July 30, 2012 10:29 AM PDT
I have a 2002 Goldwing. 4 times in the past 5 months, after having ridden and after the bike sat for several hours, it wouldn't start. Would turn over fine, all electrical seemed to work, but just wouldn't fire. Once I tried it 1/2 dozen times over 6 hours. Then when I was showing it to my nephew I turned on the key, hit the starter, and it took right off. Its done that 3 times since... fortuantely in my yard and I wasn't stranded. Does anybody have an idea what's happening? Thanks, Sam
July 30, 2012 10:59 AM PDT
Not an expert on Goldwings but sounds like it could be a fuel pump issue. The pump may not be kicking on until you turn it on or off a few times. Possibly either the relay or the pump itself.
Just something you may want to check real quick.
July 30, 2012 3:49 PM PDT
I'm not a bike mechanic, but I'm wondering if the electronic choke may be hanging up? Are those models fuel injected?
July 30, 2012 11:10 PM PDT
This is the same symptoms my friend had on his Heritage. Although not the same bike, they most likely have similar systems on the Wing. His problem was an intermittent connection in the ignition module, that opened when hot. We found it using electronic cooling spray.
July 31, 2012 5:19 AM PDT
Rex, that could do it but he mentioned it sat for a while before it happened so I don't think its heat.
Fuel pump and relay would be something to check first since it is turning over but just not starting. Could also be a computer problem. Try disconnecting you battery for a few minutes and reconnecting to reset the bikes computer.
July 31, 2012 6:42 AM PDT
Start with the basics.
Get it to NOT start and then
check for spark at the plugs and check for fuel getting into the cylinders. One of the two is missing and you go in different directions depending on which one.
July 31, 2012 8:20 AM PDT
.....and there I was going to say that when this has happened has it been a hot ride before turning it off?
If yes, then it could easily be just a simple vapourlock where its turned off and the fuel left in the injector block turns into vapour because its hot, this in turn causes a back pressure in the pipes and wont allow enough fuel through to start the engine.....
Very Important Question.....when cranking it over does it attempt to fire up or just nothing?
If it attempts to fire up, or just one cylinder fires just once or so, then its a fuel problem...as soon as it gets cold the evaporated fuel turns to liquid again and away ya go..... The cure is to get better airflow to inlet manifold so it does not overheat the fuel delivery system.....very common problem with older goldwings here in UK...
If there are no pops or bangs on trying to start it then its the control module/management system breaking down under load.....quickest test is to soak that mutherfr with something like WD40 or GT85 or similar, it dont just dispel moisture, it also TEMPORARILY cures weak or low electrical power transfers.....
My first job on it would be to remove all covers so you can get to fuel system and spark plugs, obviously you have checked the fuel filters in both fuel line and tank right? if so, have a syringe of fuel handy and replicate the fault by doing whatever it did, then whip out the plugs and squirt a small amount in each cylinder, replace plugs and crank it...if it starts then its a fuel starvation problem caused by a vapourlock or blocked filter etc...
If its electrical - spray it well first but ultimately replace module...
July 31, 2012 1:19 PM PDT
Sam, hop on some of the gl1800 sites and post this question. I am sure you will get a reply soon.
July 31, 2012 4:59 PM PDT
Sometimes the battery is strong enough to turn the starter but doesn't have enough juice to fire the ignition. A battery can "bounce back", somewhat, and give you an inaccurate idea about its condition..
I had a GL1100 that exhibited those symptoms. Same with my VLX.
August 1, 2012 2:16 PM PDT
Fiddlemike, makes a good point. Bad cells can do crazy things to batteries. They will work, then not work...etc.
1st step, check battery