The Biker Jacket...

  • February 5, 2012 9:54 AM PST
     I have been rolling with the same jacket for 17 years.  It is faded to a dark green from the miles and years of use.  It was time for an upgrade a long time ago.  I get so many compliments on it, it is refered to as "vintange"  and I say WTF?  Really...?  Anyway, the thing weighs about 400 pounds, and is a general pain in the ass in the event that it gets warm enough to pull off.  I manage to roll it up well enough to fit in the bag, but it takes up a good deal of space.

    I have been looking for the right jacket, I have a few parameters that it must meet, I want it to be the same length as this one.  I think a shorter jacket will ride up. And I want plenty of pockets, this one has 6 and on long hauls I use them all, mostly because someone is asking me to carry thier crap for some reason...

    There are so many new fabrics that are lighter and more flexible that offer the same level of protection against the elements and the danger of getting up close and personal with the asphalt.  

    Tell me about your jacket, why you like it or maybe don't.  And post a picture!  

    • 1161 posts
    February 5, 2012 10:11 AM PST
     I can't post a pic from my Ipod touch, but my jacket it on my pictures.  Just wish mine had vents it gets to hot in the summer here in southern Georgia.
    • 3006 posts
    February 5, 2012 11:44 AM PST
    Use a number of jackets,in my profile pic I am wearing my leather riding jacket.Heavy weight leather and weighs abt 100 lbs

    usually I switch between different coats,jackets depending on my driving,destination etc.for example I have a Shift mesh riding jacket for super hot days,w/removable armor.Typically in winter I use a good ski jacket/shell & layers.

    The most important part of a good riding jacket,is it comfortable? for me..and does it do the job intended.
    • 1 posts
    February 5, 2012 1:37 PM PST
    Have a problem: am a cheap S.*. B. – It’s true, just ask my wife.

    If I am going to spend $200 on a jacket has to double as business casual. – Leather jacket is nice jacket, but the wind blows up it

    Which is why was really happy to find a $29.95 slider jacket






    Not Leather (no fire resistance)


    Bright color

    Foreign made






    Cant detach armor





    Good ventilation-cool enough






    Zip out liner – very warm


    As you can see the advantages outweigh the disadvantages 8:3

    • 5420 posts
    February 6, 2012 12:08 AM PST
    Darla, I know what you mean about your new jacket has to be just right.  When you ride you spend lots of time in your jacket and it needs to be just right.

    I wore the same jacket for many years and had to replace it when it started shrinking around the waste area (I never realized leather shrunk that fast.  I got a new one about 5 or 6 years ago that is just now broken in.  It's a basic leather motorcycle jacket with lots of pockets and a removable liner.  One of the things I like the most is that it has front and back zippered vents which are great because here in So Cal the temp can change 20° in just a few miles and then back again which makes it a pain to stop and take your jacket off and then have to put it right back on 30 mintures later.

    • 1855 posts
    February 6, 2012 12:37 AM PST
    This is Harley's Illumination 360 degree functional jacket.  It has all the pockets ya  need. It's a polyester outer shell and has a removable quilted liner.  It is lightweight and waterproof (not water resistant).  It has those so-called body armor pads in the elbows and shoulders.

    JUST KIDDING!!!!!!!!!!  What I wear I've worn for 30 years.   The pocket liners are torn.  It's got a funky fade to it. It leaks live a seive but it fits.
  • February 6, 2012 12:58 AM PST
    I'm like Lucky...I had no idea that leather jackets could shrink. I have one that I bought in 1973....looks great, but does not fit. Recently ordered one from, real happy with their jackets....and no, I'm not advertising for them, but they have nice jackets....
    • 5420 posts
    February 6, 2012 1:03 AM PST
    Yep, its amazing that a jacket can go 20 years without shrinking and then once you turn 50 your jacket starts shrinking fast!!! The belt on my chaps shrunk too!
  • February 6, 2012 1:15 AM PST
    Best place to buy a nice big stiff leather riding jacket for the money hands down: Cave Creek Arizona! $165.00 This is NOT a knock off light weight set up very thick, came with one of those thin-so-late liners and had lots of zipper vents I swear the thing weighs at least 40 lbs! (seems that heavy anyway!) OK so now it's too damn bike, I lost 50 lbs and do need to consider a new one but this picture is from December! I probably should go ahead and have the chaps refit while I'm at it! I live in California these days so the jacket thing isn't always necessary and this was one of the few times I have warn since I've been here!

