March 8, 2012 1:16 PM PST
No worries, Lucky. I don't seem to be gettin' a lot of response. Maybe folks just can't make the trip, and don't wanna talk about it. Hey...I understand. That bottom line is gettin' lower for everybody. Sucks out loud. I can't wait til this daggone economy finally does it's turn around, and we can ALL get back to bein' and doin'!!! I'll prolly just do the one day deal like last year. Park & walk. Check out Main Street, tip a few, eat somethin', and head on back. It ain't the trip I was plannin', but hell, I've had to cancel all kinds of plans this last year. What's new, eh?
If anyone out there does see this thread, and IS plannin' on showin'...hit me up. K?
And T, if I get down by Ridgewood, I'll look you up.
Ride Free