Aluminum Cleaner

  • May 30, 2012 2:52 AM PDT
    At a recent rally here on the Outer Banks I viewed a vendor who had a stand set up where he was selling an aluminum polish.  He had cleaned a old aluminum beer keg and the bottom of various cans to an amazing brillance a examples.  Is anyone familiar with the name of this product? 
    • 5420 posts
    May 30, 2012 3:03 AM PDT
    Almost all metal cleaner vendors use the beer keg and cans. The one I see the most at events is Blue Magic
    • 3006 posts
    May 30, 2012 9:28 AM PDT
    Does it work tho? I would be interested in getting some myself.
    • 5420 posts
    May 30, 2012 9:36 AM PDT
    You may want to check out this metal cleaner for our friends (and CycleFish sponsor) at Time Rider... style="font-size: larger;">

    I have tried this and not only does it clean, it re-juvinates.  You should see what it did for my beat to death front forks.  I videoed it and will be doing a product review on it.
    • 1 posts
    June 4, 2012 4:11 PM PDT a cloth kinda material like cotton wool...impregnated with some smelly chemical, you pull some out, and rub the metal till it turns black then wipe it over with a clean soft cloth...brilliant shine...and leaves a coating that protects it...bright shine comes in a yellow tin...with a pop lid.
    • Moderator
    • 16869 posts
    June 5, 2012 6:33 AM PDT
    Back in the 90's while hitting the big shows with my bikes I was sponsored by MOTHERS.
    Their aluminum wheel cleaner kicked butt.
    • 1855 posts
    June 5, 2012 10:30 AM PDT
    God how I hate polishing aluminum. I know that "chrome won't getcha home" but it's a helluva sight better than workin' your butt off all day polishing aluminum.
    • 1 posts
    June 5, 2012 1:53 PM PDT
    I bought one of those handheld buffer gadgets...with the little buffer pad and it even comes with buffin soap..makes the tight hard to get at places a breeze...but what am I saying my badboy is chromed..but my sun 93 dyna ain't lol....