Enjoying Retirement?!

    • 1855 posts
    December 21, 2011 9:12 AM PST
    I got laid off in April of '08 at 60 years of age.  Though I didn't plan on retireing until I was 62, thanks to perhaps the one thing I've done right, allowed me to (financially) get through.  I lost  my wife in '09 but she's still been there to guide me and help me regain control of my life.  And I'm certain she put Gypsy in my life; a blessing from someone who loved me dearly.  I struggled with it "being too soon".  But my daughter told me, "Mom wouldn't want you to be alone.  It's o.k. Dad.  There's no need to tear yourself apart.  Don't think about it.  Just listen to your heart".  Kids.  They surprise ya that's for sure.

    Anyway, retirement and Gypsy in my life has me wondering what I actually did to deserve such blessings.  I mean, I've done some pretty rotten things over the years. Uh.....don't look for a confession here.   Certainly someone else deserves it more than I.  I'm not a religious man though a spiritual connection flows between me and the world I live in, I think.  To me it's never been about God's blessings but I won't lie to ya'll;  there really aren't any aetheists in foxholes.  I've looked up towards heaven a few times. But.....again....I'm not a religious man.  I don't care much for the dogma (preaching) around it. 

     Here's the thing:

    It's all so ironic to me; struggling through Nam as a medic and making it home alive.   Working my ass off everyday for 40 years and actually reaching retirement and being able (healthy enough) to enjoy it and do all the things only week-ends would permit.   And who'da thunk it?  I've been actually rewarded for my struggles and looking back, they don't seem to have been that much a hardship at all.  Of course, I'm not sure I'd wanna do a lot of it all over again. 

    I suppose this time of year gives way to reflection, eh? Maybe I've grown soft.  Man!!!!  I can't let that get around.  I just wanna say that I'm feeling like the luckiest guy in the world and I don't plan on taking any of it for granted.  And I hope........I really do......hope that each and everyone of you here at CF will reach your destination and that it will be even more wonderful than you ever imagined.  And when you look back you'll see how strong you were and how it all wasn't so hard after all.

  • December 21, 2011 11:40 AM PST
    Jimmy I will 70 on Friday and still have a lot more to learn and a long way to go but after reading your piece i feel just like you and have a lot to be thankful for and dodged a few bullets in life myself. I take nothing for granted and still don't take any s--t from anyone .But a tear will come in my eye over anything sad on this site or in life itself. Great Post Bro.
  • December 21, 2011 2:18 PM PST
     . ....excellent post Jimmy.....the things you describe...the way you,ve lived your life.....you should be indeed proud. .....life and age...and not necessarily in that order ...are indeed a mystery. ....I myself was lucky enough to be able to retire at the age of 50....almost 7 short years ago....moved deep in the woods of Northern Michigan from the "burbs" of southern New Jersey...and am still chasing  dream(s) ... Ive had from my earliest years.......

    . ....I never really felt comfortable in my own skin...until I hit my 50,s.....and all of a sudden...things slowly began to make sense to me....the anger inside of me....the wildness and abandon of the young man I once was.....began to fade......and I too had those thoughts...am I going soft ?. ...a fate worse then death for a "jersey boy".....Lucky will tell ya. ...back in the 70,s when I was in jr high school....the dress code of the day was jeans and a well worn denim jacket.."Wrangler"....no imitations.....long hair....and you had to smoke Marlboros and have a Buck "folding hunter" knife on your belt. Back then your reputation was everything. Being the youngest, I missed the war by the skin of my teeth. Both my older brothers served...one drafted into the jungles of Nam...the other joined the Navy in an attempt to stay out of harms way....only to have his ship sustain the heaviest damage of any Navy ship during the war, when a Russian MIG blew a gun turret off the front of it. I was busy getting my education off the streets, I couldnt live fast enough. Hows that Foriegner song go ?. .....I,ll live all of my years...in a single minute..

