Really OFF topic...

  • May 2, 2012 4:23 AM PDT
      Powerful, sad and true...



    I know you can fit $20.00 in a crackpipe, easily. Twenty, forty, a hundred... how about a thousend dollars? A night? Sure 'nuff but theres still room for so much more.

    A crackpipe is like a vacuum, a black hole. The more you put in the more it seems to need. You can fit thousands and thousands of dollars in it until the cash money is all gone. Then you know what? IT TAKES CHANGE TOO! Yup... so count up all those quarters, dimes, nickles and pennies you been saving. Dont forget to look behind the dryer and under the sofa cushions. They will all fit neatly inside. ****, the crackpipe will also accept money from your spouse, your kids, your roommate, your friends and your family. It even takes visa, mastercard and american express (discovery in SELECT locations). It will suck your savings dry, your checking account will go BOUNCE and any other savings you have worked so hard for; your ira's, retirement, college funds, stocks, bonds... whatever. Theres room! Oh theres room!

    Theres still room for more, much, much more. The crackpipe even takes loans. Yes, you heard it! It takes loans from banks (go ahead and take out another mortgage), friends and family... it dont discriminate!

    All out of cash? Have no worries because you can also fit furniture and household appliances in the crackpipe! Yup, a sofa, a recliner, a desk... the coffee maker and even a washing machine! They all fit neatly. ****, you can even stuff the carpet in there.

    So, when all the furniture is gone and youre sleeping on the cold, hard floor what then? Why... all your other possessions too! They fit, I gaurantee it! Tools, gadgets, electronics, toys... all your stuff. Everything you got! It fits. Also everything everyone else you know and care about has, their stuff fits too. Hopefully they are watching their stuff but they better not look away.

    id you know that you can fit a whole automobile in a crackpipe? You most certainly can... junker, compact or luxury, even trucks. They all fit with room to spare.

    How about your job? It fits... Your family? Sure, theres room. Your dignity, decency and self respect? All fit neatly in the crackpipe. 

    You can even stuff a whole HOUSE in there.

    So now you have no home, no money, no job, no friends, no family, no self respect and no future but the crackpipe needs more... Hey, why not stuff your body in there, it dosent care. **** and suck for crack! Become your dealers slave! Fun times!

    The last thing YOU can fit in a crackpipe is your life. After it takes that it will move on and look for another victim.

    Isnt crack wonderful?  Dont worry all you junkies and alcoholics out there... You can easily fit all the above mentioned in a syringe or a bottle too. It might just take a bit longer, or not, but theres plenty of room.

    • 3006 posts
    May 2, 2012 4:43 AM PDT
    Interesting post,
    in my experience the majority of folks would fall under the syringe or bottle effects,lost countless people to drink,and quite a few to the needle,I never ran with folks it seemed who had much of a care towards themselves,while I learned from their mistakes,the lingering shadows from their passing still affects my own views on society as a whole. I see a lot of human misery that could have been avoided had the people abusing themselves & others had maybe gotten a kind word or an act of love done for them,often times most folks dont or wont even ask for acknowledgement of their personal strife n usually push those of us away who truly do care about their well being.
    There would be no drug problem in this country if there wasnt a demand for it.Which indicates to me a deep troubling ongoing issue in our culture which is not being addressed in any way shape or form.Lots will define it for ya,there is no shortage of critics n naysayers abt the topic,yet I for one dont believe anyone has the full grasp of whats going on ?? with the people who are being destroyed by their own self indulgence,and a society that seems to promote it.
  • May 2, 2012 5:05 AM PDT
    A friend sent me the story and those of us who have traveled that road (I'm in recovery, AA 5/2007) find a bit of morbid humor in a tale like this. It is a powerful message non the less.
  • May 2, 2012 6:25 AM PDT
    I 'm partial to my best friend on two need for drugs as long as I can ride, I feel and dealing with life on lifes terms 9/23/87 Living by grace
    • 9 posts
    May 2, 2012 6:48 AM PDT
    2008, for me. And every bit of that post...true. There were a few, like myself, who managed to maintain a quasi lifestyle, without parting with everything we owned. But it came damn close. I never stole from anyone, and I never traded my body for drugs. But I couldn't look myself in a mirror either. I knew my whole life was a lie.
    My ex husband, wasn't so fortunate. He lost two Harley's, and 50K worth of tools that we had purchased with settlement money, cause he was the head mechanic at a dealership. He was even in line, to take the dealership over from the soon -to- retire owner...until the man walked into the shop one day, and caught my ex, hittin' the pipe in the bathroom.
    We were divorced by then,so I didn't know how bad his addiction was til much later. It was one of the reasons I divorced him. Well, that and he cheated with a girl who would smoke it with him. Fast forward 4 years and I was alone with my toddler son, depressed, and hopeless, and I let that man talk me into hittin' that pipe just once. That led to a 15 year addiction.
    Try tho I might, I just couldn't beat it. My ex died at 42, (13 years ago) but it took me, some bottom hittin' grinding,
    to finally beg GOD to help me. HE knew I was ready, and took that addiction. Right on the spot. I haven't looked
    back. I knew I was ready, when I told GOD, that I'd rather be dead, than ever go back to that shit.
    I always took care of my son. He was fed, clothed, housed, and loved. I put him before anything. But when he
    went to bed at night, my addiction took over. My son graduated high school, top of his class--valedictorian. He's
    now in college and doing well. Not by me, but by the grace of GOD.
    1 year after I quit, almost to the day, I had brain surgery, for a 19cm brain aneurysm. I have eight clips in my head,
    and various other lovely side affects that I have to deal with. But I can tell you this, IF I hadn't stopped when I
    did, I wouldn't be here, right now. And I thank GOD, for thinkin' that I was worth saving.

    I have put it all in the past, cause that's what God tells me to do. That I am forgiven. By Him, and my son.
    And I pray for those, caught in the grip of that insidious drug. It's hard to beat alone....

    Ride Free
  • May 2, 2012 7:27 AM PDT
    There is life after Coke, Smoke & Booze!! Great testimony Tweek! I can relate to a lot of what you shared and reading this: "and I let that man talk me into hittin' that pipe just once. That led to a 15 year addiction." gave me goose flesh. I can relate. I thank God for the rooms of AA (not for everyone but it works for me) and my Higher Power who I call God! and Gypsy, 8988 days!! Thats a lotta 1 day atta times sister!! Outstanding!!
    • 1855 posts
    May 2, 2012 8:10 AM PDT
    I'm a product of the 60's. Hell, I could've invented the whole lifestyle of free love, drugs, etc. I've done most every drug imaginable. I lived on 'Acid' for a couple of years and I loved the stuff. What amazes me is people my age who still use drugs; and I'm not talking about an occasional drink. Don't get me wrong. I don't judge 'em. There are still many in my circle of friends and what they do with, for, or to their lives ain't none of my business. Afterall, they're adults. They're my friends and I love 'em. I just find it curious....feet hit the floor in the a.m. and a doobie is lit. After breakfast a doobie is lit. After lunch a doobie is lit. And on it goes all day, day after day.
