February 20, 2012 10:57 PM PST
Wow, Randy, that there is just B.S.! But not surprising. They were prolly pissed cause you interrupted a coffee break. The fact that your dog wasn't leashed, or that you'd been drinking, is SO much more worrisome to them? And everyone wonders why the crime is out of control? Now, I won't blame all cops for their behavior, but I know this kinda thing happens, far too often anymore. Every time I've called the cops (in the past), and I'd been drinking, it suddenly became about ME, and not what was going on. No matter how many I'd consumed, or if I'd just popped the top on the first one. They just don't take those calls seriously. So...I don't call, one unless I see something SERIOUS, and two, unless I'm alcohol free. I'd hate for someone to get away with somethin', but I'd hate it even
more if someone got away cause the cops were more interested in me, at that moment....
Shrug them idiots off. As for the Asian store, I'm sure the owner would've thanked you, but he'll prolly never even
know about it. Maybe you could talk to that person, in person, and give 'em a heads up. But more than likely,
knowing Asian folks like I do (a close Cambodian friend owns a store), they'll just thank you, and assure you that
everything is under control. They are a VERY private people. My friend was robbed at gun-point three weeks ago,
and he didn't want to talk about it to anyone. He HAD to talk to the cops, but even then, he was reluctant.
When I tried to show concern, and make some safety suggestions to him, he closed the subject.
Wanting to do the right thing, doesn't make us wrong. Getting treated like criminals by apathetic cops...IS!
As for the lady and her son who got "jacked", I can only sympathize. Nowadays, with the way the economy is,
criminals are getting bolder, and more ingenious, in the scams, to part anyone from their money...be careful out there!!!
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