July 4, 2012 11:14 AM PDT
Heading out west after work tomorrow. My uncle is having surgery on his foot on friday at the VA Hospital in Sturgis. After that is over I will be heading up north a ways to visit my friends and favorite riding buddy. Should end up at about 900-1000 miles for the weekend. There are so many fire burning in the hills, I REALLY hope that the rally turns out without any problems. Even the praire fires have been horrendous. Have fun everyone as I will be in the wind, enjoying the scenery and ride.
Fires in Arkansas too. I really feel for Colorado, and places where animals are dying, and people are losing their homes in these fires.
There are fires in Eastern WY, not far from the Black Hills, and I hear some have moved into SD.
There are several fires going on in this area, but so far none have altered traffic or a lot of activites (if you stay on paved roads). There is a large on outside of Broadus, MT. Another outside of Spearfish, SD. A small one in the hills between Keyhole State Park and Cook Lake off of I90. A large one that's better than 60% contained East of Buffalo, WY off of I90. Another large one that is about 40% contained between Hot Springs and Edgemont, SD. A really large one that covers areas between Hwy 16 to Hwy 585 to Hwy 85 in a large triangle that is over 56,000 acres but is 40% contained today. Those are just the ones that are immediate to me and my area, but there are more! There are also a couple that are now "contained", but still hot.
ya'll be sure to stay safe!
Yeah I myself am a bit concerned about the trip to Sturgis this year but it seems like EVERY year when I ride to Sturgis there is some sort of wild fire going... I think 2000 was the worst! Smoke across the road and fire coming down the sides of the mounts on I-90! Damn near choked to death!
Yeah they seem to be all around me this year. The oil creek one came within 3 miles of my house, but has since moved on north. As long as the wind direction doesn't change--I'll be good. Sturgis is still pretty much untouched by fire, most everything is to the west of them by a pretty good distance. But I25, I90, Hwy 85 and 16 are all pretty smoky still.
My route that I will be taking this year will be right in my path, which is par for the course! LOL
Barring any new fires, they all should be pretty cleaned up in the next week or so. You may get to see some scorched countryside, but not a lot of it is visible from the road. I avoid I25 anyway just because I find it boring. I would rather take Hwy 85 north than take the interstate any day.
July 8, 2012 12:27 PM PDT
Uncle is fine and dandy. About 800 miles this weekend. Got 51mpg on one leg of the ride.
Glad to hear he's doing well. MPG? The altitude does wonders with EFI
Glad to hear all is well. Things are looking up out here as well. Most all fires are either out or 70% or more contained.