February 2, 2012 2:01 PM PST
Aw Sister Tweek, I gotta say 'Been there, bought the tee shirt, wore it out and gave it to the VOA.' Oh, you can still get a rise outta me, BUT I now have a way of 'handling' a situation/person. If it starts spiraling outta control, I STOP and say "Let stop. Can we start again?" or something like it. I actively don't want to get mad... I'll look at the person and say something that let's them know that I want to move on, right after we fix the problem. YOU have to find that cool, ohm-place to deal with situations and people.
BOOF, I'm proud of ya going in to see a shrink about your anger issues. I went when I was around 35 years old and I found out some stuff about how I dealt with memories from the past had an influence in how I handled stuff NOW. Also gave me some pills to take every day. Lithium... It has had the coolest effect on me. If somebody had stolen my jacket (like happened to you) I would go get it back. The thing is I probably wouldn't have hit the two 'perps' more than twice a piece. So you see how that could be a good thing.... right? Anyway, I went an saw a counselor (psychologist) and he walked me thru some of the hardest times and then helped me to see when and why my anger would trigger... Always with bad consequences for all involved. I was a punch first, f*ck asking questions later kinda guy. After I had spent 10 months in county jail for beating a guy, the court ordered me to take 'Anger Management' classes. So I took THREE classes until I started to 'Get It'. It helped that the teacher was a pretty lil' sheila and seemed to like me!
Oh, to the person that believes God won't put more on yer shoulders than you can manage... got news for ya, folks that suicide... They had more than they could bear, didn't they? I'm not sure where that fits in a Christian Belief System. They were 'lost', couldn't see/lost focus... What was it?
My Belief System sez that, yes folks can get too much piled up. They can lose their way but thru Faith and Belief, a way can be found to cope. It's a Native American way for me that works.
Here's wishing my Sister Tweek a way to Cope and see clearly what is happening. May your days be filled with Understanding and clear vision. Also, it don't hurt to figure out EXACTLY what you want and then "Ask For It"... right?
As always, I'm the
February 2, 2012 2:52 PM PST
Savage...true that!
"T" for Tumbles...I meditate on pretty much a daily basis. ( I don't have my Harley, yet, so I find my quiet place, do some "LIGHT" reading, and LISTEN. (OK, ok...try to listen..lol)
Edgewalker...can't say as I "addressed" whatever it was (and I know what it was) that made me so angry, back in the day. I can tell you that there are some things, medicine can't cure. And I've talked as much about it, as I'm goin' to.
But I understand, what works for any one of us, IS THE ROAD, THAT WE, PERSONALLY, NEED TO TAKE.
Things are gonna be fine. Some people make it hard to "love" on 'em. But that don't mean, I'll totally throw in the towel. God has been teaching me about patience, for a while now, and I'm sometimes a slow learner. It took not gettin' my heart's desire, (the Harley), to learn me that, sometimes I'm just going to have to wait for some things.
Livin' the way that I want to live, without benefit of petulant/dissagreeble roomies...is one of 'em.
It'll happen. Cause,THIS TOO, SHALL PASS!