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RexTheRoadDog Our apologies for a rare occurrence, one spammer got through and sent some phishing  Private Messages (PM). We were notified and the idiot user has been deleted. If you see any of this kind of phishing or spam contact any admin -and- Never click on any links or go to any URLs that show up in such PMs. 
May 29, 2017

VTXREX Come and see us at the 2024 BMW MOA Rally in Redmond OR. on June 13th through 15th. Booth # 5L523 Book your 2024/25, NZ summer season tour at the rally for a 10% discount but know that bikes / tour spots go quickly.
Feb 13

wman5757 Living life ­as it comes.­When it make­s a fork in ­the road I p­onder and pi­ck a path.
April 25, 2015

writchotte1969 Enjoy some videos from friends of a couple of great 1960 and early 70's retro. Thank you, Sonny, for access to his video clips and others who share the same love of the freedom of the road. His movies are as part of America as apple pie and cheeseburgers.
Jan 21