House to House - After Katrina

    • 1780 posts
    April 17, 2012 12:21 AM PDT
    I guess during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina I was working so many hours I just didn't have time to watch the news, but I was youtube surfing and I came accross this, and I just stared at the computer screen. I throught this could happen, but watching it really happen was an eye opener.
    People prepair yourself for more of this, and I don't think we will need a Hurricane for a reason. Now for thoses that were like me.....just watch what did and can happen again in this Nation....

  • April 17, 2012 1:36 AM PDT
    I was with the Red Cross Animal what a mess, what a stink, what distruction, the pain of loss, anger, confusion, the shock of the conditions, and healthof beings, desperation, the air was thick with it, man my 2 weeks couldn't end fast enough............what I saw getting, y'all have a great day! "T"
    • 834 posts
    April 17, 2012 1:56 AM PDT
    Good for you Tumbles. The poor animals are so often forgotten about. Yep the entire place was a mess and I don't think anyone really know the correct way to handle many of the situations, so they made many spur of the moment decisions and its real easy to sit hear now and say - look what they did!
    • 823 posts
    April 17, 2012 9:31 AM PDT
    I hope they don't try that in West Texas, NM or Arizona. Be lots of dead bodies for no good reason.............
  • April 18, 2012 1:55 AM PDT
    I was there. I had to stay b/c my dad was undergoing dialysis. The water actually rose a day or so later b/c the 'outfall canals' couldn't take the pressure. The NG and police in localaities 'commandeered' certain gas stations, churches..b/c they had to....water, drinking water was a precious commodity as well as ice. I had heard the NG were "not' carrying loaded weapons. I had a young fella working for me that was enlisted w/ them and he stated that in some cases, they were not even issued magazines for their M4's or M16's whatever they used. It was hotter than hell and we finally had to leave the area b/c the treatment center for my dad didn't have a clue to whom he was or what was happening - he died as a result of me transferring him to Atlanta for treatment - a sad time for me and many of us ~
    • 1780 posts
    April 18, 2012 3:45 AM PDT
    That is very sad about your Dad....I've worked Security at a Dialysis clinic and I understand missing just one treatment can be very bad. I feel so bad for the patients, in that every other day anywhere from 3 to 4 1/2 hours in that chair with a huge needle stuck in their arm. For them it just becomes a life style.
    Be safe everyone
  • April 18, 2012 4:09 AM PDT

    Night Dragon....It is so fitting that I log on n see your posting specially since I logged on to hopefully talk about this very thing.

    WE think we are safe because we can be liscensed to carry, we can purchase weapons n ammo to have in our homes n there are even laws
    that protect us if we need to " Protect us " very stringent and expensive if we do.

    I'm asking evreyone I trust this?   ARE YOU COMBAT READY?   Let me ask you again, ARE YOU COMBAT READY HERE IN OUR COUNTRY ON OUR STREETS IN AND AROUND OUR HOMES?...

    The day will come when we " WILL " lose our weapons at least the people that choose to register your weapons, and when the politicans make it leagel to search n  sieze..

    So when that day comes,

    1. What weapons do you have and are trained to use?  
    2. Are you in shape to use these weapons?
    3. Do you have supplies to endure a standoff er...I mean a disaster?

    just sayin"
    Ice Bear...

  • April 19, 2012 12:59 PM PDT
    No not combat ready and I do hope that I never have to be. The American Red Cross Animal division didn't show up until 1 week later, I was there 2 weeks after...........the stink, heat and humidity was beyond anything ya can imagine, the smell of death and decay was everywhere, We came in on a military truck and had military guards, yes they did shoot and kill it was their job to protect the volunteers and medical supplies, we had controlled substances...........................not everyone needs to experience this it isn't for the faint of heart, its a clear picture to what the end of civialized persons behave...............I don't know if we experienced any thing as the military in war, but I do know, I went home and sat, didn't want to be bothered for a little while, then I work for a clinic that sees the abuse cases for Animal Control............dudes sometimes I think I could kill and pull that trigger, then Other times I don't know if I can ya know..........."T"
  • April 19, 2012 2:46 PM PDT
    Tumbles wrote...
    No not combat ready and I do hope that I never have to be. The American Red Cross Animal division didn't show up until 1 week later, I was there 2 weeks after...........the stink, heat and humidity was beyond anything ya can imagine, the smell of death and decay was everywhere, We came in on a military truck and had military guards, yes they did shoot and kill it was their job to protect the volunteers and medical supplies, we had controlled substances...........................not everyone needs to experience this it isn't for the faint of heart, its a clear picture to what the end of civialized persons behave...............I don't know if we experienced any thing as the military in war, but I do know, I went home and sat, didn't want to be bothered for a little while, then I work for a clinic that sees the abuse cases for Animal Control............dudes sometimes I think I could kill and pull that trigger, then Other times I don't know if I can ya know..........."T"

    Thank you for being there n putting your life n limb on the line for all of us.

    God Bless you and may God keep you safe.....In the mean time it's up tp you...
    Ice Bear...