New Years....

    • 395 posts
    December 28, 2011 5:54 AM PST
                     Hi every one...just wanted to take the time to say it has been a great year..i have been so blessed to find this website...met some really cool people here and now have some of the greatest friends that i would have never met if i hadn't stumbled onto here....I want to thank each and every one of you who have sent me messages and made comments on my pictures and posts..i enjoy reading them and love some of the conversations i have had the pleasure to be a part of.
                      I hope that every one goes into the new year with a positive attitude and the year 2012 is a prosperous and happy year for each and every one of you......please be safe this weekend...i don't want to start the year out losing a be careful. Remember if you can't be good at it....and if you do something stupid...make sure you have plenty of friends around to take pictures ........friends share drunk photos with friends,lol......Happy New Year!!!
    • 0 posts
    December 28, 2011 7:02 AM PST
    Gday Lola..Hope you have a bloody rippa New Year too..Cheers Boof
    • 395 posts
    December 28, 2011 7:11 AM PST
    BOOF wrote...
    Gday Lola..Hope you have a bloody rippa New Year too..Cheers Boof

    Gday to you Boof!!!!...Drink a beer for me!!!

    • 658 posts
    December 28, 2011 7:19 AM PST
    Thank you dear, I'm finally off this weekend and planning to kick off an Annual New Year's Eve ride with a few friends and my son, Startin out with breakfast and end up with dinner, a bonfire and Frosty Adult Beverages at my place. Supposed to be 65 here that day and 40 at night. We all will besafe, I ride like everyone is out to kill me.

    Happy New Year to you to my friend and may you be blessed many times through out this new year! 


     Back at ya!
    • 1780 posts
    December 28, 2011 8:40 AM PST
    Well Angel Eyes are going over to Dallas for a party at one of the big hotels, and spend the night there, so don't have to worry about driving under the influence.
    Everyone be safe out there
    • 9 posts
    December 28, 2011 10:31 AM PST
    No real plans, and that's just fine by me. I spent a lot of years unable to remember, just what I did on New Year's Eve. No intentions on re-visiting that kind of night. And while it ain't MY cup o' tea, anymore, I don't begrudge anyone else going out and rockin' in the New Year!!! Like Lola said, tho, BE SAFE.

    Ride to Live-LIVE to Ride...
    The Bikers Code
    just cause I love you guys: NO excuses, folks. Don't drink and drive- and don't ride with anybody who does.Tipsy Tow offered by AAA: You don't have to be a AAA member, from 6pm-6am on New Year's Eve/Day they will take your drunk self and your car /motorcycle, home for FREE. Save this number... 1-800-222-4357. Please re-post this if you don't mind to help save lives. Nationwide! ~RIDE FREE-Tweek
    • 658 posts
    December 28, 2011 12:46 PM PST
    Tweek, No worries here. Picked up too many pieces left behind while riding the rig. DDs or keys at the door. Thanks for caring!
    Take care and have a great New Year!

    • 567 posts
    December 28, 2011 1:17 PM PST
    Happy New Year to ALL of the CF riders.
  • December 28, 2011 2:07 PM PST
     . ...Chili and I are just gonna be hanging out at our hacienda....I thiink she invited the woman who lives across the street to come over and watch the ball drop...we plan on providing some bodacious munchies ....choice liquors......all we have to do is stumble uptairs when its over...and Im hoping our neighbor can make it back across the street..if not the Marilyn Monroe room is available...

    . . . .............. 
  • December 29, 2011 12:32 AM PST
    Happy New Year Everybody!!! I'm going to a Party at Friends house that we ride with. I don't drink so I'm always the designated driver. lucky me.........gotta deal with a bunch of drunks & then I have to work New Years Day!!! LOL
    • Moderator
    • 16870 posts
    December 29, 2011 1:22 AM PST
    Our circle of friends are going out for dinner, not much else.
    New years day my best friend, my nephew, and I are hopefully going to a gun show.
    • 395 posts
    December 29, 2011 1:27 AM PST
    Timbrwolf wrote...
     . ...Chili and I are just gonna be hanging out at our hacienda....I thiink she invited the woman who lives across the street to come over and watch the ball drop...we plan on providing some bodacious munchies ....choice liquors......all we have to do is stumble uptairs when its over...and Im hoping our neighbor can make it back across the street..if not the Marilyn Monroe room is available...