    Most times I just wear a hoodie or sweatshirt with my black heavy woven vest!
  • February 6, 2012 1:20 AM PST
    I got back into riding after a 25 yr rest and bought a Tourmaster JETT jacket it has all the pockets I need plus the liner and vents make it an all season jacket. It has the padding on the elbows and the back part also. I have ridden it in heavy rain and it is water proof . I bought the pants with the same system and winter liners when I put the outfit on I look like Gumbyy Dammit so I don't wear it too often.. Check out tourmaster you may like it
  • February 6, 2012 1:24 AM PST
    Lucky wrote...
    Yep, its amazing that a jacket can go 20 years without shrinking and then once you turn 50 your jacket starts shrinking fast!!! The belt on my chaps shrunk too!

    Damn it that means after losing all that weight in a few years I should probably just save my old jackets!?!?! Like they say; better to have it and not need it than not to have it and need it!

  • February 6, 2012 1:26 AM PST
    The above jacket I posted was originally priced at $400 dollars and when I picked it off the rack the owner of the shop was all over me... he asked if I were looking for a new jacket and I said that I was just looking around and then he said that I could have it for $165.00! SOLD!
  • February 6, 2012 1:58 AM PST
    IEDarla, the wife just bought herself a new jacket, she was tired of her old heavy jacket and the material a lot different and the jacket is leather but much lighter and comes with a really nice liner. It has what I thought was an odd pattern but she says it's a lot warmer than her old jacket and she doesn't feel like she's wearing and X-ray apron anymore... literally can be stuffed in a saddlebag and have room for other things.
  • February 6, 2012 3:23 AM PST
     Not a very in focus shot of the jacket but that's the wife's new jacket, she is to the left.
  • February 6, 2012 4:15 AM PST
    Well, I ended up collecting 3 different riding jackets, 1st looks just like Black 9's and I weighed it so its about 9lbs and 7 ozs yeah it is heavy but really nice and light when its on. Then in 03' the ex bought me a harley 100th for valentines day real light weight and not that warm. I kept both those jackets and use them when i travel summer travel the harley, spring/fall the big leather . then once I moved to Florida both were too warm so I use this pull over hoodie thing with double elastic wrists, a pull tight thing at waist and neck, its got a weird lining but keeps wind out and some light rain.
    Lucky that picture wouldn't be along or almost to the border of SD would it? Like if you were coming back from devil's tower and went south towards Rapid City instead of over to SD. Got a old picture and the sign and backdrop look almost the same.
    have a great one! "T"
    • 5420 posts
    February 6, 2012 4:26 AM PST
    Tumbles wrote...

    Lucky that picture wouldn't be along or almost to the border of SD would it? Like if you were coming back from devil's tower and went south towards Rapid City instead of over to SD. Got a old picture and the sign and backdrop look almost the same.
    have a great one! "T"

    Could be right in that area, cause when we left Sturgis that year we crossed the SD/WY border and turned staight south riding the backroads down toward Cheyenne.

  • February 6, 2012 5:41 AM PST
    My Jacket is pretty warm, it is not vented though. I also need a mid weight jacket which I have never had. When it's hot I ride without one period. Ya Ya Ya...

    Lucky, it's too bad about that shrinking leather. Maybe you should try to take it back, ***wink***

    I do love leather up, I have chaps that match this jacket, but they are suede, like the jacket and I am over the fringe. I purchased new leather from them, I love them and could not beat the price.

    Jackets tell the story of your riding lives. The only thing on mine however is an angel pin that I wore to a friends funeral. It was put on the jacket right after and has never been removed.

    Black9, Your vest is awesome, see lots of these guys here, and the Marine Corps Vets MC, My son is a 2 time combat vet. Much respect!

