• January 12, 2012 3:24 PM PST
    I got a text from my boss on a week ago tuesday to meet in his office, so I went, he had a paper work from Dec 18th that I had a couple mistakes on and he had an email from a Funeral Home Director dated Nov. 5, 2011, she was upset cause she said I was over agressive with her on a phone conversation, Well long story short when I tried to tell my side of the story he leaned over his desk and said I have no say in the issue because his directors are highley respected...I ask him the bottom line n he said I dunno I'll have to think about it...Soooo I went home n couldn't get it out of my head that he disrespected / bullied me, Ya see , I expect people to treat me as I would treat them...You know? with respect!

    So I shot him an email so we could discuss his the fact that by not letting me speak he disrespected me, he set up a meeting for last Monday dec 9, then he suspended me....
    I was advised by a close confident that dosent work there to not sit in that meeting without HR present so I invited the HR manager from Seattle and moved the Friday 7th knowing my boss always takes fridays off which with HR attending he had to accept my meeting date.

    Heres the kicker, I have no write ups, verbal or written, good attendance n get along with everyone I work with, My problem is I will not be talked down to by anyone n I mean ANYONE! you see there it is again..expecting people to treat me as how I would treat them...

    Well? I got fired/canned/ ya know what I'm a gonna do? I'm a gonna ride away cause my good friend and the only one I fear will take care of him, I'm talkin bout Karma.

    IceBear will survive...

  • January 12, 2012 4:03 PM PST
    Ice bear brother i am so sorry that sux. i hate to hear someone good loosing a job
    • 9 posts
    January 12, 2012 5:04 PM PST
    R.J., First let me say, I heartily agree with you, on the not being disrespected. It's a crime, when some employers think they can treat people, any kind of way they want to. And it sounds as if you have been a good and loyal employee to them. And if your work record shows that, and the fact that you had no previous "write-ups", especially for what could be termed "insubordination", then you have a case for unemployment. As you may or may not know, you HAVE to be fired, to qualify for unemployment. So, in this case, go on-line or go in person to your nearest unemployment office, and apply for benefits. That's why employers MUST carry unemployment insurance. That's the law, and the law is on YOUR side. If they cannot PROVE you were an "aggressive" (and this means over a period of time, not just once), employee, then they don't have good cause to terminate you, and therefore, you should be green-lighted for an unemployment check.  Too many people today, are being "let go" under dubious circumstances, and the government knows it, and is trying to "govern" this practice. Afterall, another unemployed person, cannot pay his fair share of income, and federal taxes.
    And with the extensions just signed into law, you should be able to receive benefits for at least 18 months, IF, you worked for the company for 26 straight weeks, or longer.
    I will be saying a prayer for you, Regardless of the outcome. I know you are an upstanding man, and someone
    will see those qualities in you, and offer you another job. I can't wish you luck, cause I don't believe in luck. What I can say, is, may the Lord's
    blessings, be upon you.  And...stand tall, we know you didn't deserve this.

    Ride Free
    • 395 posts
    January 12, 2012 11:54 PM PST
    sorry to hear brother......keep your head up one door closes another one opens.....maybe karma has something better in the wind for ya......wishing you the best of luck......never back down when your in the one deserves to be disrespected...much respect to you for standing your ground.
  • January 13, 2012 12:06 AM PST
    Bummer all the way around man. Sounds like you walked into a stacked deck right from the start.
  • January 13, 2012 12:29 AM PST
    Sound's like your boss had already made up his mind to let you go but didn't have the stones to tell it to your face. Just walk away and fight it out later with a good lawyer it sounds like you need to go to an higher boss if there is one to plead your case. No one shall disrespect another ever
    • 1855 posts
    January 13, 2012 1:57 AM PST
    All I can say is let's hope he doesn't appeal any unemployment benefits. If so, you will need a lawyer and ya may as well sue the dude (company) while you're at it. The way things are these days companies don't have to have a reason to let someone go. But I don't know about the firing part of it. They'd better have a damn good reason. But hang in there man and keep the faith.

