Got a new buddy

  • February 20, 2012 3:22 PM PST
    After the fire last year. Sept 30th to be exact. We lost all of our Birds all said and done I had said we could no longer offer our home to birds that could not be taken care by there owners any longer. Some birds live up to 60 and 70 years. So in the past we had taken in some birds eather till there owner recover from what ever was ailing them. Or for some brothers that where doing a little time eather for the state or the Feds. All in all we had some 14 birds living with us. It could be noisey Theres always a mess to clean up. and Some birds donot get along well with others. and some birds are not people birds. We always had made room for these birds. But after loseing the group. Haveing to contact owners and tell them the bad news. and with my own health issues I just couldnt see putting in the time to do it any more, 
    A month a ago we bought a Arfican Gray. Hes a real pain in the ass. Younger bird that has lots of engery and just a bit nippy. Wifes cup of tea. Me I like them older and a bit more wise. Well fryday The wife and me got a call from some floks that we have knowen for some time. There bike floks and bird people. There proud floks and Angle is there pride and joy. But unfortunly Like many floks There in trouble with the Bills. Upside down and inside out. there trying real hard just to keep there heads above water. So we went over and talked for some time. There owners Many birds Some vary large Parotts. The last bird that he and his wife wanted to sell was Angle. but becuse of money issues to keep the rest of the heard feed thay decied to sell her and her male mate. A few bucks excanged hands and home we came. Angle is deffantly a mans bird. she wont leave me alone.  
    • 9 posts
    February 20, 2012 11:16 PM PST
    I've always loved the birds. But I can't stand the noise or the mess. I had two parrots, Cheech & Chong. Shows ya what I was into at the time, and they kept us in stitches. For a while. When the smoke cleared, as well as the mind, there I was with two birds. And they never What was hilarious before, now became the bane of my existence. Which was shocking to me, as I am an avid animal lover. And I was "attached" to them. I used to open the cage door, and let them have run of the sun room on nice days. Which was fine, until one day, I got an emergency call about a family member, and without thinkin'...I ran out the door, leaving it open.

    I was at the hospital for almost two days, and by the time I got home, and suddenly remembered that the birds
    were "free", it was too late. Not only was the porch wet and full of leaves, but Cheech & Chong had "flown the coop". I called to them for days and days. But there had been a hard, cold rain, that first nite at the hospital,
    and I don't know that they could've survived it.
    After that, I swore I'd never again own another bird. But, every time I visit a pet store, the bird cages are always
    my first stop. Huh. Maybe I could own one again...

    Ride Free
    • 2 posts
    February 22, 2012 10:59 AM PST
    If I ever get rich & can hire somebody to tend them, in a separate building, will definitely get a couple of African gray parrots. - Have seen them do some amazing things in controlled tests, no doubt in my mind that they were using abstract reasoning.

    Local machine shop keeps (3) macaws. - Had to go out on the floor to consult on a setup & one of them decided to light on my shoulder and talk to me - no big deal, like animals - then he decided that I had too many pens, notebooks, pencils, scales, pen-lights . . . in my shirt pocket & commenced tossing them around the shop.

    I start to get a little smoked & was preparing to take action (hear they are delicious) when I really look at him - talons the size of an eagle's and a beak bigger & more substantial than an eagle's.

    Decided nice birdey, I'll come back and pick them up when you get bored & fly off.