Worst moment

    • 1855 posts
    February 20, 2012 12:23 AM PST
    After reading Christysinglemom's blog (check it out) about making the scene in your 40's, I remembered what I also refer to as "The worst day of my life".

    Three club brothers and I were sitting in the local watering hole.  We were at a round table sitting on high back swivel stools.  My back was towards the door. When someone came from behind and tapped me on the shoulder I looked across the table to the brothers; to maybe get some sort of hint on what to expect when I turn around.  The 3 of 'em were just smiling so I didn't figure there was trouble behind me.

    When I swiveled around to the right on my stool, the pressure on my left leg to do so meant my legs were spread apart by the time I turned around.  At that moment this gorgeous girl steps between my legs, gets right up in my face and says, "I'd sure like to take a ride on a motorcycle".   She smelled sooooo good.

    I replied, "Well, I just happen to have a motorcycle".
    She then said,  "I know. You have a Harley".
    I nodded and asked, "So, you've been checking me out then?"
    To which she replied,  "Well not really.  You use to coach me in Pee Wee League".

    My GOD!!!!!!!!!!!  My brothers literally fell off their stools laughing.  Laughing loudly I might add.  The people at the next table heard the exchange and they too were hysterical.

    My first response was to look around the bar to see if maybe I'd recognize who her father might be.  I'm pretty sure if he had been there he might have been a bit upset.

    All I could do was to hang my head and say, "I gotta go home".  With hysterical laughter echoing behind me I walked out the door, got on my scoot and went home.
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    February 20, 2012 12:53 AM PST
    You be a good man Jimmy. Me personally I can resist anything but temptation.
    • 2 posts
    February 20, 2012 12:58 AM PST
    RexTheRoadDog wrote...
    You be a good man Jimmy. Me personally I can resist anything but temptation.

    You missed Rex, missed it big time

    Personally it makes me glad I married real young

    • 1855 posts
    February 20, 2012 1:11 AM PST
    Ya know, I've lived in this town since I was 27 years young. The big cities I've lived in offered nothing by comparison; a fine place to raise a family, great school, down to earth people; layed back but hardworking and playing. It's been the place to fullfill the American Dream for me. During the 10 years or more that I coached kid's sports (baseball, soccer, bowling) I watched alot of kids grow up and come to know the worst and the best of their parents. There are very few people who don't know me, the only bad thing about small communities; everyone knows your business. But Hell, I didn't even recognize the 20 year old beauty as one I coached when she was 7 or 8. And it wasn't so much about resisting temptation as it was the realization that I was nearing 50 years old. Actually, it was the first time I had ever thought about being older and it was a shock let me tell ya. But I'm approaching 64 now and I'm way past the being old thing.

    Yer right though. Temptation is a dang hard thing to resist. Being older does help.

  • February 20, 2012 2:10 AM PST
    Great job of being Honest with yourself Jimmy I am sure any other place and time would have been a tough decision for sure.
    • 1855 posts
    February 20, 2012 3:02 AM PST
    99Savage wrote...
    RexTheRoadDog wrote...
    You be a good man Jimmy. Me personally I can resist anything but temptation.

    You missed Rex, missed it big time

    Personally it makes me glad I married real young

    Mmmmmmm, not sure I understand that Savage.  I had married young ( couple of times ).  Marriage certainly should keep one from giving into temptation and of course one deserves the consequences of infidelity but I wasn't married at the time.  I had been a single parent raising two boys most of my adult life.  I imagine marrying young works for some folks.  It didn't for me and I can honestly say I don't advocate it.  O.K., I'm going to completely hijack my own thread.

    I think the most important thing for young people is to keep their zippers up or their legs crossed, learn how to take care of themselves, pay attention to the world, experience and enjoy their youth.  Now, I didn't have my first son until I was 27 years old.  That might be later than most folks but, for me, iit was still too young.  In reality, how many of us at 27 years of age have come into their own?  I was busting my tail in construction with a family to care for.  I'm sure many CF members were/are doing the same.  We found ourselves trying to manage stress for the family yet at the expense of the family.  Now, I don't regret any part of my life but looking back, I wonder if it wasn't just a little selfish of me, if I could've given a little more of myself as an older parent.  I don't know.  It's just that I worry about young folks these days.  I want them to be able to manage a check book instead of having babies and managing stress.



