Whats your feeling????

  • December 27, 2011 3:02 AM PST
    For quite some time I ve kinda wondered about the WEB. Finding a few places that I am pretty regular on.
    So a few questions I ask to FEEL the waters.
    First off.
    1. How long have you been riding? Myself I am a returning rider. Been back for 10 years. Rode from the age of 16 till I was 20 When I had a bad wreck. Taken out by a 18 wheeler at 30 mph. NOT THE DRIVERS FAULT. I was a young buck at the time and really was a danger to myself and others. I got back on the bikes at age of 36. Been regular rider sence. (Now 47)

    2. Whats your feeling on rider rights? From the basics. Like search and seure. To helmet laws. On a personal note I beleve in the freedom of choice But with that choice comes a bit of responcabilty. I also live in washington state where we have no real freedom. To include the carry and conseal law. Under washington RCW you can not carry a wepon on a bike EVER!. Excption in the law is for law in forcement on duty.

    3. All the crazy Cagers. How do you feel about Cagers and the lose and easy way there treated after running down our fellow brothers and sister riders? I personaly feel that laws need to state that a cager invalved wreck that shows the CAGER was not paying attion should be proscuted to the fullest extent of the LAW.

    4. What do you ride? Myself I ve rode from 1 lungers to inline 4 cyclenders. I really dont care what you ride. I ve riden cheep china bikes My son owns the last on I rode. A Exite Montana 250cc 2006. I still own Hyosungs GV 250 250cc with over 25,000 miles on her. Has been a real good bike. At present I still own 1977 Honda CB 750 A Yes thats right the old Automatic. The Hyosung gv 250 2004. A 1983 Kawi 550 inline 4. A Yammie Maxum 550 1984. A 2006 Singer Newport 150cc scooter. And always looking for more rides.

    Anyways As Always Ride safe. Brother Psychedelic.....
    • 5420 posts
    December 27, 2011 5:08 AM PST
    Well first of all glad to hear you are back in the saddle and enjoying it!

    Some good questions you got there...

    1) I too took a long leave from riding, not because of an accident, but because the young family, kids and work were taking most of my time. I started ridding when I was 15, raced motorcycles from when I was 18 to 21, took a break when I was 25 and have been back into riding and loving it for 15 years or so.

    2) As for basic rights... bikers should be afforded all of the same rights as everyone else... period!!! For the helmet laws I strongly support freedom of choice for adult riders. I personally CHOOSE to wear a helmet whenever I ride, even in areas where not required.

    3) No brainer... If you hurt or kill someone while driving a motor vehicle there should be stiff penalty. Doesn't matter if the person you hurt is in another car, on a motorcycle, riding a bicycle, or walking. Driving is a privilege and all drivers need to take responsibility for there actions!

    4) I've ridden everything from 80cc dirt bikes to 1000cc racing machines. Now it's all about comfort and long distance riding for me. My current ride is a 2007 Road King.

  • December 27, 2011 5:15 AM PST
    Good post.
    1. Rode from 16 - 25 - took a break to raise kidlets. Started up again when they were on their own.
    2. I agree with Lucky. Everyone should have the right to choose. I always choose a helmet but I don't judge those who ride without.
    3. Distracted drivers are causing more accidents now than drunk drivers. Penalties should be as strict for distracted drivers as they are for drunk drivers. I am constantly amazed when I see people cruising in a 2000 lb vehicle at breakneck speeds and doing EVERYTHING BUT driving.
    4.Yamaha Enduro 360 basic transportation to and from work. Sold it when I had babies. Got back into it enough to buy another bike about 5 years ago. Had a Kawasaki 750. 3 years ago got a 2007 HD Super Glide Custom. Eyeballing a Road King if I could just win the lottery.
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    December 27, 2011 5:45 AM PST
    This old dog also had a break from riding, raising kids and my Air Force Career. Been back in the saddle since '89 with no end in site

    Let those who ride decide!
    As to distracted drivers and other hazards...