    ...But in these last few years...the worm has definitely turned....way off in the fog shrouded distance...i sometimes get a glimpse of the...end game. 
    ..So Ive slowed down...way down....my bar daze are all but over....Ive found a very good woman....have a nice humble abode in a tiny town ...wayyyyyyy out in the deep woods of Northern Michigan....I explore my hobbies with a passion....cooking....photography....my writing.....exploring Mother Nature...and of course...being in the wind....a place I fell in love with from the age of 8...when my ol man came home with his very first bike and we took off exploring the back roads of southern new jersey....

    ...I believe in God...with all my heart....but I too turn my back to the "dogma" of organized religion...instead subscribing to the theory I once heard Bono from U2 expound......when asked if he went to church...he replied...no...that he couldnt afford the cover charge....and the God he believed in....wasnt short of cash. Just last week I had two fine young men come knocking at my door....they told me they were from the Mormon Church of Latter Day Saints....and although I didnt let them past my porch...we talked for a spell...and you know what....I almost had them converted...to my way of thinking.. <eg> . And I could see the wheels turning in their young impressionable minds...especially when I quoted Bono.

    ..In closing let me say that...My government is corrupt and I despise politicians....Im happy living in this tiny town in the middle of no where....for now..I ultimately want at least 10 acres...lake front if possible....with a huge pole barn where I can store and work on my stable of Iron steeds...that I plan to own one day. Yes...I am a dreamer....but Im not the only one. I am lucky enough to have a simple but comfortable home....a sleek black machine in the garage....an old black Chevy Blazer that is paid for....I cook and eat just about anything Im in the mood for....Ive been on multiple cross country adventures on my bike....and am in the process of planning my next one....and I have a great woman by my side who loves just about everything I do...and we can do and share almost anything together....except wall paper a room.

    ...In closing...let me re extend my invitation to you ....that any time you find yourself up this way....stop in and rest for a spell...we,ll provide you with drink to wash down the road dust...fire up the grille and fill your belly.....and share some lies...

    .....Merry Christmas my friend.. 
  • December 21, 2011 2:26 PM PST
    Good post brother. Just did the retirment thing myself. I will admit a bit earlyer than planed. 3 hart attacks. Kinda do that. I am only 47 years old so I am still getting my head around it. Did my time for uncle sam in the mean green machine. Saw a bit of the world. Glad to come home. Seen plenty of the states always missed the mountains back here. Father of 9 lucky enuff to have seen the next gen come in to the world. 13 grand kids. Not a bible thumper and me and god havent had worlds in years Every sence I cleaned up my act.
    • 9 posts
    December 21, 2011 8:19 PM PST
    If the worst thing in the world is that "you might've gone a lil' soft"...strictly from a woman's point of view...that's not a bad thing, Jimmy. God knows your heart, (the fact that you were a medic, says a lot), and the blessings you have received, are well deserved. Ya'll know, that I'm into God, & Jesus, and the Bible. That being said, I will tell you that I don't consider myself a "religious" person. What I am is a "spiritual" person. And while the pomp and circumstance of organized religion, and it's ritualistic ceremony CAN be beautiful, I much prefer the preaching of guys, like my pastors, who wear Hawaiian shirts and flip-flops. Whose church, is an abandoned Theater. And yet, who get inside my head, every single Sunday.
    Or the "Church of the Loud Pipes" held in a bar called the "Smokin' Beaver"...I KID YOU NOT!
    But they ARE there, every Sunday, to talk to guys like you, and to show them the alternative to "so-called" religion.

    But I digress, this isn't about me. My point is, your post is very honest, and open. Your gratitude, and thanksgiving are so very apparent. And THAT is why, you have the life that you do. God knows your heart.
    And he likes, what he see's.

