Ride Free
That slider kicked his ass, he better watch out for the chimes
Lol that is neat.
All us American's would love to visit Australia.
wheres the Fosters Can LOL
Seriously Blurp? No self-respecting Aussie drinks that!
Ride Free
Seriously Blurp? No self-respecting Aussie drinks that!
Ride Free

Seriously Tweek? No self-respecting Limey drinks ANYTHING that is THAT cold and fizzy and YELLOW???
FIZZY YELLOW BEER? ...and FREEZING COLD????? Whats that all about???
.....and me being the "Fog Breathing Limey B***ARD" ...(c) Family
We know what "Proper" Beer is.....and its served up at room temperature
AND ITS BROWN BEER!!! NO FIZZ!!! ...Mmmm, Food In A Glass!!!!!
Seriously Blurp? No self-respecting Aussie drinks that!
Ride Free

Seriously Tweek? No self-respecting Limey drinks ANYTHING that is THAT cold and fizzy and YELLOW???
FIZZY YELLOW BEER? ...and FREEZING COLD????? Whats that all about???
.....and me being the "Fog Breathing Limey B***ARD" ...(c) Family
We know what "Proper" Beer is.....and its served up at room temperature
AND ITS BROWN BEER!!! NO FIZZ!!! ...Mmmm, Food In A Glass!!!!!
mmmmm, my favorite *lol* actually I'm a Guiness girl... though if there is a a choice I do like Murphy's Irish Stout (except they have all been cold, out of the tap)
I had heard Fosters is for export only they won't touch that swill either. Correct me if I'm wrong Jetman or Boof.
I actually DO know an Ozzie who drinks he has been away from home a long long
(and he STILL dont talk proper English like what we does!!!
Hey, I have had both Guinness and Murphy's in USA and trust me when I say that they taste NOTHING like the real thing that we get on draught when I go to Dublin or Cork, even in England it tastes like crap compared to Dublin and
Any of you who actually LIKES Guinness or Murphy's in USA have a shock to come if you come this side of the pond, I am saying it RIGHT NOW...
Come over and I will personally take you on both of the Brewery Tours that they do there...and trust me when I say that it really is "Food In A Glass" ... and as a friend of mine in Shannon says..."Made from the tears of angels"
Personally I prefer all the session beers, like, Green King Breweries "Abbot Ale"... Then theres a micro brewery here as well, its in Tongham Surrey and the session beers they do are fantastic (Brewery Tour if you get here!!!) ... Hogs Back Brewery in Tongham does a nice one called T.E.A. (Traditional English Ale) ...and one of their stronger beers is "A over T" you may be thinking its abreviated from *ss over T*T, "Aromas over Tongham" clever huh? ...
Google those 2 and make your mouth water.....Looking for flights yet?
If I make it to that side of the pond I will enjoy finding out the differences
It will be a total shock for you will NEVER drink them in USA ever
I know the difference with beef.....I used to regularly eat steak here in England...but then...I came and had a steak in USA, this was followed by many more steaks while there the first time...When I came home from there I only had steak one more time here, and that is now over 12 years difference is that steak here could be nailed to the bottom of your shoes and your shoes would last an extra 6 months of constant wear!!!!!
I've been to England (London, Stonehenge, Bath) just for a short visit. My friend got an internet deal last minute and convinced me to go along (she didn't have to work too hard at the convincing part) back in 2002.
We did the usual tourist things and spent time in the pubs tasting the local fair. My visit was far too short but I'll forever remember the visit as much for the great folks we met, the food and beer we drank as for the touristy activiites we did.
But wasn't a Guiness drinker back then so I stuck to the paler varieties. If I ever make it back, Guiness is first on my list of things to try. ;-)
Make sure I know about it if ANY of you are coming in at any of Londons Airports...I will come do a meet and greet and get you where you need to be ok? It would be MY pleasure...