    My current (and I hope my last) steed is the somewhat famous 'Rex the Road Dog', 04 Rode (mispell intentional) King

    • 1780 posts
    December 27, 2011 6:39 AM PST
    Been in the saddle I guess about 40 years, like Lucky I'm pro choice, and don't want the Govt. telling me how to ride!!!!!!!
    Just be safe out there always
  • December 27, 2011 6:46 AM PST
    1. Yeah - a lot of us take a few years away, raising kids, etc.etc. I started riding again when my sons wanted to get bikes.
    2. I promised my wife when I started riding again to always wear a helmet. Good role model for the boys too, they wear helmets too. So do the grand-daughters when they are in the sidecar.
    3. I also have a school bus driver's license, haven't driven for about 10 years - still get random drug test notices. Think most other drivers should too. Whether driving school bus or motorcycle, you are driving everything on the road.
    4. Golly - way to many. Started on a Honda 50, went to a 305 Dream, my first 'big bike' was a KZ 650, a couple of KZ 1000s, right now my main ride is a Honda Shadow Spirit, a Kawasaki Spectre with the sidecar, and my good old reliable KZ 650. When I want to ride all out and have fun, it's still the Kaw 650. Fast, durable inline four that runs forever.
    • 1855 posts
    December 27, 2011 7:46 AM PST
    I agree with Lucky as well....freedom of choice does come with responsibility.
    I don't agree with the saying, "Killer a biker go to jail". I believe it should apply to anyone you kill if you're at fault.
    As for 'Bikers rights' in general....I don't like MC rights organizations putting us up on a pedestal above cagers and I don't like safetycrats singleing us out.
    I've toured on a lot of bikes. I've been riding since I was 15 with a break for a tour in Nam and a 6 year break after gaining custody of my boys. . I'm 63. My current ride is a new one.....2012 Switchback.
  • December 27, 2011 7:59 AM PST
    Funny thing over the years as rideing became the next greatest thing. I noticed that the "Real Brotherhood" kinda died. As Sport Bikes got faster and the larger percentage of riders where on sport bikes. But the cruser and standered riders pretty much kept the usal set of rules. Help if you can. Dont be afraid to talk about your bike. And help the squids. Over the years I gotten the best advise from the guys on the big twins. There always a few that seam to missed out on the hole deal. Mostly first year guys on a H.D. and over the years I dont think I ever talked with a BMW owner. Dont know what sticks up there butts. But I do kinda of find it pretty funny. My Hyosung has been the start of many a question.
  • December 27, 2011 8:01 AM PST
    Heres my old Hyosung GV250
  • December 27, 2011 8:05 AM PST
    Thgis is my son in law with the Old Excite Montana. (China Bike)
    Lowered and repainted.
  • December 27, 2011 11:54 AM PST
    1. Started riding at about ten or so, Honda 65 I think. Stopped to raise a family, but recently started again.
    2. Spent time in the military to protect this country and the rights we enjoy. Not too happy with where we are headed today.
    3.Driving is a privilege and the driver should be held responsible for their actions.
    4.I ride a BMW F650GS, about 650 miles a week work commute and day trips every few weekends. I miss my old panhead but wasn't sure how a HD would hold up on all the mileage. I figure if you are on two or three wheels it don't matter the make, we are all brothers and sisters.
    • 3006 posts
    December 27, 2011 2:19 PM PST
    Kool post
    Been riding my HondaVTX1300 for the last eleven years,before this bike a 97 750 Honda Shadow.Took a break from riding between 85-98 taking care of family.Before that I rode a assorted street & dirt bikes started riding when I was about 7-8 ? yrs old,bought my first dirt bike at 14.had to stash it at a friends house for months,till I softened up my mom,she flipped out anyway..!
    Met a lot of interesting characters who ride motorcycles over the years,people who ride with their dogs,people who do some crazy stunts,yet for all the craziness or out there behavior,you can almost always still count on some help,even tho the old school ways are somewhat gone,there still lingers bits n pieces of it here n there,the willingness to pull ovr n help a stranded rider,give a push or whatever it takes.It really dont matter what your riding or how long u been riding or how many patches/pins/tatts ya got,your a fellow rider in need & thats all that matters.
    If people who ride get together & decide to change the laws it can happen with the right agenda,its getting everyone to agree, thats the problem, with whatever the solution truly is.
    Never had a any problems BMW dudes,its those darn GoldWing guys think their hot shet!!! I wave at them merely to annoy em !!
  • December 27, 2011 2:58 PM PST
    hey there! excellent questions!
    1. My dad taught me to ride when I was in junior high. Since then, I always wanted a bike, specifically an H-D, of my own and made a promise I would "one of these days." It kept getting reinforced each time I watched the movie, EASY RIDER (minus the ending, haha). College, Marriage, kids, relocating, work, divorce, business, etc. kept the dream on a cloud. Met my wonderful husband and he encouraged me to ride again. He bought my first HD bike as a 'gift' to me on HIS birthday! Then I took the rider's course and it all came back to me! Never looked back!
    2. I always wear a helmet, so does my husband. Practicing what I preach in my business: prevention. But, I support an individual's freedom to wear one or not.
    3. It is a serious responsibility and a privilege to ride and drive. Riders and drivers should be held accountable for their decisions and actions when it comes to being on the road.
    4. My primary ride is my newest addition, a 2009 V-Rod. My first HD was a 2007 Dyna Low Rider, bought a 2006 1200 custom Sportster, and also a 2003 anniversary V-Rod. A girl can never have enough bikes! Yes, the guys tease me about them all the time but they are the most supportive and appreciate my passion for riding .....and I do keep up with them! Mostly, as the saying goes, it's the journey not the destination, that I anticipate and absolutely fulfills my need for adventures! It doesn't matter what anyone else rides as far as I'm concerned ~ riding a bike is joy at its best.
    • 611 posts
    December 28, 2011 5:57 PM PST
    Well Mr Psycho-delic, first let me welcome you back to this side of the world. The two wheeled one. I agree with most of what all the other fine riders have said.
    I have an exception to the fact that you state that you cannot carry a pistol on your motorcycle. I also live in Wa state, have for the last 22 years. Don't know where your info came from, but I have owned and carried a pistol the entire time I have lived here. Also have had a concealed carry license and always carry when I ride. I also have a secure area to lock it up when I go into places it is not allowed to carry a pistol into (bars). Here's some pertinent info. I have been stopped by State, Sheriff and local cops. I have never had a problem and my CPP is right next to my drivers license. I have been asked "Are you armed?" I have always replied "Yes sir (or mam'and I have never had a problem. Please read what I found online, and let me know why that has been in your mind.
    RCW 9.41.050
    Carrying firearms.

