• 0 posts
    January 9, 2012 12:39 PM PST
    GDAY THERE KIDS..WELL JUST A FEW SHORT MOMENTS AGO A COURIER VAN PULLED UP IN THE DRIVE AT CASA DE BOOF..BIG BLACK FELLA ASKS "ARE YOU BOOF"? IM LIKE YEAH WHATCHA GOT THERE? HE GOES I GOTTA PARCEL FOR BOOF FROM THE DRAGON SO I SIGN AND BRING THE BLOODY BIG ARSE BOX INSIDE..So to say I'm a bit bloody excited is an understatement but I still had the pressense of mind to go get an icy cold beer from the fridge..I crack the beer look over the parcel and take a bloody big swig toasting my mate The Dragon..In typical Boof style I grab my old Bowie knife and start at the tape holdin this bloody big boof closed..Shit it was heavy and I got to wondering if my mate The Dragon had posted himself across for a vacation..Well I open it up and heres a bloody rippa looking Harley Davidson poncho that looks like its brand friggin new..Under that is a bloody rippa looking Harley leather jacket in the exact same new condition...Once again I toast my mate The Dragon and empty my beer..So I go get another beer and take a big swig ..Inside the front left pocket of the jacket there's a parcel all taped up so I cut the tape carefuly to reveal some very personal gifts from my Mate The Dragon.I cant believe the generosity of this bloke and am for ever thankful for his gifts and contribution towards a cause I find very special..These gifts that my mate The Dragon has so selflessly donated will be raffle through our club to raise money for kids who aint as bloody lucky as the rest of us and have suffered to much in their bloody short lives...Im making it my personal mission to get to The Dragons place and take him and his gorgeous missus out and spoil them bloody rotten...If I had a bit of pull with that old sheila over in England,you know the one,the queen..I would nominate my mate The Dragon for a bloody knighthood for sure..I know we are gonna raise a shitload of dough for the kids outta this gear and Im so proud to have bloody good mates like The Dragon and the rest of you who go outta ya way to make other people feel better....Anyways Dragon old mate you are an honorary Aussie from now old and I'll square off with any bastard that says otherwise....CHEERS VERY THANKFUL BOOF
  • January 9, 2012 11:33 PM PST
    • 9 posts
    January 9, 2012 11:58 PM PST

    There are just some of the sweetest, most generous, most compassionate people on earth, right HERE on the
    bestess site for motorcycle enthusiasts...CYCLEFISH!!! Keep up the good works, Ya'll! We have nothing to prove
    to the world, and yet, we go about the business, of taking care of others all the time. And don't care about recognition. Well...I'M RECOGNIZING, and sayin'...THANK YOU, ALL!!!

    I thank GOD for finding this site, and ALL of YOU!!! May HIS blessings be upon you!

    Ride Free

    • 1780 posts
    January 10, 2012 12:00 AM PST
    Glad the box made it to your casa in one piece, and I hope the items do bring a butt load of cash for the little kids. Now that I'm an Aussie guess I'd had better learn some of those Aussie terms.
    Be safe my crazy down under Brother......Gooday
    • 0 posts
    January 10, 2012 7:19 AM PST
    Well mate we had a club meeting last night and are organizing a bloody big raffle for our kids charity "Take 5 for kids".Everyone was stoked with the stuff and agree's your a bloody rippa bloke.All the money we raise will go to helping these kids and will be handed over on your behalf with the memory of your dear Mum present in all our hearts mate..This is gonna work out great for these kids and will help no end.We used to do a ride and take the little stink monkey's on little joy rides on our bikes..We'll the powers that be made our insurance unaffordable so we cant do that anymore..This time we are gonna do a show and shine kinda thing and have a bloody huge raffle to make it an awesome day... Im gonna take a shitload of pics and post them on Cyclefish for all of our mates to enjoy..Nothing like seeing the smiles on those little tricycle motors faces as the big scary bikers play with them. or when they giggle and put their fingers in their ears when we rev our bikes for them..I dont give a shit who ya are if ya dont get a lump in ya throat when ya hang with those poor sick little buggers ya aint gotta pulse...So once again thankyou very much Kenny my crazy Texan mate..Cheers Boof
  • January 10, 2012 7:32 AM PST
    Boof can you put together A web site for this I would like to send you some $$$$ for the kids on a safe site . wont be a lot but just something from one of your friends here on cyclefish. Webby
    • 2072 posts
    January 10, 2012 8:18 AM PST
    And this my Cyclefish family, Is why Dragon is King For A Day......... All year long !!!!!
    • 580 posts
    January 10, 2012 10:01 AM PST
    What a great family this is. Dragon you sure came up tops again for the little sprogs who aren't as fortunate as some. Hugs (o:
  • January 10, 2012 11:05 AM PST
    Boof, I'm with Webby on this one, if you find a way I'll throw some coin at it, anything for the kids is my rule.
    • 1780 posts
    January 10, 2012 11:07 AM PST
    Quick story about me and kids.......I wasn't always a kid kind of guy.....until I worked security at a little ones clinic, and I got to know the kids and what medical problems the little buggers had to deal with. I guess I was pretty scary to them with my uniform and gun and all, so I would make it a point to take a knee and talk with them, and I always waved at them, and they would wave back. When they came out of the clinic crying I would take them for a ride on the golf cart, and let them drive, and that would usually make them forget there pain.
    The next thing you know I got to missing the little curtain climbers on my days off.
    Amazing how little things change your life.
    • 3006 posts
    January 10, 2012 1:16 PM PST
    Great post Boof & kudo's to Dragon for leading the way and showing such great generosity,another reason I enjoy this board !!!
    • 0 posts
    January 10, 2012 1:33 PM PST
    Dragon old mate some of my best friends are under 3 foot tall..The little shit love me and think Im like Shrek...I just wanna see these little bugger have a fair chance at growing up and having great lives..I reckon we can all learn a lesson from stink monkey's when their little and aint learnt to be arsehole yet from grown ups bad influences...I aint real sure how to do something for y'all to donate..But just knowin ya wanna help is pretty bloody cool..Remember that old sayin"Charity begins at home"..Cheers BOOF
    • Moderator
    • 1516 posts
    January 10, 2012 2:36 PM PST
    Hey guys, I just got home and ready this post.. wow, I have always been the first to say that only the best people are on Cyclefish, and this time Dragon has gone and proved it again. Hats off, Sir Dragon!!! Boof, I suggest that you simply make a pay pal account and let us know what it is. Or lets ask Luck for a suggestion. He may be able to post a Donate button that takes us straight to your PayPal account. That would be an easy way to accomplish it.
    Just so you guys know, I am really proud!! The world is a better place with you all in it!!
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    January 10, 2012 11:46 PM PST
    Nice post Boof ya crazy Aussie and ATTA BOY Kenny!
    • 395 posts
    January 11, 2012 4:51 AM PST
    Long live King Dragon!!!!...we already knew you were a great and Boof have hearts bigger than Texas and the Outback combined.....funny how big scary bikers are better men than most i've glad to be a part of this family.
  • January 11, 2012 5:06 AM PST
    Such a generous gesture and most humbling; sometimes we forget we have a 'kid' in us. Children's smiles always warm our hearts! Thank you for brightening another child's day!