May 16, 2012 10:32 AM PDT
The bit I REALLY enjoy is when riding along ANY 3 or 4 lane blacktop and you get the "Regular Family" on a day out ...Mom, Dad and 2 or 3 young kids in the family saloon and the 'Adults' have glanced and seen "BIKERS" alongside...they aint going to make eye Paranoid
And then theres the kids waving and you pull a face at them and they do the same back, then you end up poking your tongue out and making faces at them, and they are wiggling the hands-thumbs in ears at you...hahahahahaha, the kids are loving it and I have never seen a Biker yet who wasn't laughing and joining can see the parents trying to discreetly tell the kids not to attract attention and to be quiet and behave...hahahahahaha, makes me laugh even more...I reckon its one of the great things when riding anywhere...kinda makes the day even have had some fun, Bikers have had some fun...always the happy friendly faces that wave as you go off and continue the ride.....
And then give the paranoid people a glare as you ride away...hahahahahahahaha.....