    Ride Free
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    December 22, 2011 1:30 AM PST
    psychedelic wrote...
    Good post brother. Just did the retirment thing myself. I will admit a bit earlyer than planed. 3 hart attacks. Kinda do that. I am only 47 years old so I am still getting my head around it. Did my time for uncle sam in the mean green machine. Saw a bit of the world. Glad to come home. Seen plenty of the states always missed the mountains back here. Father of 9 lucky enuff to have seen the next gen come in to the world. 13 grand kids. Not a bible thumper and me and god havent had worlds in years Every sence I cleaned up my act.

    WOW 9 kids, 13 grandkids and only 47?? When did you have time to work??Jeeze!

    A salute to you and thanks for your service and sacrifice.

    And one for you too Jimmy, Welcome Home!

    • 567 posts
    December 22, 2011 1:40 AM PST
    This is the time of year when you SHOULD take stock of your life and count your blessings. And, its a good thing that you can see that there ARE blessings. You just have to realize them.
    I'm pretty much at the same point in life as the rest of you. I got laid off after 23 years with the same company and I struggled for 15 months before finding part time work. But, still, life has been good. I met a wonderful woman who has shown me that life & love can really fill your life. We'll be getting married next month. My sons, my extended family and all my friends couldn't be happier for us.
    Life is good.
    Merry Christmas to ALL my friends here at CF.
    • 2 posts
    December 22, 2011 8:28 AM PST
    Tried it.
    Waited till was a full 65 1/2 w/ good enough pension, SS & 401K

    Did well @ it for 1st 2 years - Got my buciket ride & searched out the forgotten places - Put a honk'in big addition on the house.

    Thought I did not owe anybody - Started paying in to SS age 12 - About 6 weeks was the longest away from paid labor since.

    But the politicans just kept spending - Nobody was addressing the soon to be train wreck of SS - I was loosing the discipline built up over 55 years - Went back to work.
    • 3 posts
    December 22, 2011 11:50 AM PST
    Wow it was great to read all your post from the Title "Enjoying Retirement" from you all! Many different views on life from Us Biker People! We all are still just human so I would like to say I too just retired, on my 62 BD this year and boy it's not like any thing I planned for my self or at least had hoped! I don't own a home except my (#2) Harley, & that isn't even what I really want to ride or own (still have a dream to own something bigger & cooler), it just happens to be what I could Afford.

    But I am not complaining when I never dreamt that I would ever even ride a Harley on my own let alone OWN ONE! I too would like to count my blessings even though I too have been down a rough road. Like not having a father since I was 18, and my mother being ill for way too many years. So I had to help raise all my little sisters & brother since I was the oldest & my mother did not drive.

    Along the way I will admit also tha I have made way too many mistakes but I think I learned from them by now! Like being married 3 times & one being a very abusive husband which I had to flee to Alaska to get away. But the lesson there was I got to see the most beautiful state to live in.... And I had a great job, owned my own home but lost it all when my youngest sons were stolen by their father. Took me a while to find them, went back to college to get a AA degree, moved to the big city in Portland, Oregon but along the way lost my two sons in death. One was 21 & killed in a Car Crash & 40 days later my youngest son at 19 committed Suicide. Boy did I have to have a lot of therapy along those paths.

    I worked for Xerox for 15 years while learning to take care of just me. I still have my oldest son who has given me 6 grandkids which they give me lots of love besides riding my Harley to make me feel like life is worth living. I had to retire to take care of disabled family members so I think I have come full circle so to speak!

    And I may have retired from Xerox & also got my well deserved SS but it's not much so I work part time while living with 4 family members. But I get away it's to ride ride ride to keep my sanity & now that is my therapy!

    So even though christmas time makes me cry from still missing my two youngest sons who have been gone now since 1998, I do count my blessings! Here I am alive & have my health ( take no pills not for even my old age aches & pains ), I have many a sisterhood lady friends for I belong to a all woman's riding group for 7 years now & been riding for 8 and plan on riding till the day I go to Heaven. In fact if I could ride thru those pearly gates I SURELY WOULD! So thanks, this feels good to share & count my blessings.

  • December 22, 2011 12:10 PM PST
    Enjoy the Ride HD Gets better every day