I'ze back...

    • 601 posts
    January 18, 2012 10:29 AM PST
    Howarya all doing folks, been missing here for a while. I'm working up the north sea off the coast of Iceland and have very limited internet access so been outa touch for ages. Some real bad weather here since November....back home again now for a couple of weeks and the kids!!!! (they're 23 +26) bought me a laptop for Christmas, which I missed..so maybe I can keep in touch with all my American friends.....and that nutter from Australia!! What's happening Boof ?...beer still crap down under ? get to Ireland and sample some decent booze!!.

    Dragon.......you still doing what we all should do, sometimes you are the concience of a lot of folk here.

    Rex...........Hows the family Bro ?

    Lucky....that good lookin' blond woman still with ya....or has she got sense

    Tweek.......... hope things are good with you Sis/Bro.

    gonna read some topics now and catch up on all the stuff i've missed..............................................unless Liz decides to catch up on all the stuff she's missed for a while
    • Moderator
    • 1364 posts
    January 18, 2012 10:49 AM PST
    Welcome back sir...
    • 0 posts
    January 18, 2012 11:23 AM PST
    Welcome back mate..Irish beer has the same effect on me cod liver oil..No buzz and a case of the shits..Glad ya didnt get washed away mate..Cheers Boof
    • 2072 posts
    January 18, 2012 11:57 AM PST
    Welcome back Bro !!!!! Glad to hear you've survived the bad weather !!! NOW, put that new laptop to good use !!!!!
    • 1780 posts
    January 18, 2012 11:48 PM PST
    Missed ya my Brother, good to have ya back
    • 9 posts
    January 19, 2012 12:28 AM PST
    RORY!!! Hey! We missed you, brother. It sounds COLD, where you've been. (Iceland, DUH!) I think the isolation must be worse, tho. Do you have internet access up there? That lap-top will be awesome, then you can come on here and know they'll always be somebody (BOOF) who can keep ya in stiches...lol. And your kids (who are awesome) can keep in touch. Good thing, all the way, 'round!
    Enjoy what time you have with your family, that's what's most important. And we ARE your family, too!
    Love you, man!

    Ride Free
    P.S. I am doing good, and thanks for askin'!
    I am confused about one thing tho...sis/bro???

    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    January 19, 2012 12:35 AM PST
    Neil, it is great to hear from you. I thought you were on a platform and would be out of touch for a while but fully expected to hear from you again, Hell, ya can't shut up the Irish, especially after a pint or two. You have a great visit home and be safe when ya go back.

    Oh and I gotta agree with ya, Irish Beer is the BEST! Sorry Boof...(and some pretty good wiskey too but the best of that comes from Tennessee - notice the shirt in my profile pic - wink wink, nudge nudge, know what I mean...)

    Well my Irish friend, the Road Dog Clan is great and has grown. We welcomed the newest member Greta, on Oct 27th. Riley and I are back on the road in NC right now.
    • 5420 posts
    January 19, 2012 1:28 AM PST
    Good to see ya around Neil. The North Sea in January, couldn't even imagine!

    Yes the pretty blond lady is still hanging around. Got her a puppy for her birthday so now she has something good looking keeping her here.

    Take care my brother and stay warm!
    • 2 posts
    January 19, 2012 12:41 PM PST
    Missed you lad
    • Moderator
    • 1516 posts
    January 19, 2012 12:47 PM PST
    Good to see you back, we have missed you. hope you are thawed out and happy at the moment
    • 601 posts
    January 19, 2012 11:40 PM PST
    yeah, it was a pretty rough trip. One night we were blown 40 miles from our anchor point ! bear in mind the semi-submersible we are on is 20,000 tons.

    First pic is new years eve...those waves are 15 to 20 meters high.
    second is calmer weather
    • 1780 posts
    January 20, 2012 12:08 AM PST
    OK stupid question time ........I assume you have steel dril pipe going down to the ocean floor.....what happens to the pipe when you break loose from your mooring?
    Dud Dragon
    • 601 posts
    January 20, 2012 12:16 AM PST
    Basically............shit happens ! its a mad rush to disconnect, but forecast normally is pretty accurate and you get time to do it.....and time to change you're underwear too. Job is tough but interesting Dragon...but the rewards are great....and getting home to Liz after a few weeks away can be.....lets just say...fun!!!!
    • 1780 posts
    January 20, 2012 1:48 AM PST
    Gotta Rory ........Are you considered a Rough Neck....I think that is what they call you guys in Texas
    • 601 posts
    January 20, 2012 9:22 AM PST
    near enough dragon... I'm a boilermaker by trade, but on a drill platform...everyone pulls together, no trade de-markation.
    • 513 posts
    January 22, 2012 12:42 AM PST

    Hey Brother, you are not missing much in the land o'green

    Things are same old same old, has your balance restored itself yet

    Beer soon before my stomach thinks ma throat has been cut.

    ní thagann siad isteach san fharraige, toisc go mbeidh sé a bheith an-fuar agus beidh Gníomhacha do liathróidí tú amach.

    a bheith go maith mo dheartháir agus beidh táim ag tnúth le beoracha go leor nuair a fhilleann tú le haghaidh ár bpáirtí breithlá!

    Just your average cold night in Mullingar!(below)
    • 1 posts
    January 22, 2012 5:24 AM PST
    • 601 posts
    January 22, 2012 6:56 AM PST
    I am confused about one thing tho...sis/bro???....

    Well Tweek I'm not a great lover of "biker-speak"...too fcking populist and too many cliché's and some of it can be just embarrassing....to me you're another biker and nothing else matters, to clear up any confusion, you put your ass on a saddle I don't care about race-sex or creed...we share a road and a lifestyle.

    Also....Dyna is asking me not to drown...in Gaelic..and also looking forward to my 50th birthday next month....where we shall consume copious amounts of booze, and probably make a general nuisance of ourselves !!!
    • 513 posts
    January 23, 2012 2:03 AM PST
    rory1 wrote...
    I am confused about one thing tho...sis/bro???....Tweek is a hot chick.....put your specs on man!

    Well Tweek I'm not a great lover of "biker-speak"...too fcking populist and too many cliché's and some of it can be just embarrassing....to me you're another biker and nothing else matters, to clear up any confusion, you put your ass on a saddle I don't care about race-sex or creed...we share a road and a lifestyle.  True this...the man is what you see you get he has no bullshit about him unless of course you start him talking about Cork hurlers and then he is full of it!        

    Also....Dyna is asking me not to drown...in Gaelic..and also looking forward to my 50th birthday next month....where we shall consume copious amounts of booze, and probably make a general nuisance of ourselves !!! Now would I be trying to incite a riot or at least a mild disturbance...never!

    • 611 posts
    January 23, 2012 3:41 PM PST
    OK, you are out for weeks in the North Sea, in the winter, on a drilling rig? "Can you say GUTS?" Wow, all my respect to ya Rory. It boggles my tiny little brain... Must have more beer...
    All the best to ya, walk lightly when around the rails, ya know?
    Edge Walker