armed hold up.

    • 1 posts
    February 21, 2012 12:36 AM PST
    prompted by  witness:   1978, and I'm a hardworking grease monkey in Wooloomooloo, which is a dockside subburb of Sydney. It was one of those jobs in between jobs if you know what i mean..the pay was good beat working in a bank. Cept you got filthy and it took all your holidays to get the grease outa your pores.  So its like mid afternoon on aWednesday, I'm over by the pumps filling up a limo...the driver turns and says "whats up with that bloke" I turn my head and look into the office. My boss is backed up against the wall sitting in his chair with a young fool standing over the top of him welding a knife..I casually said...Maybe he's pissed off about his bill...the bloke with the limo says, Your shittin me. I said mate that arsehole, knows how to bill. The guy in office starts screaming...Ican hear him over the noise coming at the workshops..and over the traffic noise..The bloke in the limo says..forget it shut it off at 40 bucks...Ok says I...40 bucks...but you'll be back its not full...he slings me 40..and lept in his car and was away...
    Damn maybe this is serious. I walk into a work bay and grab an iron bar...tested it for swing value...and walk over to the wall...both mechanics look up, at my strange behaviour...whats up Jonesy they yell...Dunno some bloke holdin a knife at the Bean...They both downed tools and picked up iron bars... We snuck around the corner...The Bean could see us standing there behind a checkboard frame...He's sitting there looking at the idiot...Well come on kid I ain't got all day , open the till take the money and **** off will ya....No chance mate says this kid I turn sideways and you'll be on me like a bullet. Smart kid thinks me, thats exactly whats gunna happen you give Bean an inch...No nyou open the fucken thing ol man...I told ya before kid I'm not helping you rip me off.  The mechanics ask what I'm going to do...I shrugged...the door into the office is about 6'5"in height which doesn't lend for a good swing top to bottom...and its only about 3'wide so a sideways blow is out...The midget the smaller of the two mechanics motions for me to watch...he grabs his iron bar topand bottom and makes a move that won't interupt a good swing...Yep i nod my head...I took a deep breath and came around the corner, stepped through the door...the kid had moved closer to the boss extending his arm and  the blade was swishing back n forth near the boss's face....Bean saw me and smiled saying kid your ******...given that he moved gave me a better opportunity I raised the iron bar high and with both arms at the bottom swung it down hiitting his arm between elbow and wrist...I must have expected more resistance...cause the next thing the iron bar hit the floor and jolted outa my hands...the robber looked at me looked at his swinging arm and screamed in agony...the boss flew ouita his chair and caught the kid up iunder his chin propeeling him off his feet through the air and onto the key board...most of our vehicles were out so only the Steel hooks were in place...the kid kinda just hung there in space and his weight pulled the keyboard outa the wall and he crumpled in a heap on the ground unconscious. 
    The cops were called and it was bedlam at the garage...Somehow in the ensueing fiasco...I was handcuffed and put in a Police car under objections fell on deaf ears...i heard one cop say use an iron bar and this is the treatment you can expect...look what you did to that kids arm..I was just about to be driven off when a Sergeant stopped and looked at me...Whats he doing in there, i got his statement..there is no need to take him anywhere...This dumbshit cop looks at the Sgt then looks at me...I hold up my hands Bean sees I'm handcuffed...and erupts....What the **** is going on here. He saves my life and now you have him cuffed.  What sort of bozos work for you Sergeant...What.the...Get him him outa there Who put those cuffs on him...He saved the situation you idiots the kid in the ambulance is the offender.
    About 2 hours later a limo pulls in and I walk out of the shop cleaning my hands on a rag...fill er up this time mate? What happened before says the was just like i said..the guy got hot over his bill. 
    • 395 posts
    February 21, 2012 12:53 AM PST
    great story......thanks for sharing it!
    • 9 posts
    February 21, 2012 1:27 AM PST
    "No good deed goes unpunished". But I betcha that kid'll think twice about robbin' anyone else, eh? Nice.

    Ride Free
  • February 21, 2012 1:47 AM PST
    Karma is a Bitch ain't she now! "T"
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    February 21, 2012 3:30 AM PST
    • 1855 posts
    February 21, 2012 5:32 AM PST
    Amazing ,eh?
    • 846 posts
    February 21, 2012 5:54 AM PST
    Thanks for sharing,
    • 0 posts
    February 21, 2012 6:32 AM PST
    Jeebus Jonesy back in 78 you woulda been a fair lump of a lad.I dont reckon I'd want to see ya comin at me with an iron bar ..Good yarn big fella..CHEERS BOOF
  • February 24, 2012 12:50 PM PST

    NICE ONE!!!

    Paybacks a Bitch!!!

    I have a bar called "Shorty" in my garage... its called Shorty because its a short iron bar that used to be a cable key holding a bridge cable been a good friend many a time...its the length of the inside of my leather jacket sleeve from wrist to

    I usually just use a whole 28 year old pine tree now as a "Billy" ...its not quite as heavy as "Shorty" but it handles real fine and just slightly longer than "Shorty", I had this tree since it was a baby...

    I pot grew it and about 6 years ago while I was over in States riding around the East Coast there was a mini heatwave in died and after soaking it for a while I gave it a shave of branches etc and well, its a good tree again now with a different reason to be.....

    Oh and by the was a Bonzai Pine Tree I Grew ...(yeah I know, I am a bit geeky with Bonzai's and such too)...

    I shall try and do a picture of

    • 611 posts
    February 25, 2012 7:58 PM PST
    Kid had no clue. . . Nice move, Johnsey! When ya play rough, be prepared for the reply.