Long Distance Technology

  • July 6, 2012 3:30 PM PDT

    July 26, I plan to ride up to Sturgis, KY for some type of bike rally our Faith Riders crew is attending. It's 454 miles 1 way for me. I'm making the trek on a Yamaha FZ6 with stock seat, and everything. The sport looking standard does a fairly decent job on long treks. Have I gone to far? Today in a motorcycle accessory store I asked the lady about anything to make a touring trek easier on my sport looking bike. She brought me a pair of dirt bike underwear shorts complete with butt padding. I bought 'em.

    So! If any of you are in Sturgis, KY in the afternoon of July 26, and see a Yamaha blue sport looking bike with a black touring trunk on back, and a guy with a silver Joe Rocket mesh jacket, and blue Bell Apex full face helmet on, that'd be me. Know that I'm riding in on my latest technological purchase for comfort.

    OK! How far have you gone to gain some extra long distance comfort? Ever strapped the pillow you'll be sleeping on to your seat to sit on? Don't laugh, It'll be a more than a 1000 mile rounder in 3 days, 1 to ride up, 1 to enjoy the sights, and 1 to ride back.

    I've gone to far huh? LOL

    • 3006 posts
    July 6, 2012 5:18 PM PDT
    Sounds like a 6 hr ride,and additional cushion for the seat wont hurt.Some folks swear by those bead seat covers,while others use gel pads.Never rode over 350 miles in a day & usually my seat is ok for that.

    A new saddle is on my wish list rite now. I figure that with the stock seat your using it wont be forgiving at all,use the extra padding if you can get it.As for going too far IMHO anything that helps you arrive & ride more comfortably is worth the trouble.As long as your sweetheart is ok with it

    Stay Safe n Enjoy The Ride
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    July 6, 2012 10:55 PM PDT
    My formula for long distance is a Road King, with a mustang seat. All day long...HA
    • 9 posts
    July 7, 2012 1:12 AM PDT
    And that's an AWESOME formula, I'd like to try...lol.

    LC, the day I put rubber to road on my (then) new Harley, I put over 500 miles on the odometer. And ya know what?
    My butt didn't hurt, one lil' bit. But I think that was from the sheer joy and enthusiasm, I had. I made many a trip after that one, and started noticin' the lil' hurt places. Like...my feet would tingle and or go numb, as well as my
    wrists and palms. My butt, would start off, just kinda with a "headache" feelin', which would then progress to numbness, and make it very uncomfortable, to just sit normally. And walkin'...after a long stretch, must've been
    seriously comical for someone else to watch...

    Do yourself a favor, and take a 15-20 minute break about every hundred miles. Or, when you stop for gas. Take a lil' walk around the rest stop and warm up the muscles.
    And I wouldn't put on the butt-pad shorts, unless you really have to. I've heard some women complain, that it made their lower back hurt even worse.

    You'll be fine. I never heard of anyone actually regrettin' a long trip. ENJOY!

    Ride Free
    • 1855 posts
    July 7, 2012 1:25 AM PDT
    Be careful at Little Sturgis.

  • July 7, 2012 1:32 AM PDT
    I checked the calender. I'll actually ride in on the 19th
    • 5420 posts
    July 7, 2012 1:52 AM PDT
    I have a pretty cushy seat on my Road King that works great on the long hauls. We just did just over 700 miles in a day riding back from the Redwood Run and my butt wasn't sore at all. I do need to change out my handle bars though... ride position has as much, if not more to do with comfort than the seat does.

    Enjoy the ride and the rally!!!
  • July 7, 2012 2:08 AM PDT
    Dude have a great journey, hell just jump on over to West Virginia Mountain Fest and say hey when your done..........have a great day!
    • 846 posts
    July 7, 2012 3:07 AM PDT
    I have to second may fellow Road King riders the seat makes all the difference. In my case its a HD sundowner seat. Can ride all day. In fact I would like one for my work chair as my but hurts more at the end of a work day then a day of riding. Then again everything is better when your riding.

    Enjoy your trip let us know how it goes.
    • 2 posts
    July 7, 2012 4:41 AM PDT
    If you want to buy farkles, fine, but have done lots & lots of 500mi days on rides as small as 300cc + one 1000mi run on a Honda Hawk.

    Do not recall any discomfort.

    Periodically stand on the pegs to - give your legs some exercise - get some circulation back in your posterior - & - air out your nether parts and you will do fine.

    Tho ear plugs do keep the head from resonating - Before wearing them used to hear the engine noise for 1/2 a day afterwards
  • July 7, 2012 10:50 AM PDT
    Thanks for the input gang. I hope to get a Yamaha FJR next Spring.
    • 601 posts
    July 7, 2012 12:39 PM PDT
    I ride sports bikes....small bit of advice, get yourself a shitload of bubble wrap bundle it in a T-shirt and stuff it down the ass of your pants....works for me. Rode a FJR for a year, stay away from it, boring bike, try a Honda CBR1100xx much more comfortable and better on long distance.
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    July 7, 2012 1:43 PM PDT
    Neil, I see your back from the platform. Having a good time I hope!
    • 601 posts
    July 8, 2012 8:11 AM PDT
    RexTheRoadDog wrote...
    Neil, I see your back from the platform. Having a good time I hope!

    3 weeks off Mike...enjoying every minute..just got a new contract, 2 weeks on 3 weeks off, first week is a bit funny...have to re-learn speaking to "normal folk" also since i started learning Norwegian and speak as much of it as i can on the rig..I do tend to "let fly" and nobody understands me (story of my life!!!)

    but it is good to be home, a platform in the north sea with 120 other men can be a challenge to your sanity at times....and hearing my wife shout "close that fecken door, were ya born in a field !"...brings you down to earth real quick. Now I just gotta convince her that I really...really need the company of my bike for a while.................

  • July 9, 2012 11:10 AM PDT
    Sundowner seat on a big bike and lots of Advil for those little aches and pains that I ride into when I'm out on the road! Also never underestimate the wearing of riding clothes that are comfortable, there is nothing worse than fighting a bad pair of boxers or pants on a 600 mile ride.