    Thanks everyone for the pictures and the stories. Now just to find the right one for me. Like I said, I can not find one that is the length want. The search continues!
  • February 6, 2012 6:11 AM PST
    Hi there!
    A girl can never have enough biker jackets, LOL!
    I have mesh, fabric, heavy leather and lightweight, windresistent, etc.  They are not all HD brands. I layer various ones to compensate for different temps and weather. 

    But this is my favorite jacket ............ I bought it online, it's lightweight leather, love the bursts of red (my fav color) and the white 'racer' look on the sleeves, has a zip pocket on sleeve where I keep my $$/credit cards, ID and slim lipstick w/ SPF, has two other regular size pockets for camera & phone; the sleeve is long enough to cover wrists and doesn't ride up; I wear it over my wind-resistent jacket on chilly mornings; it's not bulky so it's easier to roll up and fits in my backpack or bag. I wore this jacket on a group ride to southern CO in mid-July and was totally comfortable.

    The main difference:  you said you like 'longer in length' jacket whereas I prefer just around the waist, just lucky that none of my jackets feel tight around my waist so they don't ride up.
    • 846 posts
    February 6, 2012 10:10 AM PST
     I've had three jackets over the years all leather. The first was a simple leather riding jacket with two chest pocket and one on the inside. This one I wouldn't have replaced but as I expanded it did for a while till I blew out the shoulders and well the term sausage comes to mind. After a hiatus for riding and returning I  pick up a cheap classic leather jacket more pockets and vents. Well I got what I paid for and after blowing out the liner (don't ask I don't know why a liner should shred at the shoulder) and the zipper going. I broke down a got the same style jacket but the leather was cow hide not (water buffalo) plus it's thicker and it was make in the US by a local outfit. I'l still breaking it in but this ones bomb proof and has two outer hand pockets 4 vents 2 front and 2 back and one internal pocket ( a little small). The plus is it warmer too as i normally would end the riding season here with a heavy sweat shirt under my leather jacket. This year I rode with only the liner in and that didn't happen till late fall. I'm wearing it below.
  • February 6, 2012 10:22 AM PST
    Lucky wrote...
    Tumbles wrote...

    Lucky that picture wouldn't be along or almost to the border of SD would it? Like if you were coming back from devil's tower and went south towards Rapid City instead of over to SD. Got a old picture and the sign and backdrop look almost the same.
    have a great one! "T"

    Could be right in that area, cause when we left Sturgis that year we crossed the SD/WY border and turned staight south riding the backroads down toward Cheyenne.
    Outside of Hullette?
    • 601 posts
    February 6, 2012 11:22 AM PST
    I live in whatever keeps the rain out is just fine by me. A buddy of mine bought an expensive leather jacket and pants a few years back..think he paid over €1000 for them. First day out he had a bad high-sider and slid along the road for over 100yds...not a scratch on him, but all he cried about was his "new leathers" all ripped up...never even thinking that they had done the job they were made for !!! no pleasing some folk!!

    motorcycle clothing is functional...not fashion.
  • February 6, 2012 11:56 AM PST
    Rory1 motorcycle clothing is functional...not fashion.

    While true, we all still want to wear what we look pretty good in... for the most part I don't care, as long as the item meets certain parameters and doesn't bust the bank. My chaps were 60.00, and I wouldn't trade then for anything. My old riding jacket 600.00 I would never pay that again. But I have to say, the thing is 17 years old, and not a tear anywhere. Just faded.

    I am glad your friend was able to cry over the loss. I am sure that in hind site he realized that they saved him.

  • February 6, 2012 12:02 PM PST
    Lucky, Black 9 I think its down around Rapid city there, kind of a less travel type road I wish I could remember the the road numbers, but well dam it was what over 12 years or even 18 years ago, dam I need me some ginko. have a great one! "T"
  • February 7, 2012 10:45 AM PST
    You can take highway 24 outside of Belle Fourche or if you take the Interstate you take the Hulett exit on highway 14.
  • February 7, 2012 11:44 AM PST
    I'm not sure I know it was a straight shot south, we stayed in Wyoming the whole time, crossed back over the mountain passes and ended up with a straight shot into Rapid City. I really don't know. have a great one "T"