January 29, 2012 3:41 AM PST
Gee thanks Savage!!! Well I survived the firs trip, and so did the car!! To be honest she did very well. I'm starting to think she's a lot more ready for this than I am. She was on her first go cart at the age of 4 and has had four wheelers and dirt bikes ever since. So maybe it's not her I'm most concerned about, It's all the other idiots she's gonna have to share the road with. It's hard to explain to a young lady that almost everyone on the road is trying to kill you and your job is not to let them!!
I probably wear a helmet less than 50% of the time, but when I am driving a car, I ALWAYS wear a seatbelt. It wasn't always that way, but has been since I had parts of my face sewed back on my senior year in high school. Your daughter may feel young and invincible, as did I ... actually, I still do. I do not fear accidents whether in my car or on my bike for what might happen to me, my worst fear is seeing the faces of my parents when I am all banged up. Make sure your daughter knows how much you love her just as she is, and that is why you want her to make choices for herself which will keep her safe. Seatbelts CAN prevent a nasty faceplant to a steering wheel!
You can also give her the same guidance I give to every new motorcycle rider: Assume that half the people on the road with you do not see you, and the other half want you dead!
January 29, 2012 3:51 AM PST
I was the one who taught my kids and my friends kids. The trick is to relax and have enough confidence in the new driver that they feel empowered. We all have to learn, think about the ones who taught you and adopt the best traits of them! Enjoy having a chauffeur for a year!!!!!
January 29, 2012 4:06 AM PST
Some great stories here, especially Savage's LOL That will be something to tell your grandchildren!!
I am with Flower though, I couldn't teach my daughter. There wasn't enough xanax on earth for that !! I sent her to driving school and my best friend took her to practice and get her license.
January 29, 2012 4:10 AM PST
I started mine in parking lots & took it from there.You will get thru it. Patience & good looking out works well. Good luck.
January 29, 2012 5:54 AM PST
My daughter stopped the car, got out, and walked home. Mmmmmmmm, probably meant I was more impatient than I should've been, eh?!
January 29, 2012 6:39 AM PST
POWMIA interesting...my son can get his learners this week. We went to the High School lot early this A.M. Had a blast! Yeah that's my boy! Good luck!