heat. If it texture is rubbery some one over cooked it.
  • September 7, 2012 4:57 AM PDT
    Over here in the West, there is not much buffalo! I am not a fan of deer, so may not be a fan of buffalo. Now give me Elk, that right there is some good meat.
    • 1 posts
    September 7, 2012 9:55 AM PDT
    I haved elk serval time and yep it is good. Buffalo is lean like deer and elk, taste different.
    Now how the heck we go from a motorcyle ride to eating? lol
  • September 7, 2012 11:51 AM PDT
    Wanna play with the big boys?

    Look 200 yards in front of camera and then watch other similar links that come up... style="font-size: medium"> 
    • 9 posts
    September 7, 2012 12:18 PM PDT
    I dunno. If there were other riders, or cages...methinks I'd get between them and the bison, and just keep goin.
    Their either gonna confront you, or not. Only if, they feel threatened or IF they have a calf. I'll take my chances and roll on. Seems scarier to sit there and contemplate, what COULD happen, then what actually MIGHT.

    Ride Free
    • 1 posts
    September 7, 2012 1:32 PM PDT
    Jetman wrote...
    Wanna play with the big boys?

    Look 200 yards in front of camera and then watch other similar links that come up... style="font-size: medium"> 

    Wow the guy got back up, hope he was not hurt.  Buffalo  are big and strong and a wild animal... People seem to forget that because they seem so tame.

    Thanks for the link Jetman. Oh and far as play with them (buffalo)  nope I will stick to eating them.
    • 611 posts
    September 7, 2012 4:35 PM PDT
    have seen bison, ridden past them but they were not across the road! yeah, def takes some ovaries/testies to 'cavort' with them that close. They are BIG, and protective of their young... I think yer ol man showed quick thinking and when the way was clear, ride on!
    Glad y'all had a great ride and came through it with no 'Horn Prints' on y'all or the bikes. Saw a YouTube vid a while back, a rider had parked his bike on the side of the road. He was taking pics of the calves... and one of the Aunts charged his bike and kinda did a 'tap-dance' on it. When she left, he ran to it, picked it up. It started and the video ends... He prob got away.... Still, they are BIG and pretty much do what they want.
    edge "NoBuffalo" walker
  • September 7, 2012 10:33 PM PDT
    LOL, and I thought it was bad to round a curve and see a deer. What would I do if I rounded a curve and there was a critter the size of a dozer. I just hope they don't go for yellow. I have noticed that bees seem to like the yellow.
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    September 7, 2012 10:56 PM PDT
    I have my story too of passing through a meandering herd and being charged by a bull buffalo. I am very glad (and so is the X) I had the foresight to wait until I had an escape route before entering the herd.

    They should make that video required viewing at MSF riding classes. That rider screwed up and got TOO close to the bull (or cow, hard to tell). The savy rider would wait until the herd clears, no mater how long it take. And that idiot woman early in the clip on the side of the road. Also VERY dangerous.

    So teardrops, you are not a wimp, you have good common sense!

  • September 8, 2012 10:23 AM PDT

    I watched quite a few of the clips that were follow-ons from that one...and I know which option I would/will take should I ever get in that situation...

    ...guy obviously was a local by the way he commented on all the idiots stopping for a closer look, he just carried on in a lower gear and kept the revs high, then as he approached a small herd who were right across the road he opened the throttle wide and screamed his bike at them and they got off the road in a hurry, he sailed STRAIGHT THROUGH...and then he laughed once clear of all the losers stopping to look...

    • 467 posts
    September 9, 2012 1:43 AM PDT
    I ride through them quite frequently, I just try to keep it slow and steady, do not stop...just keep moving. The only time we have ever had issue was when Clay decided to stop so he could get a pic of one of the boys with the herd behind them. A bull from about 200 yrds back suddenly jumped up and started charging us. As soon as Zane took off the bull turned right at the edge of the road and followed him for a bit and gave up....good thing too cuz Clay had left it in 3rd and killed it trying to take off! In all the years of living here (WY) and going through Yellowstone and Custer State Park in SD, that is the only time we have ever had issue. I blame Clay!
  • September 9, 2012 4:40 PM PDT
    Animals, especially big ones, in the road and you are on a bike is time for concern.
  • September 10, 2012 5:34 AM PDT
    That video right there Jetman is the video I watched, that's the one that had me

    I was amazed that no one stopped to help the guy pick his bike back up.

    All I saw was babies and alot of them big ones IN the road, that was enough to scare me. But I will say this, I also did the zip line at the Buffalo Chip, and was hoping for a rush. Did not get to feel the rush until the buffalo's...and oh what a rush that was. And since I like the feel of having a rush, I would probably do it again (ride thru buffalo's I mean).

    Ride Safe!
