We got in 9 new patches this week. All of them your requests including are some tattered flags and Military Division patches. Hope you enjoy them. They are all available for purchase while stocks last. If we do sell out of any of them we'll of course make some more, you can sign up to receive an email once they are back in stock. View our full selection of Biker Patches.

P5123 (3x3 inch)
10th Mountain Division Patch
Climb to Glory

P5122 (3x3 inch)
173rd Airborne Brigade Patch
Sky Soldiers

P5124 (3x3 inch)
196th Infantry Brigade Patch

P5125 (3x3 inch)
197th Infantry Brigade Patch

PL5110 (10x8.5 inch)
Dia De Los Muertos Santa
Muerte Sugar Skull Large
Back Patch

P5127 (3x2 inch)
Tattered Christian Flag

P5115 (3.5x2 inch)
Tattered US Flag Patch Black
Red Blue

P5114 (3.5x2 inch)
Tattered US Flag Patch Red
Gray Blue

P5116 (3.5x2 inch)
Tattered US Flag Patch Red
White Blue
New Military and Veteran Biker Patches