  • February 20, 2012 5:03 AM PST
    ah your a sweet guy, most would think twice about thinking they was going to be getting something, when really all they were going to get is taken for a ride. LOL! have a great one! "T"
  • February 20, 2012 5:44 AM PST
    I couldn't begin to even consider engaging in a conversation with someone half my age, I'd probably have one helluva time getting over the modern dialog! :-)
    • 0 posts
    February 20, 2012 6:28 AM PST
    I was talking to the you apprentice down at the work shop and the convo turned around to all things girls and how to pick them up and the such..The lad has 2/3's of f#ck all chance of loosing his virginity was my first thought..Well we're all sitting around drinking beer one friday as we so often do and I notice the lad is drinking too.I said "hey you aint driving" to which he answers "Nah my girl friend is picking me up"..The boys all fire up with the usual"Dont ya mean ya boy friend" and such other general shit stirring remarks.Well were sitting there when a brand new Toyota hilux turns up with the stereo pumping and parks really badly out front of the works shop..The door opens and these legs start coming out, and coming out,and coming out..This hand painted blonde in a pair on Daisy Dukes and a small tank top steps out and walks straight towards the work shop door..A bunch of 40 something men all sitting there mouth's agape wondering WTF does this little honey want here..Well the lad grabs his beer and says "Ok fella's have a good weekend" walks over and kisses this vision and starts to walk towards the truck..Lucky good old uncle BOOF was there..I said "Oi ya rude little faggot arent you gonna introduce your mates "..He turned back and said "Kiss my arse uncle BOOF" jumped in the truck and took off..It was a little while before we all spoke,,We sat there looking at each other with no words trying to comprehend what had just happened..Someone said finally "Shit girls have gotten dumber since we were lads" to which someone added"they got hotter too"..Then we all laughed and realized we are dirty old men now...CHEER BOOF
    • 1 posts
    February 20, 2012 10:14 AM PST
    I dunno Jimmy, I never got hitched till I was 27...the first kid came along after I turned 29...I'm nearly 30 years older than my son..my daughter shit thats another story..There is certainly a language barrier, But I've learnt one thing you have to keep the dialog happening no matter how hard it gets. Otherwise you lose you ability to communicate, and then you turn into your Pa..shit my Pa had no idea what I spoke about. I remember being in the pub with him once and some old geezer told me about how things were heaps better in his day...I reflected and said Yeah well when i first kicked off drinking schooners were 23 cents..and 18 cents a middy...smokes were 20 cents a pack..My Pa went red in the face and told me we were going home. All his mates were laughin...not at me at Him...To this day i have no idea what i said wrong.. can't ask him either he's gone. When that young girl came up to you..you shoulda said ..fine lets go and left it at that.
    • 2 posts
    February 20, 2012 11:02 AM PST
    Jimmyacorn wrote...
    99Savage wrote...
    RexTheRoadDog wrote...
    You be a good man Jimmy. Me personally I can resist anything but temptation.

    You missed Rex, missed it big time

    Personally it makes me glad I married real young

    Mmmmmmm, not sure I understand that Savage.  I had married young ( couple of times ).  Marriage certainly should keep one from giving into temptation and of course one deserves the consequences of infidelity but I wasn't married at the time.  I had been a single parent raising two boys most of my adult life.  I imagine marrying young works for some folks.  It didn't for me and I can honestly say I don't advocate it.  O.K., I'm going to completely hijack my own thread.

    I think the most important thing for young people is to keep their zippers up or their legs crossed, learn how to take care of themselves, pay attention to the world, experience and enjoy their youth.  Now, I didn't have my first son until I was 27 years old.  That might be later than most folks but, for me, iit was still too young.  In reality, how many of us at 27 years of age have come into their own?  I was busting my tail in construction with a family to care for.  I'm sure many CF members were/are doing the same.  We found ourselves trying to manage stress for the family yet at the expense of the family.  Now, I don't regret any part of my life but looking back, I wonder if it wasn't just a little selfish of me, if I could've given a little more of myself as an older parent.  I don't know.  It's just that I worry about young folks these days.  I want them to be able to manage a check book instead of having babies and managing stress.


    My bad. - Last time I was involved with  Pee-Wee sports they were ALL Boys - Never considered the possibility your former charge was a female, female. (Tho what was conjured up in my mind was feally funny, upsetting, but funny)

    Does gove me an excuse to tell a tale for back in the day, will have to do that sometime

  • February 20, 2012 3:41 PM PST
    I can't stop laughing awwwwhahahahahahaahaha...glad ya weht home....
    Ice Bear...Be Well...