Rodney Dangerfield of the Law Enforcement Industry

    • 1780 posts
    March 10, 2012 4:26 AM PST
     Ok Sorry but I need to climb up on my soap box...just for a minute. Yesterday here in Dallas two armored Truck Officers were involved in an attempted robbery. The outcome was in the favor of the good guys thank God, however one Security Officer was shot and is in the hospital at this time, and the shot Guard managed to fire his weapon and KILL the robber. Now if this had been a Dallas Police Officer shot, and in the hospital there would be half the Dallas PD down at his bed side. But you see it. Was ONLY a Security Officer shot, so maybe his family and boss might have bEen at his side. I understand that us Security Officers are lower than whale shit to Peace Officers , but you know what ..........We bleed and die just like Police Officers!!!

    Here's what you don't relize Police make at least twice what we make, and we work some of the most dangerous post in the Dallas / Fort Worth area. I've worked apt complexes where Police won't even show up unless they call for back-up, and I'm there all by myself. We don't do this for the money we do it in hopes of a safer world in which to live. We ARE the Red Headed Step Children Of The Law Enforcement Business! 

    Thanks for letting me vent a bit.

    Driven and Determined Dragon
    No Retreat No Surender.    So Help Me God!!!
  • March 10, 2012 5:44 AM PST
    I think EVERYONE should have a good vent from time to time.....not healthy to bottle stuff up...
    • 1161 posts
    March 10, 2012 6:30 AM PST
    Yep agreed ND.
    • 9 posts
    March 10, 2012 6:48 AM PST
    I feel ya Kenny. I worked Security in a Novelty Ice Cream Factory, they didn't have a third shift, so they hired my Security company to have "a presence" on duty, to deter crime. There were many doors, to be checked on my 11-7 shift, any of which could have been easily "burgled". One time, after I found an open door, and some pallets moved around, I did what I was was supposed to do, and called for the "real police" before investigating further.   Back-up", don't ya know.   Well, when the cops arrived, they more or less, patted me on the head, and told me to go wait in the Security shack. Not to "interfere" with "their" investigation. Beings I knew all the hiding places one
    who was up to no good would be hiding in..I chuckled, and said "good luck with that"...and went to "my shack".
    Since they didn't require my help, I didn't offer any. And about 5 minutes later, I hear all this shouting and running,
    and one gunshot. Beings the "helpful" on site Security Officer that I was, I didn't bat an eyelash, as the "perp" ran head-long right past my shack. Followed at a good bit of distance, by the two "law enforcement officers...
    I could've nailed him with one or two moves, but I figured Joe Friday and his partner had this all handled.
    Consequently, the "perp", made a clean get-a-way. The two cops came walkin' back to the shack, a little worse for the wear. Breathin' ever so heavily and sweatin' bullets. (no pun intended)
    And then...I get, "why the hell didn't you stop that guy, when YOU had the chance???"

    Well, I was so dumbfounded, that this had now become "my fault", all I could think to say, was:
    "I was sure, you two Officers had this, and I was TOLD not to INTERFERE!!!"

    Two days later, I had to resign from that job. The security tapes clearly show me, sittin' on my stool, as the
    "perp" ran by. And I didn't give chase, or appear to do anything at all. Except smile....

    Ride Free
    • 601 posts
    March 10, 2012 10:50 AM PST
    We don't have that kinda mix-up over here, cops are unarmed and we don't have any private security firms, crime is relativly low and we have a couple of paramilitary groups who "look after" the serious criminals...meaning they kneecap or nut the feckers...saves the taxpayer paying for prison costs, it may not be P.C...but it works !!!!
    • 611 posts
    March 11, 2012 7:17 PM PDT
    Well Dragon, you don't need me to tell you how important your job is. You know that without outside confirmation. THAT comes from the people you protect, even if they don't tell you. You know why you do this job, you also know why YOU are not a "Cop".
    We all make our choices for our own reasons. Remember yours...
    • 0 posts
    March 11, 2012 7:39 PM PDT
    Im back working security again and I know exactly what you mean..At the moment im doing 12 hour shifts protecting a power station from terrorists..Funny thing is I worked Saturday and the only other people on site were 1 guard ,iraqi 2 cleaners pakistani and one little Aussie battler-Me..Sometimes I shake my head and wonder why the f%ck I'm doin this shit..I put up with the wannabe cops and arseholes who just wanna be security to impose their will upon others everyday..Me well I aint out to bother anyone and I sure as shit aint writing any friggin incident reports unless I really have to..Next week I start 12 hour night shifts out there but have discovered the gym and a pool table in the main admin building...So it should be cool..I dont wannabe anything except paid and home safe at the end of my shift...Cheers Occifer BOOF
    • 1780 posts
    March 12, 2012 2:08 AM PDT
    For me this job aliow's me to just help people and be friendly to everyone of the good folks that walk this earth. Currently my post is a armed position at a dialysis clinic. It,s not bad enought these people have to endure this treemeant every other day for 3 to 4 hours, they come out to find there cars broken into, and vandalized. I don't have to many problems, and the patients know while there in the clinic there cars will be safe! That means a lot for me and them.
    I work per week two 12 hour shifts and one 17 hour shift, and I'm off the rest of the week.

    Everyone stay safe out there
    • 3006 posts
    March 12, 2012 6:06 AM PDT
    You do a good job n thats something to be proud of ND !!! You are like a lot of other folks in this world who receive little or no recognition for the work done in the shadows,to maintain the peace in the daylight.To all my friends who around the world work tirelessy to ensure our safety w/out regard for their personal safety my HATS Off to You !!! I have some idea of the sacrifices you make to keep us safe in our beds at nite.