June 12, 2012 8:56 PM PDT
June 12, 2012 11:29 PM PDT
Unable to actually put a frequency on it I do think of Vets quite often. Being retired AF I guess that is normal. My father was a WWII purple heart vet wounded in Bastongue. He NEVER talked about it. When the mini-series 'Band of Brothers' was released only then did I discover some of what they ALL did for us. As Jimmy said. They Saved The World from a Madman who mesmerized his country, All Allied Troops.
I will offer a 'sincere' welcome home to any Viet Nam vet because I was there. Not in combat but fixing C-130s. One thing that REALLY POs me is the ones who claim to be combat vets who after a few minutes of conversation it is obvious they are full of Bull. At the time, I was very pro government and hated the protestors but later in life I became aware that many of them were right. Although I never, and still do not, approved of some of their methods, especially one!
June 13, 2012 12:44 AM PDT
. One thing that REALLY POs me is the ones who claim to be combat vets who after a few minutes of conversation it is obvious they are full of Bull.
Amen to that brother. That sheite got me into one of the largest bar room brawls in our town a number of years back. I got my ass whoooped
but I made my point. It was until later than a few this dude's buddies understood the reason for the whole thing.
June 13, 2012 11:25 AM PDT
We have this thing, well it not a thing, its a political debating squad that set up in a park in Sydney, at a place called the Domain every Sunday. You get to take a tomato crate and stand up and just talk about any subject you like. Open debate. Back in the 60's it was a place that generated great turmoil within the community. For a great sunday outing my mom took me alot..some subjects were inetersting while others went over my head literally. 68 was bad...the morotorium was in full swing and thousands gathered to have their say.. the fights, the hawks and the pacifists were on the fringes...it was a place to avoid...or get stuck right in.
These days it seems to be a very part of our existance. Last time over in your land, i was amazed at the depth of patriotism, that was openly displayed..flags and those service bars hangin in peoples front windows..ity made me feel that what my country does is far too little for the sacrifices that soldiers, make. Maybe i should blanket it all by just saying all military personel....
June 13, 2012 1:02 PM PDT
Personally, my service pretty safe & pretty unremarkable. - but maybe because read a lot of history or maybe because named after a relative lost during WWII or maybe because have a child who is a pretty senior officer in a branch of the Navy that will be the point of the spear if the balloon ever does up THINK about veterans a few time most every day.