    (1)(a) Except in the person's place of abode or fixed place of business, a person shall not carry a pistol concealed on his or her person without a license to carry a concealed pistol.

    (b) Every licensee shall have his or her concealed pistol license in his or her immediate possession at all times that he or she is required by this section to have a concealed pistol license and shall display the same upon demand to any police officer or to any other person when and if required by law to do so. Any violation of this subsection (1)(b) shall be a class 1 civil infraction under chapter 7.80 RCW and shall be punished accordingly pursuant to chapter 7.80 RCW and the infraction rules for courts of limited jurisdiction.

    (2)(a) A person shall not carry or place a loaded pistol in any vehicle unless the person has a license to carry a concealed pistol and: (i) The pistol is on the licensee's person, (ii) the licensee is within the vehicle at all times that the pistol is there, or (iii) the licensee is away from the vehicle and the pistol is locked within the vehicle and concealed from view from outside the vehicle.

    (b) A violation of this subsection is a misdemeanor.

    (3)(a) A person at least eighteen years of age who is in possession of an unloaded pistol shall not leave the unloaded pistol in a vehicle unless the unloaded pistol is locked within the vehicle and concealed from view from outside the vehicle.

    (b) A violation of this subsection is a misdemeanor.

    (4) Nothing in this section permits the possession of firearms illegal to possess under state or federal law.
  • December 28, 2011 11:53 PM PST
    Psychedelic, here's my 2-cents.

    1- Riding less than 2 years. Turning 8000 miles this week, drive to work daily, and every chance I can get. I enjoy the excitment of the ride, and enjoy meeting all the different walks of life that come with those who ride.

    2- I believe we all live here because we like the idea of freedom, however with that comes responsibility. Take responsibilty for your actions...it's that simple. I enjoy riding with a helmet, I own three different styles, depends on the weather. I could care less if someone wants to ride with or without one. I live in NC so they are very cool when it comes to firearms. As long as others can see it then you can carry it, of course you can get a concealed permit if you feel you need to carry that way.

    3- Vehicle operation should be treated equally. No matter if your driving a Lawn Tractor on the public road, Motorcycle, Truck or Car. Goes back to taking responsibily for your actions.

