Well spring is finally here and we are seeing more and more bikes on the road every day. We hope that all of our Cyclefish members are finally getting some nice weather and are able to get out and ride! And if you are looking for somewhere to ride, remember to check out our
Event Calendar. We now have more rides, runs and rallies than we have ever had before, and Laura (HDBeech) is working hard adding even more events every day. Don't forget to put any events that you or your group is having in our calendar as soon as possible so that our users and visitors have plenty of time to plan on attending.
And speaking of events, the
Redwood Run is coming and we will be having our
Annual CycleFish Redwood Meet & Greet. I know for many of you who aren't out here on the west coast, that you won't be able to make it...but if you are in riding distance we would really like to see you there. We will also be at the
Laughlin River Run, but can only stay for the first two days. We'll be getting in on Wednesday and we are planning a group ride on Thursday. There will be more info posted in the comments section of the event listing next week.
For those that are just a little far to make it to these west coast Meet & Greets, we would like to suggest that you start a Meet & Greet in your area to get to know your friends from here on CycleFish. It doesn't have to be at a rally, or even a big planned out thing, just get together for a ride and maybe a bite to eat and some cold drinks. If you want to put together a Meet & Greet in your area...visit the
CycleFish Meet & Greet forum to get started!
Congratulations to Our April Bike of the Month Winners
April Stock Bike of the Month:
TEOTWAWKI's 2011 Royal Enfield Bullet
April Modified Bike of the Month:
Mav's 1997 Road King

The current May Bike of the Month contest is being sponsored by our friends at Favorite Jewel. Favorite Jewel has some really cool and very affordable biker jewelry and eye wear for both men and women.
Featured CycleFish Businesses
JLH-Oils – Specializing in Amsoil Synthetic Lubricant for Your Motorcycle
Route 22 Cycles – Tri-State Motorcycle Sales & Service Center in Brewster, NY
Wrapter - Unique Ponytail / Braid Wraps for Bikers with Long Hair
Remember that these businesses along with those you see advertising with banner ads throughout the site are the ones who support the CycleFish site keeping it free to our users. Please take the time to visit their profiles and their businesses to show your appreciation for their support.
We also have a number of events supporting our site via paid advertisements and featured listings for their events. Be sure to look for them in the calendar with the highlighted listings. If you are the promoter of an event and would like to upgrade to a Featured Listing or add a Banner for your event, contact Lucky
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As always, we want to thank each and every one of you for being a part of the CycleFish community. Remember, this is your website, not ours (we just maintain it for you). Those who are active in the CycleFish community, sharing photos, adding content, and making friends, have already realized the benefits of being a part of a community sharing the same interest...motorcycles and riding. So if you haven't stopped by in a while, be sure to browse around and see what's new. And don't forget to tell everyone you know about CycleFish, so that our community can continue to grow.

Lucky & Laura
Your CycleFish Ride Leaders