Hah! You all call yourselves Big Tough Bikers...Hah!!!
Big Bunch of Softies aint ya?
Yeah, ok, so this is Steve, my Godson when he was 2 yr old
trying to steal my Harley...lol...
...and this was a friend of mines kid climbing all over Big Yella with sticky
Strawberry jam all over his hands just after I had spent a few hours polishing
the darn thing to go in the show...lol...Kids eh?
...And ALL I could do was grab the camera and click that moment
as it happened...lol...
This below was Steve when he was just 1yr old in a friends store, he saw the quad in
the corner and wriggled free of his dad...lol...see the resulting video of pictures...lol...
He is 5 and a half now and comes out fighting if you try
and stop him from getting on the bikes and trikes...