    4- I picked up my 04' Kawasaki 800 from the HD dealer up the street. Hope to try riding the newer HD Custom 1200, in the future. Like the sound of the engine and it's pretty basic. I'm a simple man.
    • 567 posts
    December 29, 2011 1:20 AM PST
    1. I started riding when I was 15 .. some 50 years ago. But its all be off & on. My first "bike" was a Sear Allstate Cruisaire scooter that I rode to school and to my after school jobs. My next bike was a Yamaha 175 and after that there was a Honda 350, a Yamaha 500 Virago, a Suzuki 800 Boulevard and now a Kawasaki 1700 Nomad. There were breaks during all those bikes. A stint in the military, raising kids, finding decent jobs, divorce, etc. But I've been riding solid now for the past 8 years.
    2. Rights? Here in Florida, you can choose to wear a helmet or not. The only stipulation is you have to carry higher medical if you don't wear a helmet, which I'm okay with .. it makes sense. As far as carrying concealed, those laws are also pretty liberal here in Florida. So no complaints there either.
    3. Cagers? I think those on motorcycles should have rights equal to everyone else. But cagers need to understand the fact that motorcycles don't have fenders. I think its the impatient, lazy and/or non-thinking cagers who tend to put bikers in danger. It doesn't matter what you drive or ride .. keep your brain engaged when on the road. Drive/ride defensively and drive/ride aware ... AND drive/ride according to the RULES.
    4. My bike's full moniker is 2009 Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Nomad. Its a great bike.
    • Moderator
    • 16870 posts
    December 29, 2011 2:08 AM PST
    Q. How long have you been riding? Myself I am a returning rider. Been back for 10 years. Rode from the age of 16 till I was 20 When I had a bad wreck. Taken out by a 18 wheeler at 30 mph. NOT THE DRIVERS FAULT. I was a young buck at the time and really was a danger to myself and others. I got back on the bikes at age of 36. Been regular rider sence. (Now 47)

    A. Been riding off road since I could stand, bought my first Harley at 14, by 15 I had it up and running, illegally riding it on the streets for a year.
    38 years, except for a little down time here and there, during builds, wreaks, what have you,

    Q. Whats your feeling on rider rights? From the basics. Like search and seure. To helmet laws. On a personal note I beleve in the freedom of choice But with that choice comes a bit of responcabilty. I also live in washington state where we have no real freedom. To include the carry and conseal law. Under washington RCW you can not carry a wepon on a bike EVER!. Excption in the law is for law in forcement on duty.

    A. I'm a fighter and lobyist for Biker and Gun Owners rights.

    Q. All the crazy Cagers. How do you feel about Cagers and the lose and easy way there treated after running down our fellow brothers and sister riders? I personaly feel that laws need to state that a cager invalved wreck that shows the CAGER was not paying attion should be proscuted to the fullest extent of the LAW.

    A. I feel that anybody in a motor vehicle that causes a wreak with a motorcycle, after jail time and paying the cost of riders medical and or funeral
    should be made for a 2 year period to use a motorcycle as their only means of transportation.

    Q. What do you ride? Myself I ve rode from 1 lungers to inline 4 cyclenders. I really dont care what you ride. I ve riden cheep china bikes My son owns the last on I rode. A Exite Montana 250cc 2006. I still own Hyosungs GV 250 250cc with over 25,000 miles on her. Has been a real good bike. At present I still own 1977 Honda CB 750 A Yes thats right the old Automatic. The Hyosung gv 250 2004. A 1983 Kawi 550 inline 4. A Yammie Maxum 550 1984. A 2006 Singer Newport 150cc scooter. And always looking for more rides.

    A. I have only owned and rode Harley-Davidsons, my choice. Whatever anybody else does is their own business.
  • December 29, 2011 2:35 AM PST
    Edgewalker 54. Thank you for spending the time to write back. You are right. I rechecked my facts and found out I was miss informed. 2nd hand info can be wrong. I personaly dont carry on the bike. To many fun times with our local police inforcement. I gett enuff guff from them to began with. Sence I ve nearly never been ticked, I wonder just what the hub bub is all about. Recived from them 1 ticket. 35 in a 25. Been stoped at least 5 times in 12 years of living localy. Not horable bad still funny.
  • December 29, 2011 4:13 AM PST
    Been riding off and on for 39 years. Took a long break while playing soldier, but back in the saddle again...permanently.