  • Pat
    January 13, 2012 3:01 AM PST
    I think that jackass needs to learn a lot about respecting other people. We all know you have the right to defend your self against any and all allegations made about you. Hang in there bro
    • Moderator
    • 16870 posts
    January 13, 2012 4:07 AM PST
    I can dig what you are saying about respect.
    Some folks because of their position in life think they can talk down to people they consider lower on the food chain.
  • January 13, 2012 6:03 AM PST
    Tweek wrote...
    R.J., First let me say, I heartily agree with you, on the not being disrespected. It's a crime, when some employers think they can treat people, any kind of way they want to. And it sounds as if you have been a good and loyal employee to them. And if your work record shows that, and the fact that you had no previous "write-ups", especially for what could be termed "insubordination", then you have a case for unemployment. As you may or may not know, you HAVE to be fired, to qualify for unemployment. So, in this case, go on-line or go in person to your nearest unemployment office, and apply for benefits. That's why employers MUST carry unemployment insurance. That's the law, and the law is on YOUR side. If they cannot PROVE you were an "aggressive" (and this means over a period of time, not just once), employee, then they don't have good cause to terminate you, and therefore, you should be green-lighted for an unemployment check.  Too many people today, are being "let go" under dubious circumstances, and the government knows it, and is trying to "govern" this practice. Afterall, another unemployed person, cannot pay his fair share of income, and federal taxes.
    And with the extensions just signed into law, you should be able to receive benefits for at least 18 months, IF, you worked for the company for 26 straight weeks, or longer.
    I will be saying a prayer for you, Regardless of the outcome. I know you are an upstanding man, and someone
    will see those qualities in you, and offer you another job. I can't wish you luck, cause I don't believe in luck. What I can say, is, may the Lord's
    blessings, be upon you.  And...stand tall, we know you didn't deserve this.

    Ride Free

    Tweek, Thank you n yes I have filede for unemployment online....thanks for having my back

  • January 13, 2012 9:05 AM PST
    Sounds to me like he afraid to tell you to your face. Sometimes when companies need to trim the bottom line they don't think about the people they let go and how it disrupts there lives. Hopefully everything will work out for you.Our father has a plan for us as we live life we figure out what it is. Good Luck
  • January 13, 2012 9:39 AM PST
    sorry to hear of this. What I can say is pretty much the norm. Nearly all componys have taken advantage of the FAILING ECOMOMY to remove floks that have rubbed the PEOPLE in charge the wrong way. Yes that was ment to sound nasty!
    For a little bit thay even got us bashing our own unions. Lets not mince words. Watch The News. for the last 3 years the cost of living has gone up. Non union componys have recived NO UP PAY and in many cases, Thay have lost there medical or other benfits. Those lucky enuff to have a 401K plan have lost nearly all of it to the BANKS that WE bailed out.
    As for union componys thay busted the big blocks to nearly powerless pitty push. And to insure that WE NO LONGER HAVE ANY TRUE SAY in how THE OFFICE B.S. carry out to the shop floor. The goverment made sure that Unions like Long Shore Men, have to abide by some court judge that has no bearing on the REAL PEOPLE. As for teacher unions look at WISCONSON!! Thats WIS-CON-SON. Pissing on the backs of our fellow man.  
    From the Teacher to the Fireman to the Cops to the lowly street sweeper. Those floks in charge made sure to PISS ON THERE FELLOW MAN.
    Dosent it give you a warm feeling. Althought a bit smelly.
    Fact of the matter is from the Truck Driver to the kid pushing you a buger. No one has improved for quite some time! Except the RICH! THE BANKS and the Buzzards. As we slog thought this BS set up by the banks. To cause the biggest econmic BS. JUST TO MAKE A FEW BUCKS MORE!!!!!  
    • Moderator
    • 1516 posts
    January 13, 2012 12:37 PM PST
    ahh Randy Joe, I am so sorry to hear you are having troubles.. that sucks. But you do know that one beginning is another beginnings end. Something better could just be ready to show up. I sure hope so. Life is short my friend, just move on!!
  • January 13, 2012 5:04 PM PST
    RJ: I feel for you as everyone has expressed; you have my respect as a human being; sometimes we do need to stand our ground; you made every effort to resolve it in the most mature and professional approach; it does seem like they had made up their mind to let go of 'someone' ~ I wish you the best and pray that the New Year does turn positive & productive for you very soon!
    • 34 posts
    January 13, 2012 7:12 PM PST
    My take is this--sorry this happened but let's have faith that your next job will be better than this one.

    What goes around comes around!

    This type of thing happens all to often and it ain't right so i'm on your side ---KARMA will kick his ass and do you right by good fortune to come.

    • 658 posts
    January 13, 2012 11:27 PM PST
      Sorry to hear the news brother. I commend you for standing your ground over respect. I can assure you " What goes around, Comes around." Our father will make sure of that!

     At 47yrs old, I was laid off and told about the Federal WIA Program. Through this program I went back to school and completed my Paramedic Degree. Changed careers comlpetely.  I got something back for all the taxes I had paid.  Check it out.

    Best of Luck Brother,

  • January 14, 2012 2:05 AM PST
    Jimmyacorn wrote...
    All I can say is let's hope he doesn't appeal any unemployment benefits. If so, you will need a lawyer and ya may as well sue the dude (company) while you're at it. The way things are these days companies don't have to have a reason to let someone go. But I don't know about the firing part of it. They'd better have a damn good reason. But hang in there man and keep the faith.


