HD Back Order?!?!?! GRRRR!

  • January 11, 2012 5:54 AM PST
    Is it me or is EVERYTHING you order from Harley on back order?!?!?! Still waiting for some detachable side plates and mounting hardware for going on 3 weeks now! I called and now they're saying it's going to be NEXT week!!! I heard that story last week and week before that! Just tell me it's on back order and I can wait just don't blow smoke up my kilt and tell me they will be there when they won't! Irritatings! 
    • 5420 posts
    January 11, 2012 6:02 AM PST
    I haven't had that problem even with low demand parts, but our local dealer has a pretty big warehouse.

    I'm not sure if you have paid for them yet or not. But what I do when my dealer tells me they have to order something is just go online to harley-davidson.com . The way Harley online works for orders is that you choose a dealer when you place your order (typically the closest one) and it ships from there. However I have called other dealers in the state to verify the part is in-stock and then select that dealer when I place the order. Usually arrives in a day or two if its not overweight and the dealer is in state.
    • 0 posts
    January 11, 2012 7:01 AM PST
    Your reckon you've got problems Black..Ya wanna try it from down this way..Ya go to the stealership get treated like a redheaded communist step child.That arsehole gets around to sending your order off to some equally uninterested "Give two shits" arsehole in a big arsed wharehouse over your way who decides for me how soon i might need my parts and puts my order down the list of priorities behind his live NASCAR commitments and having textual intercourse with his attractive cousin.. After washing his hands (hopefully) he gives my order to Cletus the one armed "special employee benefits receiving" Stock boy who see the order is going to Australia and remembers Elle MacPherson is from Australia and takes a "break" with an old issue of sports illustrated..Meanwhile I'm getting calls from my customer "Killer" to the tune of "WHEN IS MY SCOOT GONNA BE F#CKIN READY" mate..Then after weeks and weeks of waiting and abuse a parcel turns up on the doorstep..Im stoked open it only to find its the wrong part and now I have to get creative and modify it to fit...Yeah life can be tough when your on constantly on back order old mate..CHEERS BOOF
  • January 11, 2012 7:26 AM PST
    See how smart you are Lucky, I have worked on and off with these pricks and I didn't get that figured out on my own! Look at the big brain on Lucky! *I am truly not worthy!* LOL

    BOOF that is the saddest and funniest paragraph I have read in a long time my down under brother! I know, I bitch WAY too much after reading your trivales one should consider oneself blessed or plain lucky! BOOF if you ever write a book I'm buying 20 copies! One for me and the rest to my nearest and dearest friends and family! Cheers good buddy! YEEEE HAW!!!! * that's the American slang for*** yall have a nice day! hehehe
    • 9 posts
    January 11, 2012 7:49 AM PST
    Customer service seems to have gone the way of the dinosaur. But walk into a dealership acting like you wanna buy, and these guys trip all over themselves, trying to make a sale. And not JUST a sale...an UPSALE. Meaning trying to get you to put every bell and whistle possible on the beast, before you've even decided on which bike might fit YOU.
    Of course, being a woman, they usually don't take you too seriously, unless you start actually waving money around. And when ordering parts, you'll get the actual "are you sure" questions about what it is you're ordering.
    At least this has been the case in my experience, at some dealerships.
    I now, shop around for a dealership, just like I would, that part I might need. Cause if I "ain't feelin' it" from them,
    on something as important as a part, I know I don't want them to participate in getting my ride for me.
    And Black, if you are having issue's with getting parts from a particular dealership, time after time, there is
    a number you can call to let the "powers that be" know. And they will usually look into it, and expedite.
    Harley-Davidson isn't just a brand, it's a name, and they want their franchise holders to keep to "their mission statement", which is:
    Harley-Davidson Mission Statement
    "We fulfill dreams through the experience of motorcycling, by providing to motorcyclists and to the general public an expanding line of motorcycles and branded products and services in selected market segments."

    To contact the Motor Company directly, please write:
    Harley-Davidson Customer Service
    3700 W. Juneau Avenue
    Milwaukee, WI 53208
    To speak with a Harley-Davidson customer service representative call (414) 343-4056.

