June 1, 2012 10:26 AM PDT
I just forwarded this onto a guy who just asked me this morning about motorcycle hand signals....
This was great.... Thanks for posting Savage...
Where do you get all this cool stuff.
My chuckle of the day, lol & thx
June 2, 2012 10:05 AM PDT
funny as hell
LOL! that was awesome.......................I think I used them all except the signal for crashing, I didn't know there was a signal for that one, well I hope that I can remember the next time it happens.............have a great night! "T"
I thought I was the only one that sometimes get a cramp in my leg right after taking off.
must try to stand up on the cruiser...to avoid cramping....bey it turns into a crash when I do though
Damn Savage, That's some funny sh&%!!!
Thanks for sharing this,I now know what the signal is for I am gonna crash !!! LOL
What is the signal for "I think I might have pissed myself!" It usually comes right before the "I am crashing"