    I've done a little research on what viable reasons the acompany  can block unemployment benifits, In Oregon they company has to be able to prove you commited  insubordination, stoled from the Company, Intentially damaged property, a threat to yourself and or fellow workers, failed a drug screen test and have proper paper work showing the worker has had an ongoing problem with the reason give for termination

    In Oregon a non union shop CAM fire you wuthy no be sucessful at blocking the unemployment benifits they have to show documention on the issues I posted.

    Be Be Well...

  • January 14, 2012 2:18 AM PST
    I ve been round the bend on this.
    First off the compony that I worked for for over 7 years fails. Mind you 3 years before we made 15 millon USD after paying out for operations. After that the Son of the owner took over we fell faster than a rock out of a plane. In the end my own famlie lost 5 jobs and when thay closed the doors 525 famlies lost there incomes. Less than 3 years later OUR componys owner ran for state sentor. Bumping out a incombunt of over 3 terms.
    So after losing my job. I went to school. Went back to work. a few years later I blew out my right shoulder for a second time. Durning my recovery I had a hart attack. The employer didnt want me back. There reasoning was I was a RISK.
    • 1 posts
    January 15, 2012 5:59 AM PST
    • 0 posts
    January 15, 2012 6:55 AM PST
    Sorry to hear about this, But in my mind, I think you made a mistake. I think he suspended you to let things calm down as he didn't want to let you go. He was hoping it would go away and let things get back to normal. You pushed the issue and then he had no choice. He will not side against the directors.
    Just my opinion from the facts presented.
  • January 15, 2012 11:59 AM PST
    GaryTJ wrote...
    Sorry to hear about this, But in my mind, I think you made a mistake. I think he suspended you to let things calm down as he didn't want to let you go. He was hoping it would go away and let things get back to normal. You pushed the issue and then he had no choice. He will not side against the directors.
    Just my opinion from the facts presented.

    I decided a long time ago that staying on good terms with management was just as important as anything else in the workplace.  I work hard at my job, and I work hard at building relationships with my managers, which is just as important IMO.  Work is just a place I go for X number of hours every week to make money for the important things in my life, so I just let the petty annoyances of my job roll off my back.  You are absolutely right about supervisors not siding against *their* supervisors.  It ain't gonna happen, period.  Management is a country club, and the help isn't allowed inside.

  • January 16, 2012 5:48 AM PST
    wolfpack wrote...
    GaryTJ wrote...
    Sorry to hear about this, But in my mind, I think you made a mistake. I think he suspended you to let things calm down as he didn't want to let you go. He was hoping it would go away and let things get back to normal. You pushed the issue and then he had no choice. He will not side against the directors.
    Just my opinion from the facts presented.

    I decided a long time ago that staying on good terms with management was just as important as anything else in the workplace.  I work hard at my job, and I work hard at building relationships with my managers, which is just as important IMO.  Work is just a place I go for X number of hours every week to make money for the important things in my life, so I just let the petty annoyances of my job roll off my back.  You are absolutely right about supervisors not siding against *their* supervisors.  It ain't gonna happen, period.  Management is a country club, and the help isn't allowed inside.

      Sometimes, it takes an incident like this to reassess, reflect and make a change in life, no matter your age. 
    Take your experiences and see how much you can contribute in another profession or field or company and begin to market yourself. 
    Your situation is one of the reasons why I have my own consultanting business after years of working for others but it has always been a goal of mine to have my own business so much of my 'career' was spent establishing a reputable foundation.  It's alot of work (net working), long hours at first but my personality is such that I am intense, but disciplined, positive, realistic, fair, reasonable, honest and have learned to glean constructive criticism from others that promote positive productive results in my work. I am not one that settles for just 'going through the motions', and at 51, I still seek adventures and new opportunities so obviously, it's up to individual insights and determination.  There will be times when you need to just walk away. 
    I wish you the best!!

    • 2 posts
    January 16, 2012 7:37 AM PST

    Things like this rot but there ain't much you can do about them.
    About all that you can do is to try to get the skill set that matches what you really want to do & keep plugging. – It is the interim that is painful.

    If it is any comfort it happens all the way up the food-chain. 
    I have seen managers in very senior positions terminated for no reason other than the newest really senior manager had animus to the manager who hired them.

    • 1780 posts
    January 16, 2012 11:34 PM PST
    Sorry to hear about this Brother...down in Texas we have the Texas Work Force that can go to bat for you in cases like this. Have you checked on something like this?
    Best of Luck on this issue