I noticed something about myself the other day...

  • March 25, 2012 5:45 AM PDT
    I have developed a habit of waving at people with my left hand.  When I'm walking down the street and I see somebody I know, I lift my left hand.  I think this is because I wave at people with my left hand when I'm riding.  I would have guessed waving at people when I'm driving my truck might have something to do with it, but I'm a typical guy and acknowledge people in my truck by just lifing one or two fingers of my right hand off the wheel.  So I was just curious if anybody else has found themselves doing this (or something like it)?  

  • March 25, 2012 5:49 AM PDT

    I Wave At People Like This While Driving My Truck, on a Trike, or Bike.....lol.....

  • March 25, 2012 6:06 AM PDT
    • 1161 posts
    March 25, 2012 8:37 AM PDT
    I did it in my car the other day and my hand hit the door. Forgot I was not on my bike! Haha
  • March 25, 2012 10:33 AM PDT
    LOL Wolf! I do it too, but when driving, usually only left hand at bikes. @ Seekers-Almost took out the window couple times LOL!
    **Just lifing one or two fingers of my right hand off the wheel** is the norm me for cages.
    Thinking I wave too much???? LMAO!
    • 9 posts
    March 25, 2012 10:36 PM PDT
    I've taken to nodding, more than waving. I kept smackin' my lit cigarette on the window frame, and the hot end kept fallin' in my lap!!! That ain't funny when your in a cage!

    Ride Free
  • March 26, 2012 1:47 AM PDT
    The lit end in your lap ain't funny any time. I used to smoke regularly on the bike, had a few burn holes in some private parts of a few pairs of jeans.

  • March 26, 2012 6:14 AM PDT

    I smoke the huge Cuban Cigars...lol...could you imagine the damage I could do with that?????
