back after 20 yr hiatus

  • June 4, 2012 6:49 AM PDT
    Hello all.........I'm just getting back into riding last year. I had an 883 Sportster but just traded up to a Heritage Classis.  I am fairly comfortable with this bike, stopping, turning etc.  The unforseen problem is those LEFT slooooow sweeping turns at higher speeds. Think highway here 65-75 mph.  I had a scare last month exiting the highway (group ride) I was told I didn't look through the turn and i came perilously close to the edge.  I also didn't slow down and downshift upon exiting..........counter steering went out the window....YOU get the idea.

    But I am taking it slow and steady.  I need to go out and practice on some less traveled roads and PLP doing lefts with a lean.  I for some reason just don't like leaning to far into lefts.  Rights are cool..perhaps its the camber of the road.
    Any suggestions or anyone else have problems with lefts?

    Thanks in advance
    and ride safe and ride often
    • Moderator
    • 16869 posts
    June 4, 2012 7:19 AM PDT
    Hello from the extreme northwest corner of Pennsylvania.

    Can't say I ever had any problems on left turns, I guess you'll have practice them without a group.
    • 846 posts
    June 4, 2012 8:27 AM PDT
     Lefts I have no problem with, as the floor board on that side can attest to. Oh don't worry when you hear that sound it goes away, It's unnerving at first.
    No offence but have you considered a rider safety course or a advance one to just get back off on the right foot. We all build up some habits that need to be corrected (I'm as guilty as the next). On the plus side some insurance company offer a discount after you take it to. 
    There are also instruction DVD on how to improve your riding and are worth a look, I learned a few things also. 
    Plus there was a resent post on The Dynamics of Steering at this link that's worth a watch. />

    Welcome fack to two wheels.
    • 566 posts
    June 4, 2012 9:10 AM PDT
    Keep your point of vision about 100 to 150 feet ahead of you. If you look down near your front tire, you'll creep to the outside of any turn.
    A slow, downhill left hander is where I had my one.
  • June 4, 2012 10:42 AM PDT
    Scweeker, I too, was off of a bike for 20 years until I got back on in 2008. Everyone should take a safety course. Just take em slow n easy, and do a lot of practicing on your own.

    It's great to be back ain't it? :-)
    • 5420 posts
    June 4, 2012 11:15 AM PDT
    Hi and Welcome Char.

    Riding is just like anything else. If you don't use the skills on a regular basic they will get rusty - and 20 years is a long time away. Like a couple of others have recommended, I would suggest the rider safety course and then an advance rider course. I have mentioned several times that even with over 1/2 million miles riding, I still go back and take an advanced rider course every couple of years.

    Good luck and many safe and happy miles!!!!
  • June 4, 2012 11:27 AM PDT
    If you're right handed you might have a little more trouble making left turns, Same for the left handed people turning right. It's has something to do with having more strength in your most used hand and leaning the opposite way is not natural.So I have no idea what I'm talking about Just messing with you. Hahaha
    Welcome back. be safe.
  • June 4, 2012 11:37 AM PDT
    I might be guessing, but I think the road captain should have put you in the number two position behind him to keep a close eye out for possible trouble.Most riders that are either new, new bike, or new to riding with a group that they haven 't rode with before often want to ride in the back of the pack. During the first few miles getting the feel of group riding sometimes gaps ( to much distance ) happens then the rider feels the pressure of playing catch the pack and can set the rider up as too much speed while cornering or exits.I know ppl doesn 't sound like fun, but with a new bike soo much bigger than the 883 it will be worth every moment.
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    June 4, 2012 11:51 AM PDT
    Welcome from the 'at large' member to the Best Damn Biker Site on this here web thing.
  • June 4, 2012 12:06 PM PDT
    Thanks and I forgot to mention I have signed up for Riders Course offered by DMV. I agree that this is NOT something to put off. I also just met a wonderful woman in the HOG local chapter who has agreed to mentor me. She has been riding for 35 yrs and was an Advanced Rider Instructor but due to cancer does not ride distance any more.
    In the meantime I have watched RideLikeAPro DVD, read books and checking out websites.
    BTW Blacktop.... We had 6 bikes in the group and I was riding 3rd, they did slow when they realized I was out of my comfort zone, although theydid take a road with higher speed limit.
    I need to remember to ride my own ride, I like the advice TAKE a CLASS, and it's good to know there are great folks out here willing to help...
    Thanks ALL....
    Slow and steady for this newbie.
    • 658 posts
    June 5, 2012 2:58 AM PDT
    Welcome and Happy Belated Birthday Char!! Hope you've found a home here. Great people.

     I too have made a come back after alot of years not riding. As everyone has said, the skills we had are rusty. It helped a bunch to ride the back country roads by myself and slowly regain my confidence. I'm gonna take a rider course with my son to refresh my skills and learn some new ones. Plus it will make him feel better having a partner with him. I figure they can teach an old dog some new tricks. Times have changed since the 70's when I rode all the time. Life was better without cell phones and texting. lol

    • 834 posts
    June 22, 2012 6:33 AM PDT
    Welcome to the site and back to riding!