March 5, 2012 10:30 AM PST
Well I am in need of some advice so who better to ask than my biker family?
As most of you know I do have a blog page that is dedicated solely to the ride. It's called Stories, Lies & Biker Dives. It is continually under construction. This last week I have been sick, dealing with a very personal issue and just rolling it all around in my head as to where to go next. I know what I need to do, but frankly it is terrifying.
Over the past few months a few things have gone down. First I was approached by a production company to take my videos to the next level. Well, I had already planned on doing some of the things that they suggested. But in dealing with the big cheese I found that there was only room for one ego, (mine) I kid... and he had quit the temperment which I have NO time for.
So now here I am and I have had to make a decision as what to do next. So here is the skinny. I have had nothing but good feed back all the way around, regardless of it being my blog page or YouTube. I am more surprised by those who are watching or reading. I know how many people read or watch, and where they come from such as clicking a link from Facebook, GoPinkMag or even here on CF. But I have no way of knowing WHO that person is unless they leave me a message or comment.
Over the last couple of months I have been surprised by those who have approched me when I have been out and said they have been watching and reading and how much they enjoy it. Actauuly knowing WHO they are is pretty amazing and I have been shocked on more that a few occasions. This is what keeps me going.
So, my problem. Do I take the BIG plunge and buy my own equiptment and do the work on my own? This is the fork in the road, I either go for it, or end it. There is nothing in between. I have done what I can do here, now it is time to take it on the road. For those of you that read my page or visit my YouTube, you have no idea what it does behind the scenes everytime you click on one of my links or google me. It's a huge deal. I know through my blog page what search terms and engines are being used to find me. Certainly Lucky can attest to how that whole thing works,
I have a list of events and places I need to do work on, but it's that nagging thing, do I go big, or keep my ass on the porch?