    . . . .............. 

    cool..i want to stay in the Marilyn Monroe room....i stumble upstairs pretty well.........

    • 5420 posts
    December 29, 2011 3:11 AM PST
    Gonna stay kind of low this New Years Eve.  Probably go to one of the local watering holes (keep the price of the cab ride home to a minimum).

    But we do certainly wish everyone a Fun and Safe New Years Celebration and a Very Happy 2012!!!

  • December 29, 2011 6:47 AM PST
    Timbrwolf wrote...
     . ...Chili and I are just gonna be hanging out at our hacienda....I thiink she invited the woman who lives across the street to come over and watch the ball drop...we plan on providing some bodacious munchies ....choice liquors......all we have to do is stumble uptairs when its over...and Im hoping our neighbor can make it back across the street..if not the Marilyn Monroe room is available...

    . . . .............. 

    cool..i want to stay in the Marilyn Monroe room....i stumble upstairs pretty well.........

     .....Its a cool room. ...her boy finally moved out and I fixed it up....I come from a dysfunctional family and hadnt seen my oldest brother in 13 years, until my mom his typical "style" ...he told me he was moving to Georgia and that what ever he couldnt fit in his "Mustang"...he was kicking to the curb...turns out he,s a big Marilyn Monroe freak...(who knew)....and he had all these huge wall portraits of her that were no way fitting in the back seat of his tiny I took em....then it turns out my middle brother has a healthy fetish for her also...(Ive always had a thing for brunettes myself)......and he gives me this..origional photograph ....framed...for Christmas one year....that he bought off of E Bay I suddenly found myself with all this MM memorabilia being the amatuer Hoarder I am...I stashed it all in Chili,s office....then when the boy moved out I was redoing his old room and  a light bulb went off and I thought...I know !. ....and voi la. ...The Marilyn Monroe Room was now when ever I see some MM stuff...I buy it for the room...although lately I been thinking on turning it into an old time movie star know...Bogart...Cagney....and other Starlets. ....

    . far as you stumbling up stairs for the night...I aint got a problem with it....not too sure Chili would dig it though.... 

    • 580 posts
    December 29, 2011 7:20 AM PST
    Will be having a quiet night at home babysitting the three year old grandson. Can't do with being packed in like sardines with no route to the bar other than under someone else's smelly armpits (or worse!!); music too loud to hear yourself think never mind talk; drinks and taxis twice the usual price - if you can ever get one of either; and not forgetting trying to cook the New Year's Day roast and Yorkshire Puds with a jack hammer going on in your head. OMG I realised I'm my mother lol!! Leaving that all to the young uns and will stay in, cook a nice meal, have a dram or two of the firewater then go outside at midnight to watch all the local fireworks go off.

    Timbrwolf your MM room would go rather nicely with my friend's Elvis room lol
    • 2 posts
    December 29, 2011 12:38 PM PST
    Going to put down a 6 pack of Pabst, grope Little Mother, then puke on her dress, followed up by going out in the driveway and backing the truck into the Mustang,
    All the fun of going out but way less expensive, no sulks at the breakfast table & no DUI
    • 2072 posts
    December 29, 2011 12:59 PM PST
    Some friends own a little biker friendly beer bar not to far from home. Nice thing is, there's a Corps of Engineer's campground right across the street from them (same campground we stay at during the summer water skiing season). So, we are gonna haul our travel trailer up there and spend the weekend. We can party all night and then just stagger or crawl across the street to our "Lake House" !!!!!! Lets see, 40.00 for two nights camping with electricity and water or 1500.00 PLUS for a DUI........ Yep, not a very difficult decision !!!!!!!
  • December 29, 2011 2:48 PM PST
    Spending two nights at the Hilton Resort to celebrate our 9th anniversary on New Year's Day!! Weather in PHX is ideal for riding!! HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone! Many blessings and safe riding!
    • 1780 posts
    December 29, 2011 10:30 PM PST
    99Savage wrote...
    Going to put down a 6 pack of Pabst, grope Little Mother, then puke on her dress, followed up by going out in the driveway and backing the truck into the Mustang,
    All the fun of going out but way less expensive, no sulks at the breakfast table & no DUI

    Savage that was funny as hell, and a hell of a visual
    Laughing Dragon