"Wow!" Oops! I forgot the camera

  • June 1, 2012 1:32 PM PDT
    At the Mid America Bike Week in Hot Springs, AR they had a vintage bike exhibit. There were probably 100 bikes. One was an Indian that looked more like a bicycle than a motorcycle. There were several vintage Harleys, and I noticed some single cylinder HDs, and if my memory serves me correctly, did HD make a Sprint? Honda 160's, etc.

    On the way back I noticed a group of small two seater MGs making their way into town. Then I spied another group of MGs and Triumphs, and a few old two seater Tbirds. There were some old two seater sports cars that I couldn't identify, but were way cool.

    Of all days to forget the camera!

    You couldn't ask for a better day to ride though. Riding up it was in the mid 60's, and in the low 80's going back with a hint of coolness in the breeze. A perfect day to ride 300+ miles. It was a small show with not much happening when I got there, but the vintage bikes and vintage two seater convertable sports cars were something I'll always remember.

    I'll never leave the camera behind again!
    • 823 posts
    June 1, 2012 2:54 PM PDT
    That always happens, I rode up to take pics of elk last summer. Got gas at cloudcroft and went to get my camera. I left it on the table by where I park my bike. Of course I saw like 400 elk right by the road. Had two bulls in the road looking at me! I always have my camera, except that day, darnit!
    • 1780 posts
    June 1, 2012 3:22 PM PDT
    Hey that forgetfull stuff only gets worst as father time marches by
    • 2 posts
    June 4, 2012 1:06 AM PDT
    LCStrat wrote...
    At the Mid America Bike Week in Hot Springs, AR they had a vintage bike exhibit. There were probably 100 bikes. One was an Indian that looked more like a bicycle than a motorcycle. There were several vintage Harleys, and I noticed some single cylinder HDs, and if my memory serves me correctly, did HD make a Sprint? Honda 160's, etc.
    . . . .

    I'll never leave the camera behind again!

    HD made one lungers a couple of times.
    This one was from the early 50's. German design, given to US as war reparations

    • 9 posts
    June 4, 2012 1:57 AM PDT
    99Savage wrote...
    LCStrat wrote...
    At the Mid America Bike Week in Hot Springs, AR they had a vintage bike exhibit. There were probably 100 bikes. One was an Indian that looked more like a bicycle than a motorcycle. There were several vintage Harleys, and I noticed some single cylinder HDs, and if my memory serves me correctly, did HD make a Sprint? Honda 160's, etc.
    . . . .

    I'll never leave the camera behind again!

    HD made one lungers a couple of times.
    This one was from the early 50's. German design, given to US as war reparations

    That bike looks like the "Father" of the Sportster, which made it's first appearance in '59.  Good year, I was born in it!!! 
    I would SO LOVE to get my hands on a first run Sporty...yeah...in my dreams, I know.  lol
    RIde Free

    • 2 posts
    June 4, 2012 2:21 AM PDT
    Tweek wrote...
    That bike looks like the "Father" of the Sportster, which made it's first appearance in '59.  Good year, I was born in it!!! 
    I would SO LOVE to get my hands on a first run Sporty...yeah...in my dreams, I know.  lol
    RIde Free
    Can get you a picture of one - This is the ride that got me interested in American Iron, a SPORTSter, get it, "SPORTS"
    Also a HD scooter, don't know if they made it or imported it

    Forgive the quality, usually have a camera but this one is a PO'
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    June 4, 2012 12:10 PM PDT
    I am rarely without a camera, if not my DSLRs at least my good cell camera. On an ugly photographic day near Terlingua, TX I almost didn't take the big guns with me. This is what I would have missed creating if I didn't have them in the tour pack. One of my favorite photographs, EVER.
  • June 6, 2012 1:42 PM PDT
    Those are some great pics y'all put up. Rex, that is one of those "Once in a lifetime" moments. That is awesome!