April 1, 2012 12:04 PM PDT
3 California Coastal Harley Dealers had their licenses terminated this year and there's one more dealership just to about to get the same boot... so many customer complaints! I think 'investors' have 'infested' the Harley Davidson dealer industry, these are people who have no idea what they're dealing with when it comes to bike owners and now they're being showed the door! And good riddance to them!
I have a friend who works for the dealer that's about to lose their license and he's been working their for years quite successfully and one day they had new owners saying they were going to change a long standing way of selling motorcycles to the public, no rhyme, no reason they were just going to change it because it was different and they gambled that it would bring more owners to the table... welp, as he put it: it blew up in their faces and now this particular dealership is struggling to sell anything from their floor to anyone but a wholesaler... they have also been estranged from their dealership HOG chapter but refusing to sponsor their events and this HOG chapter now just holds meetings at local restaurants and so forth to stay connected. Even the local 3 piece clubs are boycotting the place... what an irony!?!? Bike owners boycotting their own preferred MOCO?
There is something REALLY wrong when a company like Harley Davidson can't just do business as usual and I believe its because the 'investors' want a quick return on their money, over pricing the bikes without any concern of earning their loyalty by throwing things in on the deal and or offering them some sort of convenient Servicing plan that doesn't cost you over $3000.00 and then not honoring it. These investors are clearly not riders in any shape or form, just people wanting to turn a product and make a fast buck, and in this economy they should concentrate on customer loyalty instead of trying to stuff people into a deal they don't want and can't afford just to have the MOCO brand under their butt! Ridiculous!
I'd love to have the money and clout to walk in and take it over and be able to pay buy out the 'investors' and take it over and have a shot at showing these knuckleheads how its done!