    Just like any service, if it's not up to par, if we don't let the company know, they won't know there's a problem.
    Good Hunting.

    Ride Free

  • January 11, 2012 12:15 PM PST
    Thank you Tweek, Excellent information and I for one completely appreciate it:-)
    • 834 posts
    January 11, 2012 12:51 PM PST
    Tweek's statement: "Customer service seems to have gone the way of the dinosaur." Seems to apply to way to many businesses these days. I for one am getting pretty tired of "customer service people" being limited by the "computer system" as to how much they can do to resolve a problem. Whether it be a part on back order, a problem with a cable bill, or a return at your local department store. Every time I hear "well the computer says... " or "I can't do that in the system" I feel like throwing their computer on the ground and saying "now make a decision to do what you have to to make ME, the customer, happy". Is it really that hard to pick up a phone and find out where the part really is? Or to give me my money back on an unopened item right there on the spot and figure out how to enter it in the system later. Even a simple thing like the clerk at the convenience store putting down the friggin cell phone while they handle my transaction.

    Even though I'm not wealthy and can't really afford to pay extra for things, I will normally choose a business with good customer service over a competitor every time, even it it costs slightly more!

    Sorry a little off the original topic...on that subject Lucky's idea of just ordering it from the next closest dealer sounds like the way to go.
    • Moderator
    • 16869 posts
    January 11, 2012 2:36 PM PST
    In Feb. 2003 I had the 2003 Ultra delivered to my door, it took until July 2003 for the sidecar to get here.
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    January 11, 2012 11:27 PM PST
    BOOF wrote...
    Your reckon you've got problems Black..Ya wanna try it from down this way..Ya go to the stealership get treated like a redheaded communist step child.That arsehole gets around to sending your order off to some equally uninterested "Give two shits" arsehole in a big arsed wharehouse over your way who decides for me how soon i might need my parts and puts my order down the list of priorities behind his live NASCAR commitments and having textual intercourse with his attractive cousin.. After washing his hands (hopefully) he gives my order to Cletus the one armed "special employee benefits receiving" Stock boy who see the order is going to Australia and remembers Elle MacPherson is from Australia and takes a "break" with an old issue of sports illustrated..Meanwhile I'm getting calls from my customer "Killer" to the tune of "WHEN IS MY SCOOT GONNA BE F#CKIN READY" mate..Then after weeks and weeks of waiting and abuse a parcel turns up on the doorstep..Im stoked open it only to find its the wrong part and now I have to get creative and modify it to fit...Yeah life can be tough when your on constantly on back order old mate..CHEERS BOOF

    But Boof, I have heard they have your name and picture in the shipping department. So whenever an order is for you they delay it as much as possible.

  • January 12, 2012 12:47 AM PST
    Rex I think it actually improves his writing skills! LOL
    • 0 posts
    January 12, 2012 7:43 AM PST
    Yeah the bastards discriminate against me coz I'm from minority group..Yeah not many hetro-sexual white Australian bikers who drink beer and party like lunatics down this way....Im pretty sure Cletus is related to that chick with the lopsided boobs who was serving liqour at the knuckle in Sturgis who I might of insulted when she hit on me by saying"I'd sooner ride a vespa in public than ride her in private"..When ya dealing with inbreds it truly is a small world..CHEERS BOOF
  • January 12, 2012 9:00 AM PST
    LMAO - BOOF imreading blacks troubled story and im thinking " bummer" . Then i get to your 1st post and im crackin up.
    then i read your last post and i busted out laughing so hard i couldn't read through the tears.
    You r so fn funny my friend. Sorry for your trouble black but boof has shed somelight on it LOL
  • January 12, 2012 10:25 AM PST
    Joey no kidding... I was feeling cheated after dumping $300 and then having to wait just pissed me off and then BOOF responds and I feel like an asshole for complaining! LOL
    BOOF, You are truly between a rock and a hard place my brother! Also, next time you go to Sturgis tell somebody, I'm usually there or in Spearfish with friends.:-)