    Rider's rights should not be any different from any other rights, we're losing enough of them as it is. I spent 22 years defending peoples rights. If you're a criminal, your rights should be limited, but a law-abiding U.S. Citizen should be entitled to all of the rights of the constitution....to include firearms. Helments should be a personal choice.

    Drivers of automobiles scare me....even when I'm driving an automobile! All driving laws should be enforced, but I have seen way too many LEO's violating the same laws they are suppose to be enforcing. The best thing to do is just treat everyone as a threat!

    First bike was a 1969 900cc Sportster (kick & electric start) Second bike: 1974 1000cc Sportster XLH (converted to an XLCH) now I ride a 1972 1000cc Sportster XLCH.....I sense a pattern here.....
  • Brl
    December 29, 2011 4:29 AM PST
    started on the street at 17. wrecked at 25. started back at 35. 52 now still at it. Think the laws should be the same for everyone 2 wheels or 4. know that most of the time the 4's win. I have had 72 suzki 250, 77 honda 754, 75 454, 81 gl 1100goldwing, 81 gs 850, on a 99 shadow now. who knows what is next?
    • 580 posts
    December 29, 2011 7:36 AM PST
    1. How long have you been riding? Started riding at 40 so been riding 13 years now - still consider myself a novice and still learning

    2. Whats your feeling on rider rights? Should be the same as everyone as the more the powers that be deem to regulate us the more marginalised we become. I have to wear a helmet legally though would always do so through my own choice for my safety and hopeful longevity. However, I am drawing the line on the recent European Directives that would force me to wear a flourescent high vis vest whenever I set out on my two wheels and preventing aftermarket modifications.

    3. All the crazy Cagers? I'm a cager myself as are many other riders and there's definitely crazy on both sides. Irrespective of two or four wheels if you do the crime you should do the time

    4. What do you ride? An 8 year old Suzuki GS500K1 called Ethel. (o:
    • 1161 posts
    December 29, 2011 1:52 PM PST
    1. I was riding off and on when I was younger 8-10. And finally got my lisence 2 years ago. And just got my first Street bike 2 weeks ago.

    2. I think the right to bear arms is for ALL Americans with out a felony conviction. As for the Helmet laws they can toss it out the damn window. It should be the riders choice not some damn stuffed shirt moron to make that choice illegal.

    3. I'm not happy about the texting morons or chatting on the damn phones. But I'm also not impressed buy some moron on a bike doing wheelies on a road in front of my cage.

    4. I ride a 1980 Honda CM400T. But I want to get a bigger bike been looking at H-D and Victory lines.
  • January 3, 2012 8:08 AM PST
    On the carry concealed issue? I am liscened in Oregon but I carry concealed at all times, cept in airports n fed buildings...I would rather be judged by 12 then carried by 6.
    • 0 posts
    January 3, 2012 8:31 AM PST
    Well mate this is ho9w it goes down this way...I got my first bike when I was Four years old..It was an old paratrooper fold up 50cc jigger..I graduated to bigger bikes and raced dirt bikes in both motocross and enduro until I was about 36..I've owned a bike all my life and cant clearly remember a time i didnt have at least one bike..I bought my first harley at 14,a chopped old WLA that had the 60's shitpot paintjob..I have always had at least one Harley in the shed but I have owned jappa's and a couple of Pom bikes..Well down here guns were outlawed so only outlaws have guns..I wasnt to happy when my pinko soft c#ck government made me into a criminal and I will not surrender my weapons without a bloody good fight..As for my rides now I got my old ironhead rat bike and a Buell xb12r firebolt but I spend most of my time ridding Marni's 08 Dyna coz she likes the Buell for the ease fo splitting lanes on her way to work in the city...When I see some wanker on the phone or texting in a car I generally gice them a little "tap" on the window to let them know its not the right thing to do..Im pro-active that way..LOL.....CHEERS BOOF
    • 1780 posts
    January 5, 2012 12:33 AM PST
    On the carry issue, I know most of you will be surprised but when I ride it depends on the Temp. if I carry or not. Now I know you are saying how do the two have anything to do with each other. If it is cold enought out to fully leather up I don't carry simply because I can't fit my 45 inside my leathers anywhere. If it's warm enought to wear a T-shirt and a vest I usually carry in a shoulder hoster. I feel weird when I don't carry, it's like forgeting to put on your socks or something. My weapon is just part of my outfit if you will.
    Be safe out there and always make sure you "Check 6"