conversation over heard

  • December 4, 2011 11:02 PM PST
     ...Chili and I were in WallMart yesterday doing some grocery shopping....we were just about done checking out when I realized we had forgotten to get some creamed corn for my cornbread Im making with dinner I shot back to the canned veggies while she took the cart out to the truck...I was in a hurry and moving I rounded the corner an old couple were standing there with their cart...they appeared to be in their late seventies and he had a pair of those huge super dark sunglasses on that old folks wear over their regular glasses...the old gent had a can of something in in his hand as I maneuvered around them I heard him say.......well...lets get one can....and if it kills you....thats just the way it is.  ....I stopped about ten feet further down the isle in my quest for creamed corn...of course..I had to glance back at her reaction to this statement....she was just leaning on the cart...staring out into space....

    . . .. . .....looking forward to my senior years.. 
  • December 5, 2011 12:36 AM PST
    My husband has a funny nickname for those glasses.  He calls them "Vulcan's".  LOL!!!  
    • 1855 posts
    December 5, 2011 12:50 AM PST
    Well now. I have fun with being a "senior" (63). At the store I hunch over and do a bit of a slow shuffle walk behind the OL all the time speaking in a loud whispering gravelly voice, "Aw come on, just one more time. Let me touch it. Please, let me touch it". The looks we get are hilarious. And then my OL says, "Behave yourself or I'm taking you back to the home."

    Oh, and here's a cool thing to do that drives people crazy. Go to McDonalds on a Saturday when there are a lot of kids there. Get a cold drink and then sit down near some kids. Take your straw and move it up and down through the lid so it squeaks. Kids being kids; the whole place is squeaking within a matter of minutes and Mom's are all in a fit. It's a good way to spot cool parents as opposed to those who are stick in the muds.


    • 9 posts
    December 5, 2011 2:10 AM PST
    "If it kills you .... that's just the way it is." I know someone MUCH younger, who has the same philosophy. Of course, when his child bride gets bored with HIM.....SHE will put HIM out to pasture. Or in a home.
    Buahaaahaaaaahaaaaa!!! Who says karma ain't a good thing.

    Ride Free
  • December 5, 2011 12:56 PM PST
    I like to drool and whine, saying I won't do it anymore. Drives mama nuts! Definitely some reactions from that one. LOL
  • December 5, 2011 1:29 PM PST
    Ya wanna live a long time, .......................You gottta get 'old' ~