Its a new year. Time for a new leaf!

  • January 2, 2012 3:38 AM PST
    Sence I really dont know most of you floks. I figer I should let you all in to the life of Psychedelic and my famlie.
    Lets start with the basics. Age soon to be 47. Father of 9. 7 girls 2 boys. from the ages of 26 to 4 years old. Started early finshed late.
    Most of my life I ve been working. I never really took vactions. Always had long list of things that needed to be eather fixed or repaired from cars to remodleing the house. So as life ambled on I got married a few times My wife at present Melodie. I ve knowen sence my high school days. We got married 2007. Anyways I did my time for the Mean Green Machine 6 years US Army. Durning most of time. I spent high was a heavy user of drugs. In 1990 I left the army. I contuned my drug use till 1995. Aug 16 1995 I quit drugs and pretty much gave up drinking.To this day I really never drink more than 2 double shots of Yukon Jack on ice. Been my drink sence Way back in Hondours time mid 80s. Late 80s I spent some time in Isreal. 
    In case your doing math theres some probems with time frame and births of kids. Becuse not all of my kids are MY kids I raised them as if I cooked them up. So there my kids. In case your wondering just how you do 6 years in the Army High most of the time Its easy. First Do your job! Do it right and with a little luck be the best at it. I was a 63 T/R with russin lang skills. Hevey Duty Deisal repair And Recovery spec in soviet miltary equment. REPAIR AND REUTALZTION. 
    After the army I open my own Auto repair shop for a wile. After a few years I was burned out busted up and ready for some one else to lead the way. Went to work in the wrecking yards for awile. and then after a 4 year stent of building up a couple of yard I crashed and burned. I got ran over by my own tool box. (Drugs what a wonderful idea) Crushed 4 disks in my back. I took a 2 year brake on my coutch saw a back doctor for the entire time and never really got better. Till one day getting ready to see the back doc I sliped off the stairs of my house. Landing on my ass and sliding down 6 stairs I really thought I was hurt. But for some reason I felt better than EVER! I saw the doctor. I destoryed the 4 disks that had been an issue. A small surgey to remove the bone fragments I was back up free of drugs I went back to work. 7 1/2 years out at Wilcox Farms as a yard hostler and CIP. Making good money and the wife also working there pluss 3 of the kids as full timers and 1 as a on call. We really had things going our way.
    Then in 2008 the milk devsion of Wilcox Farms Failed out of work. I went to work for NYK as a yard hostler a year later blowen out right shoulder After surgey a few months later I had a hart attack. 5 stints and being told not to work any more I stayed at home. A few weeks ago my wife started polking me about a TOW truck. Maybe We should start a bisness? Yesterday We Bought our First Truck !!!!
  • January 2, 2012 4:12 AM PST
    wow. What a story! I am exhausted just reading it. But, it sounds like you are a man with a purpose and that purpose is not couch-surfing. Best wishes with the Tow Truck business. Stay heart healthy and watch your back and shoulder and enjoy this chapter in your life!
    • Moderator
    • 16870 posts
    January 2, 2012 4:35 AM PST
    I'm glad to see you survived an interesting life. :-)
    While in my early teens my dad ran a tow truck second shift while working as a machinist on first.
    I was working at a different service station without a tow truck, the only time I got to see dad during the week was if he was towing one in or away for the place I was at.
  • January 2, 2012 4:35 AM PST
    What dawnt said...drugs or not you are a force to be respected...somehow I get the feeling your gonna do just fine with your tow truck...
    • 3006 posts
    January 2, 2012 4:45 AM PST
    Good post !
    Keeping clean sure feels a lot better than being out of it all the time,kudo's on staying clean & for taking care of business and sticking by your kids.
    The tow truck could be a great way to stay active & make a little change on the side wish you & yours lots of luck in your new venture !!
    • Moderator
    • 1516 posts
    January 2, 2012 7:35 AM PST
    Interesting life.. we all have our storied don't we. glad you shared yours and nice to "meet" you!!
    • 1855 posts
    January 2, 2012 8:58 AM PST
    Hey!!! My motto has always been "Only the living swim upstream". That's the way life is....keep on battling against the current. You've done remarkably well. Keep on brother.

    • 2 posts
    January 2, 2012 9:30 AM PST
    Makes me feel pretty lucky & pretty boring

    Towing? Know one family pretty successful @ it but willing to bet they have $500,000 to $1,000,000 worth of equipment sitting in their yard (yeh, they still run their business out of their house). - If I could put my hands on that much capital could think of more interesting things to do with it